February 4, 1977

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the great Sword stands ready to strike. The Fifth Angel walks upon your land.

That that should plague the eastern part of your country has not yet finished. The atmospheric changes shall now come rapidly. We have told you before of the famine, and to prepare a way for these things. Your nation shall stand in the end. But famines and pestilence is upon you.

We have told you before of the safe lands. And for those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, a way shall be provided for all. We will see to your needs -- not your wants, but your needs.

Now you must come together as one. Let all groups come together as one. Let all religions come together as one. Let all races come together as one. In this the land shall survive and prosper in the end. The earth shall change its form, as we have told you before. But man’s knowledge must come in such a manner that you should share unto all.

There shall be many who shall take advantage of this crisis, of this famine. For those we should say, woe unto thee.

Yet for those who should find brotherhood and a deeper understanding of each other, they shall find a deeper understanding of God, our Father. It is hard in your minds to understand, as the darkest days loom before you, that brotherhood can be born from the worst of things. Yet there is more to come. That that should come from the south shall swarm upon you like locusts. If you meet these crises with fear or panic you shall perish, and your land shall perish. If you meet these things in love and brotherhood, your land shall come forth and blossom.

            You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, when you say that that shall come from the south as locusts, are you talking about people attacking from the south, or are you talking about people seeking refuge from the south?”

You shall find those, not only from Mexico, but from South America -- all shall seek refuge. War is but a step away. They shall seek refuge, but some should come forth to bring their war into your own land. There is still time that a joining of hands, from the north in Canada, and from the south of Mexico and your South American countries.

We shall say unto you, that of Cuba should take advantage. They shall enter Panama as they already have. They shall enter Mexico, as they already have. But arms shall come forth.

Do not become an armed camp. Though diplomatic relations, and a true republic that could emerge throughout the North and South American continents, a joining of hands that should become one mighty arm.

If the people voice their opinions to the government, these things can still be stilled.

There are those who seek profit and a gain at the expense of their own countrymen. Within your own land, those of the east should soon swarm upon this land. Factories shall close. If the energy needs, which you already have the means for, are not brought forth, worse crises yet shall instill themselves -- worse shortages, higher prices. These things, if a joining of hands were put together, would not be necessary.

            You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [9-358-1].”

Yes we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we should find the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.

We find this one, in the first entry, in your land of Yahweh. She came as the first child unto the head of the council of the planetary system of Yahweh. And there was great rejoicing throughout the land. And the parents did dowen upon her many gifts. And friends did give dowen upon her many gifts.

And yet, as the wars were about to begin, and as the wars did come forth year after year, she grew into young womanhood. And as plans were made to leave these planets and the ships were made ready, she was chosen to go on the long voyage, [with] this land you call Earth. And she did travel with her father. And the time did come when war came upon this land.

Many times she had thought of marriage; yet within her work she wanted a person who could be as her father, yet she found none. And as the decision was made that some ships should go forth unto other lands, her father did call her to him, and he did say unto her, “I must send you from this land, that you may bear seed upon other lands.”

      This she could not believe -- to be separated. Yet, her father insisted. She left the land to venture forth unto the planet, [Quadren], there to live out her life. She did marry and bring forth children. Yet the link with her father, the mind link, was to remain. And even though she had been told that her father had chosen to stay that the others might go and live, and seed, her heart could never forgive.

And she waited reentry. And she did come into the land of Atlantis, and then did venture forth once again into the land of Egyptan, and there she did study under the great priest, Ra-Tai. And once again she was taken into the land of the Eagle. The Eagle received her as his own. And then, once again as war was to come, he sent her forth and said, “Plant your seed.”

      Again she felt that she was being sent away because of a lack of love. Yet she went forth to bear children once again. But in her heart she vowed to bear no more children.

And then again, in the entry, as that of Jesus of Nazara did walk the land, she had walked with one known as John the Baptist. And once again, the knowledge and the feelings of the love of a father and a daughter came into fullness.

But John sent her forth and said, “Go and follow that of Jesus.”

            And she said, “Nay, for you are the true Messiah.”

            And he said, “Nay, for I am but here to prepare a way. Go now, for my head should soon fall, and this I do not want you to see. For I have sent you from me many times in the worst of tasks, yet that you should see the better side of the times. I send you not from me because I do not love you; I send you from me that you may grow and learn from the Master.”

            And she said unto him, “How can this be so, when you are the Master?”

            And he said unto her, “For, from the old times I have known you, and you were my daughter. The day will come when I should not have to send you. And you shall know that you are my daughter. The Lord has promised this. Yet, when that time comes, doubt shall come into your mind, and the decision then will be yours to stay or go. Yet the love I have, and have had throughout all these centuries, I shall have for you then, and you shall know of me, and I shall know of you.” And so, you did depart.

            And when you heard the story of beheading, your heart was heavy. And you went in to the Master, of Jesus of Nazara, and did say, “Why cannot my father and I be together? Why should we be tormented?”

And Jesus did lay his hand upon your cheek and say, “The time shall come when I should leave you. But I leave you not because I do not love you; I leave you because I love you. And John did leave you because he loved you. And we both shall return unto you in a different time. Yet, when that time comes you shall know us not. It will only be then, when you can find us in your heart, when you can find within yourself the ability to say, ‘I love you,’ and feel it throughout your being.”

Because of the heavy work and burden of responsibility placed upon you in your other lifetimes, you have been afraid to face them in this lifetime.

There is much more we could elaborate on. There are many other lifetimes. We have brought forth unto you those that are most important. Within you possess this, the abilities your father had in the land of Yahweh, for he did train you then.

Your sister of this lifetime was a sister of before. And your brother, but you know this.

From these things we have said unto you, you will bring forth much memory. Make them separate, and then [yours] in truth can come down.

But we say unto you that spring shall come and many pathways shall be open unto you. The decisions that you make you must make them. We are not allowed to interfere.

You have many loyalties. You and you alone must make these decisions of where to place them best, and where to place the love that you hold bound up within your heart. You are afraid this time to reach out for that love. You are afraid that once again it shall be taken from you. This time, the only one that can take this love from is yourself. And the only one that can build upon it and let it blossom is yourself. That of the psychic knowledge has come unto your being. As he who should come did promise unto you that your father would be returned unto you, so the promise has been kept. But love is the answer, if it is not misguided. The choice is yours. Knowledge lays at your feet. It is your choice how to use it.

            This is all on this subject at this time. When a full understanding should blossom and more knowledge should be asked for, it should come.

            The flight of the Eagle has come with many heartaches, through many centuries of your time, not without purpose. For now, as it was then, it must reach and touch the multitudes. If you can learn that even though the sharing of love takes nothing from the love that was promised unto you, place your cup before you, and we shall fill it.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, how best can our group store books to protect our knowledge, and is there a preference as to types of subject material?”

We have told you before the knowledge of mineralogy, science, of all natures, should be stored. Not only of books, but knowledge of the mind, of knowing and doing, is important. Knowledge stored in the mind is of great value. Knowledge stored in book form is of great value. In the completion of your new storehouse, you shall have vast storage areas where you can store more than you ever stored before. Divide it into sections, and store.

But do not store the knowledge so that your people cannot reach it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-274-2] asks, ‘Aka, why did man create death after the Sons of God came?’”

Man did create death that they may overcome their own mistakes, that they could learn and achieve a greater knowledge, that the new heaven and the new earth could come forth, and man could stand in the image of God.

All things that you do are not karmic. All things that happen to you are not karmic. To make a mistake and correct it is one thing. To make a mistake and blame it upon another is to build karma. Man is sometimes like the dog chasing his own tail. When he catches his tail, he does not always know that he is the one who is biting it.

You must realize that man did destroy the Sons of God. But they cannot destroy the seeds implanted upon the Earth, and upon the galaxies, and earths beyond earths.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And soul Ray grows weary. We shall say and leave you with these words. Different conditions have caused the atmospheric change. Look to the sun and you shall see a change in it also. When it returns back to its normal function, so should the Earth’s atmosphere have cleaned itself.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona