March 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

We have said unto thee before of the Black September. And we shall give thee the date, and it should be that that should be easily turned into your numerology, September the 6th, 1977. From this, and this information, shall answer many questions you have asked before. [Editor’s note: See the July 6, 1973, reading and the note below.]

Now we should say unto thee, bring forth love and understanding, the word you use so often and know not the meaning of.

And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished. You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith.

Man shall begot man. Civilizations shall rise and fall. But once you have put together strong links, one at a time, there is no boundary that can hold you any longer, for you shall reach out into eternity -- for it shall not be you, but the spirits bound together in eternal love.

You have that that is called understanding. That in itself is but a half truth. We only understand the truth as it stands before us today. The truth is a changeable flexible thing.

It is like the young tree. It must reach upward into the heavens. The farther and the higher it may grow, the greater the understanding. Yet, the tallest limb must send back unto the roots understanding. And the roots must know the height of the tree so that the wind may not blow it over, and so it may receive the proper nou­rishment for the whole tree.

So is your group; so can be your nation. Your nation is like a tree with so many branches the roots know no what nor where it is needed to nourish the rest of the tree.

Most of you in your thoughts of the parable of Jesus and the olive tree, when he did wither forth this tree you said, “What point did it prove?” [See Mark 11:13-25.]

For he did not destroy anything. He rapidly brought forth full maturity into the tree. He showed you that the tree was rotten at the core so it could not fully develop.

Your group and those of other organizations that should join you should join in such a manner that they bring representation, as you have set aside in the growth of your country, that if they should desire to join with you let them participate in full by bringing their representatives into the Board of Directors, becoming part, a working part of all things.

You say unto us, “How can these things you have said be of spiritual growth?

Any growth is spiritual growth. Nothing may stand still. It is always changing. The oldest things on the world, on your continent know this. The oldest things of your plant life understand this. Why cannot you? Why cannot you know that the earth has changed many times? It is man who has lost his knowledge along the way. Yet some know­ledge, even though he has altered and changed the meaning, has remained.

The scientific knowledge is as important as knowing how to meditate or anything else. Without this, and without these things, your continent cannot prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Shall it be that he should come and go, and never be known?

We have said before to bring forth public relations, people within your organiza­tion to deal with the press and television and radio media. We have prepared the way many times for you. You have shunned them aside because you cannot work together. Your right hand and your left hand must know what you are doing.

We said in the beginning we would provide for your needs, the needs of your spiri­tual growth, and the needs for the material things that were needed, not only for the growth and maturity of your organization, but for the growth and the maturity of the individual. And for all those who are willing to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so it shall be.

But it cannot be done in silence. Let your voices be heard unto the Lord. Let your voices be heard unto one another. If your desire is to reach toward your Lord, if you should reach alone you have accomplished nothing. If you shall reach together, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and you immortal body shall all be as one.

In that hidden place within your mind you shall find the quiet pool. There you shall find a candle that shall always be lit. And there within yourself you shall find God.

But be as a mirror. Let that part of you reflect out.

If you should go unto the forest, and there you shall find all the beautiful flowers and share them with no one, then love is nothing unless it is shared. It is an impulse felt at the time, nothing more.

There are those who should speak forth in anger to one another. And after they have spoken, they would like to remove the words that they have spoken. It is not enough to say you are sorry. Put into practice what you should preach. Be not as a hypocrite.

Man shall rise and fall. It is not the falling that shall be the sin; it is his inabi­lity to get up, to rise. And in rising he shall lend a hand for others. If one should take it upon himself to bring ten, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and all should function with one idea – love, unity, hope, faith - then you shall find eternity.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9-359-1]. She asks, ‘I would like a life reading to better know my soul mission, and also would like to know what occupational field to go into.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.

First we shall say unto you, you were born in a time and did choose entry into the land of [Labora]. Soon thereafter you did dwell and change your residence into the land of Ur. There you did grow into full and mature womanhood.

You sought, therefore, one who would visit your village, or your city, at different intervals. This one brought philosophy and talk of the old land, of the old planet, Yahweh. And you knew that your people, and the descendants thereof, were the people who had bred into the man-animal. This one visited your village. It was said that he did come from this planet, that his job was to prepare the way for an eternal peace upon this land.

At different times he would speak in the town square. At times, you felt close and a close longing toward this one, a kinship. When one day he did walk forth and stand before you. You thought it strange. “Here, I am supposed to be kin unto this one, yet his skin is lighter.”

And he stopped before you and said unto you, “You have a question, my daughter. Ask the question, and if it was in my power I shall grant the wish that should go with it.”

And you said unto him, “If we are the descendants of the planet, Yahweh, and you are a direct descendant, then how are we related?”

And he said unto you, “Come with me, and all of your questions shall be answered. I shall leave on the morning dust.”

You rushed home, there to speak unto your father. Then, as now, he said unto you, “What can he teach of you? They say, yes, that he is of the old planet, but this is a new planet. Here we deal in real estate. Here our riches, our security is [firm]. What can he teach you?

And you said unto him, “I know not what he can teach of me. But I have a kinship unto him, and I know of this.”

And your father said, “Sit, and we shall talk.”

You thought this was strange, because daughters did never sit with their father.

And he said unto you, “The kinship you feel unto this one is because he is your father. And he will not say so unto you. Knowledge is there, but a destiny lies within him. They say he is of the land of the Eagle. They say he is the Eagle, that he shall walk the earth, always preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. If you go with him his destiny will come first, as it has already. Make your own choice, child. But if you go, you shall go with my love.”

And so, you did leave the next day for the land beyond the Egyptan. And there you did go into what is now known as biochemical research, or micro-bionic research. There you made great discoveries that did bring great healing unto the people.

One day the Eagle did come unto you and say, “It is time to leave this land. For now is the time that we shall go unto the land of Egypt; and from Egypt we should go unto the land of Israel; and from Israel we should go across the water, unto the land of Americans. For soon both Atlantis and Lemuria shall be no more.”

And you said unto him, “Then what shall I seek?”

And he looked unto you and said, “Knowledge.”

And you said unto him, “Then I should die, as mortals die? How can I see all of these things?”

And he said unto you, “Come. Touch my back.”

And as you touched his back, suddenly there was a huge eagle beneath you. It rose swiftly into the air and into the heavens, and soon the earth was but a speck beneath it. Even the spacecraft looked as though they were in slow motion. You rose farther and farther into the heavens. And there you did slumber on the Eagle’s wings.

And then you did enter.

And he unto you, “Go and be the sister of Lazarus.”

And so it did come unto pass. And sister begot sister, for you were the third of the sisters -- for there is another that the name, Jean, remained throughout all history. And then as you saw your brother rise from the dead, and then you saw of the crucifixion, and the Eagle landed upon the Mount of the Olives, and there he said unto you, “Touch of my back.”

And then again you found yourself in the land of Yucatan, but not for long.

For then, he rose and flew swiftly into the land of the Pima, and said unto you, “Wait here, and soon a young man shall come unto you. And you shall wed and you shall begot children. And through these children shall be the passageway for your return unto the earth.”

And you heard the stories of the great master who should walk on the land. And you did live in Casas Grandes. And there you saw, after the master had walked and the people did change of their ways, the land go unto waste and the people go unto madness and did destroy each other.

Yet, the young man did come and said, “Come with me. We shall leave of this city.” And so it did go forth and you did venture backward into the land of the Mayan. And there you did have children. And children did begot children.

Impatience was always driving within you, impatience to see beyond, to reach beyond.            And then, when you did pass beyond, you spoke out unto the Lord, God, and said, “If I am royal blood, then why should I be treated in such a manner? Why should once again I be born into such a lowly place, each choice?”

Yet there was no answer.

And so, you said, I shall venture forth once again. And I shall choose a time of the Eagle and the time of the Messiah. And I shall know why I have come and what I must do to place forth unto this earth.”

We say unto you, you say, “What profession should I reach forth?” And we say, reach into pharmaceutical chemistry. It, combined with your nursing talents, shall take you far beyond your wildest imaginations in the servitude of man and yourself.

            There has been a place prepared for you. The love you have sought is there for you now. Do not be impatient and throw it away. Learn from the past.

We have fulfilled your promise. We have fulfilled that which you desired. Do not abuse it, or you shall never see the fulfillment of it.

You will say at first when you hear these words that we have spoken unto you as in riddles. Take apart each part of the words we have said, separately, and you shall find the full meaning, the secret words we have placed for your ears, and your ears only, within this reading.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, Are there any additions or alterations you wish made in the first pamphlet?’”

Yes. We would say unto you, that salesmanship in this day and this time is an important factor. Much as Foods of the Desert, use photography, words, in such a manner. We have brought soul Ray into a world-renown figure for more than one purpose, to serve our needs, but also to serve your needs. Take from this wisdom and use it as you shall.

Prophesy is but a part of things. It is a balance within all things. The balance may take you to the stars and back again, if used in its proper accord.

We say unto you, it was not by chance that these people should venture forth in their search for gold and find not. Out of all the karma that has laid to the Caballan gold, of all the teardrops, of all the disappointments, it may be used for a just pur­pose -- the knowledge. Do you understand us? Nay not fully.

“Not at all.”

Then, listen carefully to our words and you shall.

Now soul Ray grows weary. But we shall say unto you, the Victorio mountain and the Caballo mountain treasure was all of the same.

September the 6th, 1977 -- Black September.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


            Note:  On September 6,1970, two passenger jets bound from Europe to New York were simultaneously hijacked by Palestinian terrorist members of PFLP and taken to Dawson's Field in Jordan. A third, bound for Beirut, was diverted to Cairo. An attempt to hijack an Israeli plane in Amsterdam was averted and one of the terrorists killed. The terrorists pronounce the north of Jordan as liberated territory and blow up the airliner in Cairo, after evacuation of its passengers.

The Black September movement was named after a bloody battle in September 1970 by radical fundamentalist militants led by the father of modern-day terrorism, Palestinian Yasser Arafat, who sought to overthrow the King of Jordan. Having lost, many militants dispersed to other countries to gradually become a worldwide network of professional assassins, or terrorists. But Arafat’s dream for a Palestinian state and the annihilation of Israel only grew through time with the perceived weakness of Israel and the U.S., gathering many terrorist organizations and leaders in support of this cause.


“First rumblings of the Anti-Christ” --

On September 7, 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter met with the Panamanian leader to sign a treaty to give away land, the Panama Canal.

September 6, 1977 -- Israel's Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement showing what Israel would expect from such a document, at the request of U.S. President Jimmy Carter after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C. when Carter first encouraged Israel to give away land for peace.  

September 6, 1977, Jordan's King Hussein warned of war in the Middle East in a summit meeting in Paris with France's Falery Giscard d'Estaing.

September 6, 1977, also ended a four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, opposing Israel's annexation of occupied lands.

Within a month, in November 1977, Carter led peace talks for Israel to give away land for peace in negotiations with Egypt in the Camp David Accords. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1978 to the Israeli Prime Minister and Egyptian President who was later assassinated by radical fundamentalist militants in Egypt for dealing with Israel.

Peace negotiations continued for many years, as Israel gave away land for peace at the urging of America. But Palestinian Authority leader, Arafat, did not fulfill his promise for peace in return, nor did he remove the clause in the 1974 Palestinian Charter for the hoped-for statehood that calls for the abolishment of Zionism, or the destruction of Israel.

September 6, 1977, the construction of the International Safe Container Act of 1977 also began.