May 6, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of his children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the treasure.

For there was a rich king in the land, and he did send much gold into another kingdom. But thieves did see of this, and they did come forth, and they stole the gold. And then they came together to divide it.

Each in turn took their part. But the leader took the largest part. And he pondered long and thought, “If I should show such amount of gold, the king should surely know I stole of it. I shall hide it away until another day, and then I shall spend it.” So he went forth and there he found a young oak tree. He dug beneath the young oak tree and there he covered his stolen gold.

All the thieves were soon arrested and taken away, him included. It made no difference that he had no gold; he was soon found guilty and sentenced to prison.

Years went by, into the number of 20, and somehow he survived the harshness of the prison and was released. He went forth to find the young oak tree. Now the oak tree, when the man had placed the gold beneath it, its roots sought it out, but soon found that the metal was not good for growing, and so, covered it with its roots.

Another man in passing the young oak tree saw the ground around it and said, “Here I shall build my home.” And he did do so. Soon others came, and soon there was a small town and then a city. And the oak was the center of the city, and they did build a park about it. The oak grew and grew. And when the thief came back he found the city, and in the center of the city, a huge oak tree.

He had carved his initials into the tree, deep, when he had buried the treasure. The initials were still there, scarred into the bark and into the wood of the tree. He thought he would wait until night, and then uncover his gold.

 When night came, at first he tried with his hands to dig beneath the tree. He could not; the roots were too many. The next night he came forth with pick and shovel, and still the roots were too many. So he covered up the hole he had dug and returned the third night with axe, to cut away the roots of the huge oak. But in his coming and going, certain of the city people saw him, and they began to watch. And the word was whispered throughout the whole city that the thief of the gold had come for his gold and it was buried beneath the tree. And as he began to dig, the crowd rushed forth, all wanting some part of the gold.

But the young man who had first settled in the city came forth, and he said unto the old man, the thief, “You placed gold beneath this tree, is that true?”

And then the thief said, “Yes, but it is mine; I have paid 20 years of my life for it.”

And the man said unto him, “And you would destroy this tree for your gold? You would dig away its roots, its foundation, you would destroy it for gold?”

He said, “It is mine, rightfully so.” And then the others joined in, all wanting the gold.

And he said unto them, “If any one of you had had the gold buried beneath your home, and you had built a foundation upon it, and there you had had your children and your children’s children, would it be right that we should destroy your home to recover the gold?”

And they all said, “No.”

And the man said, “This is true with the oak. Then thief, tell us how much gold you stored beneath the tree.”

And he said unto them, “Thirty pieces of gold.”

The man said, “Then, you shall have your 30 pieces of gold.”

But the rest of the city was not satisfied; they wanted to destroy the oak.

The man said unto them, “For once, for 30 pieces of silver our Lord was betrayed and destroyed and crucified. And wood was used, the wood of life, the wood that has built your homes. This tree has stood and gives you shade and comfort for all these 20 years. Let me return to the thief his dues.” And so the man paid the man 30 pieces of silver, or gold.

Yet the people went on.

The thief left. But the rest of the city treacherously at night dug away at the roots until they found the gold. They did bring it forth. That night was a huge storm, and in the wind and in its weakened condition, the oak fell.

The city came forth and demanded that the city government repair it. And so the city put forth a tax to repair the tree. And it was brought forth and uprighted. And a tree surgeon was brought forth. And each person alike was taxed. And before the tree was repaired, it cost a hundred times the 30 pieces of gold. Yet the tree did not live. It withered and died, for its roots had destroyed.

We say unto you, unto all of you, this is the same. We have brought unto you a prophet. Many things have been placed beneath the foundation. If what we have placed there is destroyed and ripped away by your silly prejudice, then all we have come for shall wither with it.

A city, a person -- a man, a woman, a child -- a state, a country, a nation, an earth, is all but the same.

Look into our words. Give them birth and meaning. Place wings to them, and let them coveth the four corners of your earth.

We brought to you A Rose Without Thorns. We brought to you the beginning of a Psychic Gift before the Dawn. Yet those who sought it were as the people.

Look into words. Heed them.

For those who looked for the miracle that we promised, it was provided, yet you saw it not. The miracle was within the understanding. And that you traveled for was given, and the wisdom you traveled for was given, as was promised. For not the smallest thing shall fall from this earth without our Father’s permission.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornados, hurricanes, volcanic action, earthquakes, shall dominate the earth. Drought and flood shall walk hand in hand.

But for those who shall not carry the mark of the Beast, fear not.

But it must be done in such a manner that the tree is not destroyed. But yet again, as the one known as Jesus did say, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona