September 2, 1977

Globe, Arizona



[Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall tell of thee of the young lad, who had decided to leave his father and his home. His decision had come about because of his disagreements with his father.

The father was sad, and so therefore, he went unto the rabbi, the teacher of the time, to seek his counsel. And he told of these things unto the teacher.

And the teacher thought long upon this. And he said unto him, “There is one yet wiser than I. Let me take this matter up with him, for I have no solution to your problem.”

The boy had packed his clothing and was preparing to make his journey, when suddenly there before him stood a stranger. And the boy looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the boy said unto him, “Where have you come from?”

And the stranger said unto him, “Where you are going.”

The boy became confused, yet angry. Who could be this stranger in the house, in his father’s house, who should ask questions in such a manner, who should talk in such a manner? And he said, “Who are you by name?”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

And the boy said, “Then you must hurry from my home, for we are of the Jewish faith, and my father would not allow this.”

The stranger looked into him and said, “You would disobey your father in all other things, yet, when I walked into your home you would cast me out.”

And the boy said unto him, “But our teachings are different than those you have brought forth.”

And, he said unto him, “What difference is it unto you, the time that your people shall recognize me? For where you are going, they shall recognize me and know of me.”

And he said unto him, “But how can this be so, for I am leaving my father’s house, and where I am going is not a fit place for a person such as you?”

And he looked unto him and said “I shall dwell in the hearts of all of you, as my Father dwells in you now. Open the door, and I shall enter. But yet you should break of your father’s commandments, and in doing so you have broken of my Father’s commandments. You have not held sacred the commandment that says to respect thy father and mother as into thyself. You take from one Testament only when it pleases you.

“You shall go your way, and there you shall find me, even though you cast me from your house.” And the stranger left.

And the father was waiting at the rabbi’s. And the stranger did appear at the rabbi’s house. And the rabbi bid him enter and said, “This is the one who I have waited too for us to seek counsel from.”

But the father said, “But who is he?”

And he said, “He is a rabbi, a teacher, a master, for he is Jesus of Nazara.”

And the father said, “But rabbi, how can you allow this one into your place of worship?”

And the rabbi looked into him and said, “What difference is it to you whether he should come in today or tomorrow? He has always been here.”

And the stranger spoke unto the father and said, “You are much like your son. You would take from the new and the old. But, I am not here for that purpose this day, for in your son lies one of my disciples.”

And the father looked shocked, and said, “How can this be? He drinks. He takes drugs. He is all of those things.”

And Jesus said unto him, “This I know. Yet he would take from me as well as you.”

And the father said, “How can that be so, for you are that in the future; you are that that we have waited for throughout all of these years? You are the Messiah yet to come.”

And he said unto the father, “You are the father and the head of your household. And I serve my Father who is the head of all of our households, so we both serve the same God.”

And the father said, “Then what should I do? Should I allow my son to continue as he is?”

And Jesus said, “Nay, for now is the time of the cutting away of father from son, from mother from daughter. For there shall be those who should choose the path of the Anti-Christ, and he is now upon you. For the date is now, September the 6th, 1977.”

And the father looked unto him and said, “How can this be? He is a good Jewish boy, brought up in the belief. How could he serve the Anti-Christ, and serve you at the same time? How can he wear the mark of the Beast and serve you at the same time?”

And Jesus said unto him, “For where he goes he shall join the Palestines, those of the Black September movement. And from them shall come the beginning of the Anti-Christ, and the downfall of your churches and all churches of all beliefs. But even from the rubble of all things shall rise some men. I have said he can serve both, or he can serve one. This is your decision, the decision you make here and now. If you continue to allow him to continue in your house and do the things he has done, and give disrespect unto his father and mother, then surely he shall join the Anti-Christ. But if you stand firm, and say unto him, ‘If ye be my son, then do unto my household and make it holy this day.’”

And then, Jesus turned unto the rabbi and said, “When the Eagle comes, you shall know of him, for he is here to prepare the way for my coming. But when I come, ye shall not know of me, for I shall wear a different clothing, and a different body. It is through the eyes of the young they shall know me first. And the Eagle shall spread its wings and give them coveth.”

And then, the rabbi felt a holy reverence that entered into his house of worship. And then the stranger was gone.

And the father fell on his knees, and the rabbi fell on his knees, and said unto the Lord, God, their thanks for what they had seen.

The father returned back unto the home. And there he did find his son and said, “If ye go this day, then go. But you shall defile this house no more. If you go and wear the mark of the Beast, return not unto my house, for I shall not allow you to destroy your sisters and brothers.”

The son looked unto the father and said, “Nay, father, I shall respect thy house, and I shall stay, for while you were gone, I met a stranger who said he was Jesus of Nazara, and I felt a reverence throughout my being. And as he left, a great eagle appeared, and did coveth over our house. And I know now that in this land of Israel I shall go about and prepare a way. For the eagle shall touch all lands and giveth coveth. It is written. You shall see.”

And the father said, “We are greatly blessed, for I too, have met the Messiah who shall come, and I too, have felt the warmth of God, and I have seen the eagle in flight. I shall go, my son, and we shall stand together and prepare this way.”

Everyone in town thought them to become strange. And then in the town there was one who had come to speak, and he was a healer, from a far-away land. But as he began to speak, the people knew and felt and saw. They too became transformed.

We have told you this parable for a purpose. Some of you have lost your young loved ones. Our Father now builds His army in readiness. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Those you have lost have gone before you, to prepare a way, and they shall walk with the Messiah. As we are here to prepare a way, so shall they in their own way.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of the Messiah. And glory be the name of the children of our Father who shall not be cut away.

All of you shall have many decisions to make. It is said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” There is a difference between a decision and a judgment. Judgment is a final and lasting thing. A decision can be a new beginning for all.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a request for a life reading from [ 6-274-3…Dallas, Texas]. And she asks, ‘Aka, please explain in detail my purpose and work in this lifetime and how it ties in with my past. Please explain my work with the special child who has come to us, my role in his life, and his in mine.’”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. What we will give you is the tools that are needed at this time to handle the situation at hand. We shall not give at this time in full the life reading you request, but the knowledge of the same you shall have.

In your past, you became lost. And one did come unto you as you wandered as a lost soul and sought entry into any being. And they did say, “You have taken possession of this body. It is not yours. I shall give you three choices -- perish, go back to where you have come, or go unto my Father’s light, and I shall show you the way.”

You felt the warmth that cast down, and you chose to go unto the Father’s light. And then the one did show you the way. That one was the child you have now. Yet, take from the first of this reading, and you shall have the full knowledge of those things we have spoken to you about before.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-370-1…Blue Water, New Mexico] asks, ‘Please explain Kirlian photography. What direction should I take to further my research?’”

Kirlian photography.


In the basis of Kirlian photography you are introducing a small current, or static current, into the substance of tissue, therefore, magnifying the existing aura, or the expelling of electrical energy substance which is a static electricity. You shall find this same substance available in all of your pyramid-type structures, and readily available by rubbing your hands together (chuckle). You shall find if you rub your hands together quite vigorously and then place them before your camera that the aura shall be extended and very bright. This shall help to prove and give you further proof of that that we are trying to show you at this time.

Kirlian photography should be quite useful in the study of animal life and basically in plant life, for it should give you an insight into the creative touch our Father has placed therefore within the same. And in the understanding, first of this, then move forward into a building [or] construction of a larger unit, [for] larger sections of the human body might be photographed in this manner. We would suggest that instead of using the high-voltage, low-amperage type current that you are now using, that static electricity induced into the system would greatly [enhance] that, the photographic quality of the same.

Yet, the devices used in neuro-stimulation would also be used in Kirlian photography, for they are one of the same. This type of electricity induced into the system can and does stimulate nerve and tissue growth, if placed in the proper proportion.

Soon you shall see this in greater use in the solar system that soul Ray now is in the process of constructing.

That is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-370-2…Blue Water, New Mexico] says, ‘I am an R.N. and interested in healing. I know reflexology, some contact healing, magnetic healing, and would like to know which one of these I would do best in, or is there another, so I can help people?’”

We would state in this manner, contact healing. We would further state, the time shall come when soul Ray shall be ready to teach that knowledge which he possesses. This, and this knowledge, would [enhance] the healing methods and bring them forth into a greater enlightenment of mankind. We have given you the wine. We have given you the bread. Must we also provide the yeast for you to see that which we are speaking of? Soon shall come forth the knowledge which you seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-370-3…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘What is my purpose in this life? And am I doing what I should? What should be my job from now on?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner. The purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The job is there for you to take. Spread your wings and prepare for flight. And fear not, for those who should ask and open the door and allow us to enter, then we shall provide the needs. A new opportunity shall appear before you. Take this and utilize it, and both questions shall come into fulfillment with a greater understanding and knowledge than our words would be.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8-350-2…Litchfield Park, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, could you please give me the exact time of my birth for erection of an astrological chart? Thank you.’”

The exact time of birth was 2 a.m. and 27 minutes past the hour.

We should also say unto this one, heed the words soul Ray has spoken unto you. We shall look after the children of the Lord and provide the needs. We cannot always supply the wants.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8-350-2…Litchfield Park, Arizona]: ‘Aka, will you please give me the exact time of my birth? I need it for an astrological chart. Thank you.’”

3:33 p.m. and one-half minute. We leave with you the same message we have left before with your daughter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-370-4…New Mexico]; she asks, ‘Is there anything I can do to restore the good relationship that my son and I had for most of his life? About 4½ years ago there was a rift that in the past few weeks has become much worse. I have decided to leave the situation as is, but to keep the door open. He seems to need to come to his senses, he and his wife both. His name is [W_______ C. C_____ Jr....]’”

We have answered your question in the first of the reading. Take from it, and you shall have the answer.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Tornados and hurricanes shall strike the earth. From the Gulf of California, that you would call Baja, across Mexico -- from the Gulf of Mexico inland throughout the mid-parts of your United States and Canada, north -- shall come new earthquakes. As it was called, the Ring of Fire shall come alive once again. From the Mediterranean to the Alaskans, to the tip of Mexico into South America; these things shall come rapid. For those who wait and have waited for the moisture, this shall come, but the winters shall be harsh. Prepare, therefore, for it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We shall say, the first of this reading was meant to bring enlightenment to you all. For some it shall have a special meaning. Study it well.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona