June 1, 1977

Phoenix, Arizona



            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy hearts they say unto us, “Where shall I find spiritual substance to apply into my daily life?” Or very simply, “How do I find peace of mind?”

            We say unto you that the thousand years of peace our Father has promised you may start at any time thy desire, within thy heart and thy soul and thy body. We say unto you, love unto thy self. Forgive thyself. Bring hope unto thyself and faith unto thyself. If you may do this, then you shall bring the hope, the love, the faith, into the Father, and you shall also bring it into thy brother and into thine sister.

For within all things, and unto the smallest thing, our Father does dwell. And none should fall unless He should see. But the sun and the rain shall shine upon all. For does not a Father love all of his children the same.

            But we say unto you, look into your hearts, and look unto the heart of the person who you dislike. Within that person you shall find many parts of yourself. The reason you dislike this person, you have said, is karma. This in itself could be basically true, but only in part, because you are all parts of everything you have ever been, and so are they. So when you see someone else, you see them as a mirror, reflecting back unto yourself. And that part of yourself that you do not like, you will not like in another.

It is said, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” It is also said, “Physician, heal thyself.” But there is a greater saying, “Those who should be their own physician should have a fool for a physician, and a fool for a patient.” In the cleansing of the mind and body, quite often you will throw the better part of yourself away, and dominate it, throw it down because someone else has told you that this is a bad thing, that this is a bad karma. There are many herbs upon your earth. Some herbs will heal some people. The same herb could kill another. No two things upon the face of this earth are identical.

            If you cannot love thyself, then think of yourself in this manner. God brought forth you of one kind, of one likeness. There shall never be another exactly like you again ever, because you shall either evolve or fall down. But where you stand at this moment, at this precise second, you are one of a kind. You protect many endangered species. Why do you not take the time to protect yourselves, for you are endangered species. For once that flicker of light, that shell that you live in is gone, that shell is gone forever, not to be repeated, nor a likeness given forth, precisely to the last molecule that your body possesses at this time. It will evolve, the spirit shall evolve, the soul shall evolve, the immortal body shall evolve.

            Take the time to love yourselves. If you can do this, you will find that quiet place within your mind where the still pool, the quiet pool lies, and where the candle burns forever, eternally. You shall find God within yourself.

Not one day should pass without these thoughts. “Within me, within this one small person, lies God.”

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [9-366-1…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will my Levi jeans store be successful and allow my husband to quit his place of employment and take over this business? Will it lead to more than one store and eventually a move to Prescott? Will you approve this move? Please advise me of anything that will be of assistance.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

First, you have all your eggs in one basket. Look around you. Look into your bigger stores and you shall find that they have other product along with their mainline product. Add to this. One shall supplement the other, and growth shall mature.

If you were a farmer and you grew the same thing in the same field, year after year, the ground would soon be depleted and would yield nothing at all. A wise farmer knows how to rotate his crops. He will move cotton from one field to another and alfalfa from one field to another, allowing the earth to renew itself. One year the price of the cotton may be plentiful; the next year it may be down, and alfalfa shall [be] good, or grain. This is true in your store. Bring forth other product. Add to your inven­tory. And one person shall come in to buy Levis and find that they have other product that they may buy, and they will buy these also. Or, they will come in to buy your other product and find the Levi. In that way, and only in that way, much as you would build the foundation under a house, that’s where you must start. Build this foundation here and now, and build it well, before you should move on to another store. If you do so, in this manner, then it shall be self supporting for you and your husband and many others.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [3-115-2] asks, ‘Would you give us further guidance in the study group meetings you have suggested?’”

            We say unto you into this manner. You have heard us say many times, “We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records of time,” or the akashic records before us. When all substances come together in that way, we may read from these records, for within you lie those records. You have carried them with you since the beginning of time, and therefore, you are a living storehouse of the same.

We realize that sometimes not all is given with the ability to read these records. The Lord, God, has given man many gifts, each to be used in their own separate way. Some have used them in a very much ungodly way.

            We say unto you, there are many people who would -- wants to bring together the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. You, within your organization, and in the archives, are like hens setting on eggs. You have mountains and mountains of information. Only through your study groups may the full value of even what we have spoken tonight be understood. For a word is like the wind. Unless it is cap­tured, and studied it is soon forgotten.

The knowledge that you seek lies within these records. You have made your archives. You have categorized the sections. With your study groups take the readings; discuss them. Bring forth the under­standing. If you do not understand, come back unto us and ask these questions, that we may give you the understanding. We have said unto you, “Ask and you shall receive.” Go forth in this manner, and a multitude shall come as one.

            But, as long as the jealousies stand, from one organization to another, from one group to another -- we have said unto you, if we do not succeed your earth shall have three thousand years of darkness. We are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We are here that the Seventh Seal should, not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 19-21 and chapter 8.]

But we cannot stop this. Only you as a people can do this, by joining hands together, without jealousy, with understanding.

            Each of the gifts the Lord has bestowed, whether it is to heal, to prophesy, and the many other gifts, of song, the gift to love, should be shared. We say unto you, no, soul Ray cannot give you his gift. But he can give unto you a way that your own gift may be excelled and brought forth. These things can be brought out during study periods.

But remember, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, is like a very delicate plant. If it is not cared for it cannot grow at all, and it can only wither and die upon the vine.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-366-2…Phoenix], asks, ‘Should I continue my schooling, or should I concentrate more on the ranch? Any other advice you may have? Does the eagle have anything to do with the ranch?’”

            We say unto you in this manner, your schooling should come forth first. The eagle has guided the way. You, yourself, have interpreted the flight of the eagle to suit yourself. We say unto you, look into the first part of the parable which we have given tonight. You shall find great meaning and answers to your question within the same.

            We say unto you that a seeker of love can love no one else unless they love them­selves. But love must be as a mirror. If love is given, love must be given back in return. But remember, there are many types of love. We say unto you, if you should know the true meaning of the word you have used so often, stand beneath the cross and feel the drop of blood and you shall know how much the Lord has loved you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka, [9-366-3, who is here tonight, address…New York city, New York] asks, ‘We wish to sell our home as we have purchased another. How long will it take to sell? Please give me advice as to how this may be accomplished quickly and successfully.’”          

Yes, we see thy need. The home will sell within a three-month period. The quickest and most possible way it shall sell is with the use of a real estate firm and in the hands of a reliable firm that through time has proved its worth. But the home shall sell.

            You have other questions. One moment please.

            Yes, we see your need too, also. We say unto you, if a person should overprice something that they are about to sell, they shall sell it eventually, but the time shall be lengthened. If you should desire to sell this sooner then bring your price down, but do not be cheated.

            You have other questions.

            Thank you Aka. [9-366-3…Phoenix] asks, ‘Could you tell me what changes are coming for me? My job, will the conditions get better? Will I marry? Please advise me of anything that will be of assistance.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, that marriage is a state of mind. When a man and a woman stands before man and God and says unto all, “This man, or this woman, I am proud of and I shall take them into wedlock,” and this is good in the eyes of God, and this is good in the eyes of man. But the true marriage within itself shall come between the man, the woman, and in the eyes of God. Love is something, a commodity that cannot be bought nor sold. It must be given freely. It must be given in such a manner that you expect nothing back in return. And only then shall it blossom and full maturity come forth. If you shall reach forth in this manner, that that thy seek shall come in abundance.

            The profession that thy speak of shall multiply in the same manner. But there is still something else that shall be greater. For as a rose should blossom in the spring, and stop blossoming in the full heat of the summer, so it should blossom again in the autumn -- and then it should go dormant through the winter, but to wait the spring. We say unto you, the spring of life is but the beginning. The summer is for the growing. The autumn is for the gathering. The winter is for the short sleep before the wakening of the spring. In all shall be sweet and divine. In this manner shall come forth your gift.

You shall not understand our words at this time fully, for they are made for your ears and your ears only. Many here shall receive much from what we have said to you, but only you yourself shall fully understand what we have given you. But we say unto you, we could give you nothing, leste without the permission of our Father. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-366-4…Phoenix] asks, ‘Do you see any changes for me in the near future in my employment? Also, will I continue to live in Arizona or in another state?’”  

Yes, we see your need. We shall answer in this manner. Your employment shall terminate, and you shall leave this state and venture forth into another. We would say unto you at this time, do not be so swift to judge, and be not too swift in your actions. Go a little slower that you might smell the flowers at your feet. And you may see them. And in the seeing you shall realize the abundance and the beauty around you. And then you shall travel no farther. Then you shall be able to give, of fullness and in abundance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Thank you. [9-357-1…Phoenix] asks, ‘Dear Aka, Ray usually answers my question. I only wish to thank you for sharing your information with us through Ray. I would appreciate any information you would care to share with me at this time. Thank you, sincerely, [9-357-1].’”

Yes, we shall answer your question. The path of one can be the path of the other. Happiness and a bountifulness shall come. That that thy have asked for within thy heart for thyself, thy mate, shall come together. And that that thy ask for shall be fulfilled until thy cups runneth over.

            You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [5-216-3…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will the apartment plans that I am working on now prove to be satisfactory, or should some specific changes be made on them?’”

            That that thy have done is good. Within your mind you have the answer already.

You fear that your labors shall be for nothing. We say unto you, we have sought you out for a purpose. One day you shall draw not only the plans for houses, but the plans for men and women. We have long seen the compassion which lies within your heart. That our task, and yours, should come into fulfillment, your labors shall not be wasted.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-366-5…Phoenix] asks, ‘My parents live in Wisconsin and Dad is very ill. How long will his spells continue, and how will Mother’s health stand up under the stress? I’m very concerned.’”

            We understand [your high] need. And we must answer you in this manner. We are not allowed to give information concerning another soul without their permission.

            We say unto you in this manner, the blessings of the Lord shall go before thee and gentleness and kindness shall be given. The Lord is with thee.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-366-6…Jacksonville, Florida] asks, ‘During my present travels, please give me specific direction for contacts ahead -- who, where, and how, and how long it will take to complete this trip, and how it will turn out.’”

            You have asked for the wine; we have placed it before thee. You have asked for the bread; we have placed that before thee. Now thy ask for the yeast. The completion of your task lies at your feet. Seek out soul Ray in a wakening state and he shall give you the fullness of your answer.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-366-7…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will the Laetrille program, as discussed today, need extra advice that you can give us now?’”   

Yes. We say unto you unto this manner. There are those who are involved in a national plot. They control the narcotics flow into your country. They also control the flow of the Laetrille into your country. If quick measures are taken now in the manner which was just discussed, this would cast them out of your country – first your state, and then your country. These people, as we have said before, are what you would call parts of your Syndicate. They live from the blood of man. They leach the blood of man.

You may stop them. You have brought forth the legalization of the manufacturing without guidelines. We would say in this manner, if your legislature shall not provide funds, let the manufacturers provide the funds to lay the standards down. [If] they are not willing, they should not manufacture. In this manner they should come forth in truth.

But there should also be a truth in production. In other words, we say unto you, if you should buy a house, you should know what it is built of, what each cost of material that goes into the building of the house is. This should be true within the production -- in other words, a declaration of truth. This would separate the thieves from the honest.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7-304-8…Mesa] asks, ‘Is the above date and time of birth correct as stated on my birth certificate. If not, what is the correct time?’”

            The correct time is on your birth certificate. The correct date is upon your birth certificate. The correct year is on your birth certificate.

            And now we should say unto you, soul Ray tires. Our time has now grown short.

            We say unto you, new tornados and hurricanes shall rack the Midwest in the United States and the Eastern and Western shorelines. Earthquake shall be as common as the sun should rise in the morning. But fear not.

For those who should not walk with the mark of the Beast shall have nothing to fear.

            For those who should pass on at this time are passing on for a purpose.

There are those here who grieve in the death of their friend. He passed on that he may return and walk by the side of the Messiah. You should not grieve, but give gladness into his heart, for he found that that he seked [Note: Middle English for sought.] And he shall return to sow the fields. His sleep is already passed. His awakeness and awareness is already at work.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword stands above thee. It should slice from two sides.

            From one, [it] shall part the earth and change its form. In a land where no rivers flowed, rivers shall run freely. In other land, parts of your land shall flood and turn into desert. Gardens shall grow in the desert, and the earth shall change its face.

On the other side of the sword, so shall it separate man. For those who should stand with God, and for those who shall deny Him. Remember into the tale of Lot from thy Bible and you shall see your earth. For as the two cities were taken from the earth, and the inhab­itants therein, so should happen to the substance of thy earth. Yet for those who did not look back, they did multiply and come forth upon the earth. And they were the descendants of Abraham, as the brother of Lot. [See Genesis, chapters 18-19.]

            The earth shall change its shape, this is true.

If you prepare a way, now, your Messiah shall come unto you in the year of 1999 and be known unto you and walk with you. It is your choice. It is your world. It is your universe. It is your time. What shall you make of it?

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for privacy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502