November 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. We are here but for one purpose; that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And woe be upon those from either side who should interfere. The earth, the heavens, shall combine together in the joint effort.

We should say unto thee, the Anti-Christ is among you -- and the disciples of the Anti-Christ is among you. They shall do of all things to destroy and discredit all we have done, for they are as wolves who wait at a mother’s womb to scoop up the infant. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]  

But we say unto you, the Messiah is upon your earth now. He is well, and well-protected. But leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread his wings and protect even farther, a new and more deadly conspiracy is at hand. The tool, the great tool, as we have said before, lies in those of the Black September, or the Palestinians. As has been written before, the one who should come forth and make all the signs of peace is preparing for war.

There are those, of the disciples of the Anti-Christ, which have been cast away from this place to further protect our instrument. They lay in wait as wolves. And there are those who should play a Judas, and that is the most deadly. We have placed the gift, to scan the minds of all, within our instrument. Yet he feels betrayal near him for good cause.

We have said before, there is a time for all things. That as the winter should come, it is a time that the earth should prepare for its sleep, and the harvest shall be brought forth. Blessed is the name of those who should harvest the fields of the Lord.

And we shall say unto soul Ray these words. The house that you were called to was the house of your grandmother, the soul of your grandmother. Upon the death of your grandmother you gave forth her name unto a child, but they are not one of the same.

The houses that you sought protection in were those among you who you have looked for and counted on to protect you against the evil ones. Yet, in your heart you have never thoroughly counted on anyone, for your desire, to do it yourself, as you would say. Since you were hurt, this has become an obsession with you, to prove to the world that you could stand as a man, even though your body was left in a limited condition. We have done that to restore as much of your body as possible, but we are not God; we cannot create. God has placed His hand upon you, and He has brought His disciples of the Old [note: Testament?] and of the New unto you, to show you that the fields you would harvest from shall come from many places. We say, fear not, but use your own discretion in self-preservation, for you have turn both cheeks.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have spoken about soul Ray’s [1-1-1]’s dream. Is there anything in my dream that would amplify it, or is it some other subject?”

Both are one of the same.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a health-reading request from [9-373-1…Idaho]. His first question is, “What was the cause of my recent stomach and intestinal problem?”

We should answer the question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, the upper hyatic hernia, a twist of the intestine of the lower colon, ulcer in the large intestine two inches from the mouth of the stomach. Most of the cause of your problem is that of an emotional problem, and it shall continue – and the fact of not eating properly. This is all on this subject.

“He has further questions. Do you wish to take those questions at this time?”


“He asks, ‘Is there any damage from my smoking?’”


“He asks, ‘What is the cause of my bursitis and what to do for it?’”

We suggest thy consult soul Ray, and therefore, follow his suggestions.

“He asks, ‘What are the two small red spots on my right leg?’”

(Chuckle) Lack of circulation.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9-373-2...Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She says, ‘In my home I am alone in my thoughts and needs. I’ve a desperate need to do something. Please help me know where I’ve been and what has been accomplished; what mission have I?’”

We say unto you, as we have said at the beginning of this reading, those upon this plane at this time are here for one [of] two reasons: one, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah; two, the preparation and domination of the Anti-Christ for his short rule. You are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“She also asks, ‘If I have any future here, advise me what to do and how. I am terribly anxious and concerned.’”

We would say unto thee, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and therefore, seek out the candelabra.

Thy have other questions.

“She asks, ‘Will the Messiah come in my life here? Will I know him as I hope to?’”


“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9-373-3…Truth or Consequences]. He asks, ‘Of the three choices of locations for preparation and storage of necessities, which is most suitable, if at all? ___ Ivy Street in Truth or Consequences, Radium Street in Truth or Consequences, or the property west of the river near Las Cruces, New Mexico, or should we seek another location that would be safer?’”

We would say that of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Be careful to stay away from that of the volcanic stream, that it runs in both a parallel and horizontal position to this location, for there shall be a breaking away of this, in time. We [will] also say unto you that due to the strategic location of the military installations, fall-out centers should be prepared also.

You have other questions.

“Would the Ivy Street location or the Radium Street be better, or are they both all right?”

Both are all right.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We would say once again unto these people, if you choose to remain in this location, large, as you would call them, bomb shelters, should be provided. They should be made in such a way that you should be able to stay within them for 30 to 60 days.

We would also give of the warning, there shall soon come into the land of Mexico war. It shall blossom itself upon the borders and spread both north and south.

We would further suggest that these of this location prepare them fare for severe winters.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have a question from [9-373-4]. She asks, ‘In the July 1976 issue of Rays of Philosophy in a question asked of you regarding cancer and the cure, you asked that the question be repeated at a later date. The question was, “How can I effectively treat cancer with present knowledge.” Is this a time you can fully answer this question, and will you?’”

Yes, we will answer this question. Now that soul Ray has brought forth the yucca extract, cancer can be fully treated. He should further go on with the research and the development of the new extract that he has in mind. This new extract would work more rapidly, and work upon all phases of the cancer virus. This includes leukemia.

It would also be advisable that the new extract he has in mind should be used as a preventative toward cancer. And with the further development of the new protein supplement he has in mind, cancer could be a forgotten disease. For as we have said before that arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and the most predominant disease of your nation, that which you would call of low blood sugar, could also be treated and cured. Heart, different heart diseases could be treated. Diseases of both the respiratory and the circulatory system could be treated now with great success.

You have other questions, ask.

“Will this new formula be suitable for the treatment of [9-373-4]’s cancer?”


“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9-373-5…Scottsdale]. She asks, ‘Fifteen years ago I purchased some land about seven miles east of Indio as a speculative gain. The land is mortgaged, requires monthly payments, as well as yearly tax payments. This past summer while in Indio, I was told by the people in the courthouse that the area is condemned. Also I was told by an old land sales realtor that since the highway people have fenced along the interstate, the access to the land is very difficult to get to, even though the land itself has egress and ingress rights. My question is, one, will I be able to sell the land, get my money back, and realize some profit?’”

We shall answer in this manner. If handled properly. I would seek out an attorney to give you access, according to California law, to your land. The land cannot be condemned without just cause and unless they purchase the same from you. Therefore, you would, therefore, receive that which you’ve paid and that of interest upon the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“She further asks, ‘Realtors in Indio aren’t interested in selling in that area; it’s too difficult. How should I go about selling it?’”

Sell it to the state. They are the ones who fenced it off.

“Thank you, Aka. I think that takes care of the rest of her questions.

“[9-373-6…Scottsdale, Arizona] asks, ‘I like a certain person and I think he likes me, but not much is happening. Is he right for me? How long, if he is right, before we go out or something happens?’”

We see not of this.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We should say unto you unto these words. Blessed be name of the Lord, our Father. And blessed be those who should come together in unity from my Father’s many mansions. For blessed be those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have bore the yoke well, and you have bore it with love.

At times you have thought, “Oh, Lord, why have you given me these burdens?”

And we say unto you, the Lord hands no one nothing without [a] purpose. There is a purpose in everything, even though you cannot see it now. If bitterness should dwell in thy heart, cast it aside.

There is a time to take up the sword, and there is a time to place it aside. For some of you, now is the time you shall have to pick up your swords or be stripped of the right to worship God in your own way.

For others, who you seem to think that God has forsaken, God sees thy plight and He cries with you. But He knows for your own maturity that these experiences shall strengthen you. Remember, each one of you, you do not walk alone. God does not sleep. We do not sleep.

The Lord, in His own way, shall answer thy wishes. As we said in the beginning, we shall provide for your needs, not always your wants. Be certain that that that thy ask for is what thy want, and what thy need.

We have come to bring love, not for time, for time [would cease] without motion. Time is but a wilting, flowering thing. It is but an illusion. Look beyond, and you shall see the fulfillment, and your cup shall runneth over.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Once again we shall say unto you, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall use any means to destroy your prophet, to discredit your prophet. Do not become paranoid. Take each thought and each action into thought and counsel before acting.

But remember, the parable of the people who had prepared their minds and the fire that was set to destroy them, and they made the fire burn the other way.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona