February 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto thee the parable -- that two men moved into the same valley.

One put only the fences up to house his livestock, and to protect his fields. But he left the open grazing land for the use of both. Yet the water, and the stream that flowed through the valley was on his land. He always let his neighbor use of the water. And then came a dry time, a drought upon the earth. And no rain did fall, and no snow did fall in the mountains. And each day, less and less water came through the creek, until one day, none at all came. And as usual, he went on sharing what he had.

      But one day he started to move his cattle toward the small, little lake that was left. And his neighbor was there and he did bear arms. And he did drive his neighbor from the water.

      The neighbor’s brother said, “Why should he do of this? You have always shared. Is it not his water, it is yours.”

And he said, “Nay, the water was given by the Lord. No one can own it. It can be shared.”

The next day they did bring the cattle back. And once again they were to turn the cattle away. This time he brought his herd forward, and they did reach the water.

And the other neighbor did come forth to bear arms. And he said unto him, “I shall kill you and all of yours, and all of your cattle, for there is not enough for us to share.

And this man said unto him, “If you should kill me, you cannot harm me. But I say unto you, if war is that which you seek, then war is what you shall receive.And he did drive away from his water those who would encroach upon his land. And he did bring fences across the land. But yet he built gates in them.

And then, as was his daily routine, he went unto top of the mountain, there in solitude. He felt regret that he had driven anyone from the water. But he knew within his heart that the time had come that he must stand firm. But he had decided he must pray upon it.

And as he prayed, before him appeared three half-loaves of bread. And a stranger did appear before him. And he said, “Eat of this.”

And he picked up the first loaf, and it was sweet with honey. And he did pick up the second loaf, and it was sour. And he did pick up the third loaf, and it was tasteless.

And he looked unto the stranger and said, “Why should this be so? What have I to learn, and how is my prayer’s being answered by these loaves of bread, and half-loaves of bread at that?”

And the stranger said, “Unto the first loaf is abundance. Unto the second loaf was sour to the taste, but yet it was still filling. Unto the third loaf you received nothing. These should be the same as the people you should meet upon the earth, and the neighbors you should have. But whether you have sweet loaf, a sour loaf, or a loaf that tastes as nothing, be willing to share at least half.”

The man thought upon this. And so, he went into the valley, and he did open the gate.

And the man who had driven him away from the water did come unto the gate and say, “Now you should let me in, when I have lost half my herd?”

      And the man said unto him, “Half of your herd is better than none at all. This I have learned. But I have learned even something greater, for you are like the sour bread, and your other half of cattle have no taste at all. For only they, the dead ones, know the sweet taste that can come from fresh water.”

Once again you shall say we have spoken in riddles. And we say unto you, nay. There shall be many times in your life when the sweeter things shall bring and hold the greatest memories. The mind was designed to forget the painful things, leste you would ponder upon them continually. The mind was also designed to store all substance, that you could remember sour bread that you had tasted, and could tell the difference. The mind was also designed to store all things from beginning to ending, from all lifetimes, from all things you have ever been into this lifetime. Some parts of that will have no meaning for the here and now.

            Prayer and meditation has two things in common. In one you are talking to God; in the other is a time for listening. Sometimes in that time of listening or in talking, we throw out the sour bread. And quite often in your time of prayer, the only time you pray is when you have tasted the sour bread. When you eat of the good bread, then you forget all those other things.

            Let the mind be a whole. Bring it together. And through your prayer, you may change that that lies before you. Whether it be drought or famine, speak to God as you would speak unto yourself, and He shall hear.

            As you should ask for something, make certain that what you ask is what you really want, and what you need, for the answering of a prayer is a very precise and measured. For a measure of wheat shall bring a measure of barley, in such a manner. [See The Revelation 6:5-6.]

Take into yourself in these times that lay ahead a time for laughter. Do not be afraid to laugh at your own folly. If you fall down, there shall be those who are there to help you stand. It is not a sin to laugh at falling down. It is no sin to fall down, as long as you should rise again. The Lord shall be there to help you rise. And those from both sides shall be there that you asked the Lord for.

      A drought is a time for learning, for you return back to the simpler things of life. It is a time for losing things, only sometime to have the better things restored. Or it can be a time that men shall turn against their neighbors.

      Or it can be time such as these two herdsmen. Had the two worked together in the time of drought and built a small dam, the lake would have been larger, and there would have been plenty of water for all during their drought. But neither, even though they shared, he put no thought behind his sharing. He did not defend himself until there was such a thing as having to defend himself. Yet he would have not had to defend himself at all had he taken the measures, and the two neighbors worked together, to store what they already had. Who should be blamed? The neighbor who tried to run the other away by force? Or the neighbor who defended himself, and then did open the gate after half the herd had died away, and half of his own herd had died away? None would have happened had the two joined hands.

You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. God has laid no rules down for His worship. This man has done. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the other’s faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all.  

Remember, through your prayer, through your meditation, the face of the earth could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And through unity, a man linking his hand with another, then all could stand.

There is but one God, and that is all that should matter. How another chooses to worship Him should not matter, but linking the hands.

Choose your own direction in your own way to worship. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way.

It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. The one thing is, and has been, man’s own selfishness to say that, “Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord.” If a river came through your land, the way you’d drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread.

But if you took the sweet bread, and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [9-359-1].”

            Incorrect data.


One moment.

Yes, we see that that is asked for. But we say unto you, resubmit this question at your next reading. But have the subject who would submit it sign the certificate and ask the question, and let it come, therefore, from the heart and we shall give of the same.

You have other questions.

“Thank you…”

We would suggest that no life readings be given at this time. At your next time, submit life readings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. [ 9-360-1] asks for assistance for her son, [9-360-2]. She asks, ‘I wonder if Aka can help my son with the problem he has had with his breathing? If it is allergies, please specify, so that we can try to control it. I am asking this for my son who is age three years.’”

Yes, we see thy need. That that you ask for shall be given. Bring the child back unto soul Ray. The knowledge that is needed we will implant there. And the cure shall come, and the healing shall come, as you have asked.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. I have a request from [4-360-3]. She asks, ‘I have lived in San Diego for seven years. Should I move? And if so, where should I go? I have been in the same job for six years. Should I change? And if so, what area should I venture into? Thank you.’”

      At the present time is not the time to make the change. Within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the valley of the Salton Sea. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. Many shall become quite hysterical and flee this land all around you. Now is not the time. Wait. As the earth should break away at a later time, safe land shall be made available in the land of California, and they shall be known as the isles of California. We shall direct those to these places before this happens.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for [6-290-5]. She asks, ‘What was my exact hour of birth?’”

            8:22 a.m.

            You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [9-360-4] asks, ‘I want to know if my husband has a heart problem and is for his reason for drinking so much.’”

This we cannot answer. We cannot interfere with the free will of another soul.

            You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [9-360-5…in Young, Arizona] asks, ‘Will my husband and I make a go of our business and ever get our loans caught up? Will we get all four businesses?’”

Learn from the parable given in the first of the reading. It is better to have one of something than none of nothing. Concentrate on one thing at a time. Put a foundation beneath it, and it shall develop and you shall prosper.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes Aka. Thank you. [9-360-6…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘How can I overcome my almost obsessive fear of interacting with people and lack of self confidence? Can I get rid of these hang-ups once and for all, and be free to love my life to the fullest and be productive?’”

Yes, we say unto you, go on into the biotherapy. These things shall come one step at a time. The love of life can be only enjoyed in its fullest by knowing that one day on this earth you can learn more than you can in a hundred years on the other side because you experience life. There you observe life.

Yet death is nothing to fear. It is that which man chose, and of his own free choice. It was only through death and rebirth could he grow back to his Father’s mansions.

Those things that you ask for are already at your fingertips.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Recently the statement was made on television that the samples of life that they brought back from Mars don’t show any dead microorganisms, and they’re wondering if there is death on Mars or what the explanation of this is. Can you tell me?”

      Yes, we shall explain it in this manner. Because of the chemical structure of the atmospheric substance, that that, as you would know it, as death does occur, but in such a manner that life assumes death. In other words, in this manner -- should that of life cease, then matter is turned back into matter again in a different form. Here, matter must decay. There, it need not decay to return back into life. The cycle is much faster.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9-360-7…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. He asks, ‘What type of work should I be doing in order to fulfill my mission in this time and place?’”

      We say unto you, there are many studies upon the earth. As a river should flow, it should have many beginnings, but one ending. It should either flow out upon the lands in many places, or it should flow to the sea and complete its cycle, and there­fore, flow unto the many lands. It should begin as a brook in many places.

            But the home of the brook lies in the sea. The vastness of the sea is like the vastness of the Lord. Prepare, therefore, unto the coming of the Messiah, and fulfillment shall come in abundance. But we also say unto you, prepare, therefore, to become a good tradesman, and your life shall come into fulfillment. But you shall become neither unless you shall stay at one thing long enough to see the fulfillment.

            Now we should say unto you, soul Ray should grow weary.

And we say unto you, we shall say of this thing you call death. And for those who should pass at this time, it shall not be many years that should come forth until the coming of the Messiah. There shall [be] many who should pass at a youthful age, that they should re-enter, even in the tryingest times, that they may walk with he who we have come to prepare the way for.

Glory be the name of the Lord. And glory be the name of those who have chosen to walk with him.

            And you say unto us, “How is death free choice?”

            It is of such. For even within it is a form of healing.

We say unto you, look at us. We speak unto you through one instrument, yet we are many. Some of us have walked upon this earth of yours many [arcans] ago. Yet some of us have walked across land and earths and planets where your seed lays, those of your kind. They have changed and adapted themselves to their own planetary substance. But we walk through all of these things. The vastness of the Lord is unlimited. We have but one God. He is the God of the living, not of the dead, so there is no death for those who should worship Him. For did He not promise unto you an everlasting life?

Many times there are those among us who have experienced what you call death.

            The taste of life is sweet. The breathing of the air that we experience as we come through this instrument is wondrous -- the feeling and the touch -- all of these things. But for us is yet of a greater mission. For we walk as close to God as a tear from His eye, yet we walk as close to you as the beat of your heart. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona