May 13, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner -- for we shall say unto the parable of the two shepherds.

At first, they brought their flock into a great meadow with abundance of grass and food, and water. And their flock did multiply.

But as the flock multiplied, each began to quarrel that the other’s flock was taking more food and water. And each became afraid. And as they began to quarrel, they soon ceased to tend their flock.

The sheep dogs did the best they could, but the flock soon began to stray and divide into many particles.

And when the two shepherds looked up, the flock had become lost. And then they started to argue whose fault it was. And as they argued, a stranger came by. And both turned unto the stranger and said unto him, “Whose fault is it that our flock has strayen and [it] has become lost?”

And the stranger looked at both of them and said unto them, “Are you asking for my impartial judgment?”

And they said, “Yes.”

And the stranger said unto them, “‘Judge not, lest ye be judged.’ If you are asking for my advice, I will give it.”

And they said unto him, “Then give unto us your advice.”

And he said unto them, “Your flock is not lost; they have only lost their way. Join your forces together, and soon you shall bring your flock back. But if you forget this lesson that has been taught you, that a house divided cannot stand, then you shall lose your flock forever. And in losing your flock, you shall lose yourselves. If words are spoken in harshness, learn first to forgive yourself, and then you shall be able to forgive the other. As words are spoken and cast into the wind, it becomes harder to retract these. Your arguments are much as your flock. If you discuss, and do your discussion, while working with your flocks, your flock[s] shall multiply and become great. And they shall give greatness into the eyes of the Lord. And the Lord shall give greatness unto you.” With this, the stranger walked on.

Both shepherds stood there, neither wanting give ground, when suddenly both heard their sheep dogs. They were whining to get the attention of their masters.

The masters looked at the sheep dogs and they were all together. And they followed the sheep dogs, and the sheep dogs had found the flock.

Each of the shepherds turned to find the stranger, but he was gone. In his place, the words -- understanding.

We have told you before of the words, understanding, and their true meaning. We have told you before, if you should have disagreements go unto each other and discuss this. If you cannot come to an agreement, then come unto your prophet, that he may assist you. If he cannot find an answer, then he shall call together your teachers and ministers.

But first, remember, the flock shall come first. The flock must come first, for you have been appointed the shepherds of the flocks. And even though they may look different, remember, all are the children of God. And so are you.

And as your ministers, or as your sheep dog would be, and as your teachers should be, of the same, they are still part of the flock.

We say unto you, lift up your heads unto the greater plan of the Lord, the greater purpose for our presence, the greater purpose that you are here, now, in this place -- and that is for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Nothing must interfere with this, regardless of your disagreements.

Who shall you say unto the Lord, “Place the Messiah here, or place him there?” The Lord shall place the Messiah where all can see, and all can feel, and all shall know.

You have but one purpose, as we, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Which shall you have, three-thousand years of darkness, or a thousand years of light, as God counts?

Your earth is in turmoil. And country pits country against each other. And churches are pitting churches against each other. And politicians are each braying into the winds as a burro.

It is the worst of times, yet the best of times.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes – rain shall fall, hail shall come – all these things. Droughts shall stricken the earth, and the earth shall change its form.

Yet amongst it all, a new heaven and a new earth shall be born. And a Messiah shall reign over it.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the shepherds that are chosen to lead His children.

We have said before, do not misinterpret our words. Do not turn them to mean other than what we have meant them to be.

The miracle that we gave you was as the Miracle of the Candelabra. It was slow in the understanding. Yet we were speaking unto one person, [5-206-2].

We see much greatness within, yet much doubt within. Healthy doubt and healthy criticism is good, but only to a point.

You misinterpret our words when we spoke of understanding. You misinterpreted our words when we said, they did not see of the miracle.

We say unto you, we do not sleep, as you. We do not need your air. Yet, when we are in our instrument’s body, it is good to breathe your air once again. It is good to feel, to touch, to smell the earth. As we have said before, in substance we are energy form. We have allowed you to see us as we were in man form. We have walked the galaxies and the earths, and planets, where one day man will walk and join hands together again.

The Earth’s peace is but one step in the peace that shall come.

We have told you many things. We have explained it in many forms, for not each person hears the same way.

We say unto you, look at the flowers we have placed at your feet, and the flowers that lay ahead of you, and behind you.

Nothing that has happened has not happened for a purpose. We have placed many things into our prophet’s life, all for a reason. We have given him the knowledge to heal. We have increased his knowledge to see, not only into your bodies, but into your minds and souls, all for but one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who have ears, let them hear. For those who have eyes, let them see. Yet the blind shall see, and the deef shall hear, and the light shall come forth. And the sun and the rain shall fall on all.

At this time, as we have said before, you will not fully understand our words.

Before, you had study groups, and in these study groups you took our words to understand them. Renew this and this will renew the understanding and fellowship which must bind you together. Make this your prime purpose for the present time, and all shall gain in knowledge, and all shall gain in development.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And Lucifer is here to scoop from the womb the Christ child, and he will use whatever means he needs to divide you. [See The Revelation, chapters 12-13, especially 12:17.]

We shall not allow this to happen.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Note: Sometimes the words of the spiritual messengers of God are not spoken in modern English, but in Middle English. The editor has left the word as it was found in the dictionary, a Middle English term, to let the reader know their words are true, that they are many and have come to many throughout time.