July 22, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

For we should say unto thee the parable of the two nations that stood as children and two kings that stood as infants. For each had sent the other an invitation to visit into their kingdom. And each became angry waiting upon the other for their reply.

And the first king did say unto his ambassador, “Go, therefore, and demand that the king of the other nation visit unto my land.” And this he did do. But when he arrived in the other land to announce his king’s bidding, before he could speak out, he was slain.

At the same time, the other king had sent an ambassador unto the other king’s land. And before he could speak out, he was slain.

And both kings became quite angry. And they did summon forth all the might of their nations. The two nations were cousins, for daughter and son had married across the borders. And the armies as they marched closer, and even the generals, did not want to go to war. And finally they reached the final battle ground, and each general, thinking in his heart, “That that I am about to do is wrong.” And so they did call a truce between them, and they did walk forth. And the two generals talked to the problem and said, “Why are we here? Why should we make war upon each nation and each other?” They could not find the answer. “But if we do not make war, what will our king think?”

And a stranger appeared upon the hilltop, and he said unto them, “Hark and listen unto me.” And he said unto them, “Both return back unto your kings and say you have been defeated. And say that you should need a mediator to talk between the two.”

The generals looked upon him, and said, “Why should we take your advice?”

And he looked upon them and said, “Have you a better answer? You do not want to make war; then why not make peace?”

The two generals went back to their armies, each saying, “We have been defeated; we shall return home.” Both of the armies went home in gladness, to spread the news throughout the land that they had each been defeated by the other nation.

Each of the kings upon hearing the news were furious at first. And they said, “But who should we get to mediate between us?”

And each of the generals said they had met this stranger who spoke great words of wisdom. And so, they were both ordered to go forth and find the stranger. They searched throughout the land, and did not find him. Then they went both unto the battleground, and there he stood. And they said, “Sir, would you come and be the mediator between our two kings?”

The stranger said, “Yes.”

And so, arrangements were made that the two kings would meet on the exact same spot.

At first they began to call each other foul names and threaten. The stranger sat in silence. When the two kings had talked themselves until they could no longer speak, the stranger spoke. And he said, “Each of you had sent the other an invitation to visit their kingdoms. Each of you now have your wish come true; you are visiting. But yet you have quarreled and fought. And yet you are cousins by blood, and brothers in the sight of God. Each of you have promised to rule your land in the sight of God, yet you send armies to murder each other, and you commit murder. You have broken your Father’s and mine commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ You have broken your Father’s commandment, for you have laid blasphemy at each other. And you have [coveted] each other. What commandment have you not broken?”

The two kings looked at one another, and decided what great fellows they were. And they did return back unto their lands.

The two generals stood and watched them. And the generals said, “How did you know of all these things?”

And the stranger said, “‘Not the smallest thing upon this earth shall fall without my Father’s knowledge.’ But what you have seen is two children. Their words were words of anger, as a child. Yet had you responded, and death would have reigned. For a child, the mind does not think long upon the same subject; he reacts only to the moment and the time. He does not look beyond his actions nor that which should happen after he has taken such action. It is said, ‘As a child, I thought as a child. As a man I should think as a man, and I should eat as a man.’ Are not these things true?”

We say unto you, we shall bring the many philosophies together.

But which shall you react as?

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

War may reign the land. Earthquakes, hurricane, tornado, flood, heat, cold, all of these things may happen. But if you react as adults, then in truth, you shall enter your Father’s house as a child, in truth.

He said unto them, “For I shall go now. And I shall prepare a way in my Father’s many mansions.       

You shall say unto us once again, we have spoken unto you as into riddles. We say unto you, nay. Study our words. Linger upon them, and you shall find the truth within yourself.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Ray [1-1-1] would like to know about the significance of the artifacts that his sister, J_____, brought with her.”

Yes, see they need, and we shall say unto you, as we have said before that records were kept from the days of Atlantis and before; the people you speak of are the Oltec [Olmec], or the interpretation of the same, the Atlanteans. You shall find the records of time within these chambers. As we have said before, all that was buried shall came forth in truth.

The pots, as you would call them, are not ceremonial pots, these are records. Each has the date, the time and the knowledge you seek. It shall tell you of the time that Atlantis and Laboria [Lemuria?] both disappeared from the face of your earth. It shall tell of the time of the rising of the new earths. Both, in medical knowledge and in scientific knowledge, is all there. It shall also tell you, and give proof unto you, that the man known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this land. It shall give you further information that your birth of civilization did not come from Egypt, but from the Americans. As we have said before, Atlantis, or civilizations in their golden ages, has risen and fallen before.

Here are the records of your times, all times. You shall find that they shall date back over four billion years in all, if they were all brought together. If they are separated, much as most of the knowledge brought from Egypt had been separated, much as your Lost Sea Scrolls were separated, then, once again, you shall have lost the knowledge that was stored for you.

Yes, you will find that the people who left these were the last of their kind. Yet they have been reborn within you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, I have one other question. In regard to these artifacts, how should we seek to interpret or understand the knowledge that they represent?”

Soul Ray, if all were brought before and with him, together with you archaeologists and proper dating methods, all could be substantiated. It would also be suggested, strongly suggested, that some of the knowledge should come from that of your Mormon Church. You shall find it shall substantiate both your Old, your New Testaments. Yes, it should change your thoughts of your own historical beginnings. But it is said, “To know where you have been is to know where you are going.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, what is the significance of the Pleiades star system? Does that have any relationship to us?”

Yes. You shall find that in each of these parts, as you would call them, or records, the stars shall be shown in a different position, indicating a time and an event.

But to further answer your question and the one in the mind, “How does astrology affect your lives?” We shall say unto you in your own words that true astrology comes from the heart, the brain, within. But the movement of all planetary substances should affect your lives from day to day, hour to hour. The knowledge of this should allow you to alter and change this that is about to come forth. You have been given free choice; it should remembered. Use it wisely.

You have one other question, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you wish any changes in the pamphlet on The Great Wars?”

As we have said before, place a beginning, a middle, and an ending. But in this particular pamphlet, there is no ending, so give it wings that it may be added to.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.


One minute.

Yes, we shall answer that question in the mind of one. “For what purpose have you been brought unto this small town?” And we say unto you, you are part of a whole. You are part of God’s plan. You have been brought here to visualize and see with your own eyes, for you shall become, all of you, a part in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Take both the healing gift as it has been given and that that shall be added and give it wings. The healing that has been given unto your bodies is only a part. The greater part is the linking of the hands in true friendship and in true understanding that this work may go on.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall occur in the land of San Diego, San Bernardino, San Pablo, upward and downward, the fingers -- soon, that that you know as the Imperial Valley has already begun to feel. Heat, greater temperatures than your earth has ever known shall reach the earth and scorch it. As you have experienced a greater winter, now you shall experience a greater summer. From hot to cold the earth shall begin to crack, to shift.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona