June 11, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Seventh Annual Meeting



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

            And we say unto thee that from the east, the west, the north, the south -- from the four corners of your earth -- so shall His children come together, as it was written. For there within Paul’s dream is now the fulfillment; for he did say unto those of the Council, “For I saw an angel appear in the east and it carried a veil. And I saw an angel appear in the west and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the north and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the west [south] and it did carry a veil. And from my dream, so I see that the words of the Master and the fulfillment of what he was to bring unto us.”

            And so we say unto you, for seven years we have struggled. For seven years, you have struggled and toiled.

We said long ago that if you could grasp the meaning of our words, your thousand years of peace should come forth. Few of you could understand that we would select one small group of people and let them build, provide their needs, and watch them struggle. We watched you fight and quarrel among yourselves. It has not been now, when your quarrels have ended, that we could bring unto you this message. For as the messages were sent unto Abraham that the two cities that were to be destroyed, and Abraham did say, “Spare them, oh, Lord,” yet, only Lot, his daughters, and his wife. And his wife did look back, and she was transformed.

You asked unto us, “What do you mean now?” And we shall explain. We knew that if we could bring together you from many places, you, each of you, from many cultures and religions, and have you live in a house with peace and love, one unto another, if this task could be completed, then all of you would turn unto the earth as mirrors and reflect out. This is important, more important than all the other tasks that we have placed before you.

You this day have achieved this. You have linked your hands together in love, in true love. We have long said, “Stand beneath the cross, and should you feel the drop of blood upon your forehead you should know the true meaning of love.” That word you have used so often, you now know the meaning of. Love of this sort cannot be bought, nor sold, nor traded, nor bartered for in any manner. It must come from the body, through the soul, through the spirit into the immortal body, the binding of your spiritual substance into the blessings of the Lord, your God.

Your moment of truth, your moment of acceptance, has now come into fulfillment. Now, we are ready to go to work. Now we shall bring unto you the four corners of the earth, and the multitude. It shall be no easier than the first task that took you seven years to achieve.

For some of the people that we shall bring unto you shall try to dominate, to control. Love is nothing to be controlled; it must flow freely and be given freely.

            We say unto you, all of you, close your eyes this moment, and we shall take unto thee the mountaintop. Close your eyes. Let us lift you.

Now, look about you. Breathe the air, touch the wind, and know that where we have brought you is a better place by far. Look down where you stood. Now you see what was meant within our words. You shall now bear the yoke of love, of faith, of hope. Remember these things before you quarrel again.

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We have no other purpose.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the Messiah, and glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.          

You have questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [6-281-1.]”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We have thee in the entry upon the planet Yahweh. In these days the land was bountiful and plentiful. The people were happy. The harvest upon the land was abundant, abundant in all things.

From birth you had lived near the sea. From your home, across the white sand you could see the island. It was said in legend that there upon the island all of Yahweh was born -- that here the Maker had touched His hand -- that here the greatest decisions governing all the planetary of the galaxy were made -- that here upon the island were built the greatest centers of knowledge. Here is where the congress sitte [note: Middle English] to deliberate and make just rules for the governing of the galaxy.

            There had been rumors of strife and unrest. Some of the other planets were demanding more and more food substance from the planet Yahweh, more and more raw materials. All was in abundance and the people of Yahweh were glad to give, yet the demands were becoming greater.

            One day, as you walked on your beach, you noticed one of the water craft that rode above the water on air approaching your beach. As it neared it came into the docking area, and your father came forth to greet them. And you went forth. And here you would meet for the first time three of the leaders of your planet. It was not long until you became engulfed in conversation as you walked upon the beach. You suggested that you swim in the ocean.

As laughter rang in your ears that day, and while these leaders were talking of peace, upon the beach the first attack upon Yahweh came. You died upon that beach, but not without the promise of one of the leaders that a new world would be made for all, that a time and place would come when work would be done upon another planet by the seed of [their] seed.

            And so it did come to pass. After the craft did land upon the Earth, you were one of the first born of the earthlings. Yet there was memory within you. And so began the cycle -- Atlantis, in the land of the Inca, in the land of Ur, in the land of the Egyptan, in the land of the Eagle, in the land of Jerusalem -- and then in the land of the Yucatan, in the land of the Black Mesa, so it was healing, and so you did heal unto the people.

And you say unto us, “You have not given unto me all that I seek.” Yes, we have, and more.  

But remember, once again, as in Yahweh and all the other lands, we have given unto you that that you have sought out, for we shall say unto you, for as I am soul Ray, soul Ray is I -- and so are the words of Aka.

Study long upon the words we have given unto you. Fulfillment shall flow as a warm spring. Knowledge shall bloom and become abundant. Capture that knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘Can you advise us of a method of converting solar energy stored in a heating system into kinetic or electrical energy?’”

            Yes, this can be done. Solic energy [note: Sol is Middle English for sun], if placed in the form of a pyramid, the dimensions of the sides for the pyramid should be 13-feet wide by 9-feet tall. In this manner, after you have placed, first -- on the same order that soul Ray has brought forth and drawn out and shown you -- solar collectors, [with] using copper tubing, with 3-inch in diameter collectors, two-inches high, interconnecting throughout the whole pyramid. An interlayer of not less than 4 inches of fine, washed sand must be placed within this from top through bottom. Two intakes with baffles that the air may circulate in a turbulent manner, therefore, the air shall then be extracted from near the top of the pyramid. It should be 1-foot-3-inches from the top of the pyramid. There the hot air must be extracted. At this point the air will be changed into negative ions and you have produced a negative-ion generator, and the particles will, therefore, be charged. The form of using this type of heat will be greatly healing to your system and filtered in such a manner that your health, in itself, will greatly be increased, both mental and physical healing.

The tubular substance must work in such a manner that it should go in an upward and downward motion along the sides and the base of the pyramid – in other words, in pyramid shapes, one interconnecting into the other until you have covered all four sides. The enter heat chamber, as we have described; then the air must pass through and run your heating tank. There, once again, stone must be placed of fine-washed grain sand in a minimum of 4 inches around the outer part of the heat passage that should pass around the heat tank.

There, once again, the water that has been heated from the pyramid shall pass into the tank. The heat shall pass in and around the tank recharging the particles in the water once again. This will give you water as pure as rain or purer.

At this point the cooling of the house may be done with Freon generators run from the hot air. At this point you may either use Freon generators to create electricity to drive your generator form or you may create steam and drive stream turbine generators to create electricity. In the charging of the particles you shall soon find that the creating of steam will become quite easy. You must construct within this a safety device, for the heat may reach, in your measurements, 2,000- degrees Fahrenheit.

Safety devices should be implanted, therefore, and cooling tanks, that the water before it enters for further use, such as drinking, etc., bathing -- either the water or the heat, either may be used for cooking, drying your clothes, and all the other uses for running appliances within your household.

The reflectors [in] the encasement in glass over the whole pyramid must be done in such a way that the pyramid may be set on a north-south axis. This way you shall not have to put tracking [devices] to track the unit into the proper sections of the sun, for at all times, one side, two sides will be inner attracted. The heat transformation shall, therefore, attract the other sides, which should be photo-controlled, to then close and open the sides exposed to the maximum amount of sun.

You will produce an energy substance which shall be more than sufficient to meet your needs.

It would further be suggested that the mirror devices be made in the shape of the shadows that the pyramid should cast; therefore, they shall give the greatest amount of reflection. In other words, placing your reflectors all the way around the pyramid, and then having your closing devices that they may close, or the sections that do not receive the maximum amount, and they may close up and keep in the heat. This can be easily done.

You do not fully understand the words we have spoken. Within soul Ray’s mind we have slowly implanted the knowledge. The tubular devices that should lead into your house and carry both heat and water should be done in such a way as a diode that both the heat from the water and the substance may only pass one way.

Further information on this subject will be given at a different time. Full knowledge shall be implanted in soul Ray’s mind.

You have other questions, ask.  

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for you from [3-91-3…Mesa, Arizona]. And in brief, she’s asking if she should marry G___ C_______, and if she does, if she will ever join the Mormon Church? She is also asking, if she doesn’t marry him, what guidance you have for her?” 

(Chuckle) We say unto you unto these words. Finish your education, then go into a trade school that you may learn a trade. You would excel well either as an aide in the nursing field or as a typist. At this point, with the knowledge we both have, we would suggest the marriage.

This is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions.

            Yes, Aka. One moment. I have a question from [5-206-2]. He asks, ‘Who was the person­ality who started the seeds of doubt which started the war among the sons of God on Yahweh?’ And he wants to know if this personality is incarnate now in this system, and does he or she have a role in this organization now or in the future?”

We shall answer that question in this manner. The seeds of doubt were planted, and you had a part in the planting. The others involved also are here now. But we say unto you, the study of the past is only good in as much as you to know and guide you in the future. Therefore, the other names that you seek would serve little purpose in this day and time.

Your dream was given to you for a purpose. The language that you understood then was the language that was spoke upon the planet Yahweh. Yet then you thought you had all the knowledge. If you should sow a field, then you shall reap that that you sow. But if you come back to sow a field, and make it a better field, then you shall reap that harvest also, for you have better guidance now.

We have brought you before the ankh. We did not force you. You came of your own free will. We gave unto your keeping our flower. Is this not proof enough of our love and the love of our Father?

            You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. Was the moon used as a weapons test site, and if so when and by whom?”

            (Sigh) The moon has been used as a weapon test site by many planetary substances.

(Deeper sigh) In this day and in this time it has been used both by the Russian, the Chinese, and the American governments.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-316-1…Yuma] asks, ‘What other artifacts in this part of the country should

be brought forth to supplement those of the hill of the skull? And when should the records of time be opened -- Arizona Repository?’ He asks for guidance and says, ‘Thank you.’”     

            The records of time will be opened at the proper time. The artifacts that should be brought forth should only be needed as proof. You have that proof now. Look unto the heart of your group and the love therein and there you shall find the greatest artifact, for within it is the history of all mankind, throughout all galaxies.

            We know the importance to you in your search. We shall say unto you that your ful­fillment and needs shall come forth. Go, therefore, unto the Black Hills [note: in Arizona]. There you shall find the remains of the Agua Caliente. Travel forth into the saddle of the mountain. From Agua Caliente you will see this; it should look a saddle as you look unto the west. There you shall find other artifacts to supplement these things we have spoken about.

Ten feet beneath the surface, there in the saddle, you shall find three large boulders that shall lay on the right-hand side of the pathway. Go unto the third boulder. Wait until the sun should cast the fullest shadow upon the boulder. At the peak of the shadow, therefore, dig and you shall find what you seek.

            Now soul Ray grows weary, and your time should grow short.

            We say unto you, look back into the readings we have given you. [Note: Also see the December 9, 1972, reading.]

Yes, the Fifth Angel still walks upon your earth. You are a stubborn lot, but you are learning.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502