July 8, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And if you should honor unto the Lord, honor one another. For we should say unto thee, the greatest gift you could give the Lord is each of you within your religious knowledge and faith, and your love for God, showing it to one another. Give not damnation unto another’s belief.

The spirit of God flows upon the earth into all things and into all of His children. Is it not said that not the smallest things shall fall from this earth without the permission of our Father and His knowledge? God did not bring death upon your earth and unto His children.

What Father who loves His children would cripple him? What Father which loves His children would place any sickness or plague upon your earth? Nay. He gave it to you in a pure form. Man has chosen death to seek that purity. And so it is unto all things created by the Father, resurrection shall come forth.

And so it is with the earth. As summer should turn into autumn, and autumn into winter, and winter into spring -- a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to grow, a time to work, a time to love, a time to give your worship and your thanks unto your God, in your many tongues, in your many ways. My Father and yours has many mansions. Great they are to behold.

Would you deny another to enter the mansion he has chosen? Would you deny another in his search, in his own way, for the search of truth?

And what is truth? We say unto you, truth is that unto which you, within yourself, can have the hope, the love, the faith, to know that what you have done this day you have not harmed your brother, you have not harmed yourself, and you have not harmed your God.

Each of you should come to the well to drink. Some may bring a cup, another a plate, another a pan, a dish, made from every particle and material known within and without your knowledge. Yet you drink from the same well. Does the water taste any different? Nay.

But if you pollute the well, then you have also polluted it, not only for yourself, but for others.

And you say unto us, “How could we pollute the well?”

We say unto you, in your Ten Commandments it is said, “Thy shall not say of thy Lord’s name in vain.” You have long taken this to mean that you shall not curse and use the words, the Lord’s name. It means more than this. Its meaning is, if a man should build an altar of stone and worship there unto his Lord, unto his God, and you damn him, then you have damned the Lord and used His name in vain. If you should say, “Lord, bring down vengeance upon this man,” you have used His name in vain.

There are those who would say, “Who are these who speak unto us now? Are they spirits? Are they from heaven? Are they from hell?”

We came unto you seven years ago. And now it is the seventh month, of that seventh year -- in the year, as you would count, of 1977. Much should be learned from these numerals. But more important, what we and the message we have [tried] to bring unto you.

You have gathered vast knowledges from the readings, both in the scientific, spiritual, and in your everyday lives. We have said in the beginning, “Ask and you shall receive.” We say again, ask and you shall receive.

Take this reading we have given you this day, this time, and lay a foundation with it. Take the knowledge and place it in your day-to-day lives, and you will have a new heaven and a new earth, and you will have the beginning of your thousand years of peace.

But we say unto you, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Place in your hearts that love that we have brought to you. But we did not bring it; our Father, who sent us, always loved you, for you are His children.

You have questions ask.

“Aka, in the last reading you mentioned the dream of Paul, and mentioned four angels that he dreamed of. We cannot find this. Can you explain further?”

(Chuckle) Both Peter and Paul had dreams simultaneously. Even though the one known as Jesus of Nazara had taught them to love one another, I’m afraid there was not much love for the two. It was our hope that even within the dreams that were given to them at the same time that peace could be brought between them. And so for another time did they wait. Yet they still wait.

The answer we have given you seems as a puzzle. If you will think upon it, you will know it is not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. Could you please explain further the issues that brought about the internal conflict on Yahweh?”

Look upon your earth this day. It is only history repeating itself. The only difference between Yahweh and your earth, you have yet to have the technical knowledge that they possessed. They destroyed not only a planet, but their galaxy around it.

You are the descendants of Yahweh. And Yahweh was the Eden of the universe, the seed. And from Yahweh did the seeds go forth.

The time shall come, not far from now, when you shall see the seed from other planetary systems reaching forth to link hands with you, for they have learned from their own mistakes since Yahweh.

Since Yahweh your people have reached many golden ages, have built great cities, only to destroy them. It is like the dog that chases his tail. Which shall man have on this earth -- to die within a polluted land and perish for nevermore? Nay. Your man is like the cockroach; he spreads his seed of filth and lives on. And he promises, “Oh, Lord, get me through this battle that I have started, get me through this argument I have started; let me survive this holocaust, this famine, and I shall repent unto you, oh, Lord.”

And the Lord looks unto His children and knows that their repentance shall only go as long as the threat stands over them.

Man has dug himself out of the rocks many times before. Our hope, our prayer is that this does not happen again, that life on this earth can be a paradise as it once was in Yahweh, that you can take the knowledge from Yahweh and use it, that no one should go hungry, not one soul, that there should be work and new knowledge for all.

Yet on your Earth this day you stand back and you say, “If only there was this, and if only there was that.”

We have told you the story of the two dreamers. One dreamer brought fulfillment to his dreams. The other only had time for dreaming, not for fulfilling, and therefore, he left chaos behind him. To fulfill a dream is like the birth of a new earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5-206-2] asks, ‘When the sons of God who left to populate other planets come back to earth, where will they be coming from, and also, where will they land on earth?’”

Some have already landed on your earth in the land of Peru, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa. Your pyramids are still functioning. Their cortex is still a guidance system. It is still being used, and still functioning, even though some need repair.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the origin of the green glassy modules they call, tektites, found around the earth in desert areas?”

(Sadly) These are that which was left over from a great atomic war upon the earth once before.

You shall find that some of these shall date back two million years. A civilization once stood there.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [7-316-1…Yuma] asks, ‘I seek information about the pyramid and its location that I thought of on that Monday last month. Would you guide me? Thank you.’”

We would say unto you, seek out soul Ray in a wakening state. The answer is within his mind. It is already being built into the new solar reflector system, or as he would call it, his ion sun generator.

Now soul Ray grows tired.

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Pray unto the Lord that this seventh year of yours is not the year when the Seventh Angel shall walk.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

New earthquakes shall occur -- first, off the coast of Oregon, inland, and then a chain reaction shall occur from Sacramento through Blythe, into Arizona, across through Los Angeles, San Bernardino.

New tornadoes shall grow -- through Albuquerque. And we say unto those from there, one is happening at this moment.

More and more shall come. Greater destruction shall come forth. Make your homes sturdy. Protect against this. Now is the time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona