September 21, 1977

Phoenix, Arizona



[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U. S. A.] spread its wings and did protect -- we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great. But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

The preparation -- as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second. [See editor’s note below.]

But the Lord has said unto you,Fear not.” For there shall come a breaking away of the land, and so it shall commence. Through earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, all shall strican [note: Middle English for stike] the earth and blighten it. Yet good cheer shall be found in all. Man shall know his neighbor, and learn not only to love him, but to trust him. Father and children shall be brought together. Mother and children shall be brought together. As there has been a tearing away, so shall there be a mending.

We shall say unto you, the things that are about to happen upon the earth should look as though a storm should arrive upon your doorstep. But have the faith to know that the sun shall shine again.

Put yourselves together. Let not race or religion interfere. If you can learn this simple lesson, to respect each other’s religion, that in itself shall be the first step to your thousand years of peace. That will be the first step toward the end of your wars.

The things we have spoke of, you shall soon forget until they happen.

New earthquakes shall occur off the coast of Oregon, and then, into the Oregon peninsula. There shall be another greater earthquake from San Francisco, down, and shall strike parts of Arizona. This shall commence at the end of October. New earthquakes shall strike China and Russia, Siberia. You weather conditions shall once again be radical. With the exploding again by the People’s Republic of China of another nuclear bomb which has allowed fallout throughout the United States, it shall create a new and changing weather condition as it did last year when the same plight was put upon your earth.

Yet, through all of these things, each of you may survive by using common sense and love for your fellow man. And you shall rise and be the people of the Lord.

Now you have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [________ …Phoenix], and she says, ‘I am very mixed-up about a relationship. I don’t know which direction to run. I don’t even know why. Could you help me make the right move in the right direction, because there is a lot of strain right now?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we see thy need. We say unto you, have faith. Do not lose the faith, and the guidance you seek shall be given. And wedding bells shall ring. We have placed these in words in a manner that only you shall understand. Continue to come forth unto soul Ray that he may give you full spiritual and mental therapy, and the physical of the same. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. You have laid your hands and your faith in God. Fear not. For we do not sleep; we are with you all of the time.

You have other questions, ask.

“[E_______ P_____ Miami] asks, ‘May I have guidance as to, ‘Should I stay where I am presently located or return to California at this time where I could have a greater balance in employment, spiritual service, and growth? Any guidance to myself and Mother, the motel, to keep or sell?’”

Of the first of the questions, we shall answer first, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee, your venture into California would prove fruitless at this time. To stay where you are at the present time shall bear fruit. The disposition of the motel shall come within a six-month period. Fear not. Your own financial needs shall come to balance in a manner least expected. Yet if you shall think upon it, we shall implant in thy mind the source.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [L______ G____’s son…in Miami]: ‘I am thinking of purchasing land. Where would be a good place for me? Will children come in the next five years? Is happiness eternal?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we have before us the body, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Happiness is that which you make. Without tears, how would you know when you were happy? Life has come unto you as the seasons come unto the earth. Yet the Lord, God, made man that it took less work for him to laugh that for him to cry. Yet crying is a necessary release of emotions, and a healthy one. Anger, rightly directed, is a healthy release of emotion. But the happiness that you seek, the eternal happiness that you seek, shall come within your love for man and your love for God. But it must come in a truthful manner, from the heart and the soul and the spiritual substance, therefore, within the same.

You speak of purchasing land. The Globe area would be a wise purchase at this time, for it shall multiply in its financial value in a three-year period.

But you have a greater question within your mind. And we shall answer it in a manner that shall be private unto yourself. If you deny yourself, then you have denied God. When you stand before God and say, “I take this to be my love,” God hears you. But if you really love this other person, say it where man can hear you. Do not be ashamed of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [N_____ M. Mesa], and she asks, ‘Am I going about it in the right way to get some money that’s owed to me, or can you advise me?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And we say unto you, the most direct route between two points is a straight line, but it is not sometimes the fastest. The means that are needed are at your fingertips to be used. The knowledge, which you have kept in your mind and been reluctant to use, should be used, and that which is owed to you shall be repaid in full. Because of the private nature of this question, it may seem we have answered in riddles. In truth we have not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [E______ _____... in Phoenix, Arizona]: ‘Where can we keep our silver coins? Banks do not want them in the box. Then there is the tax problem.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. If you shall come unto soul Ray in private, he shall tell you a way. There has been a new system, or vaults, set up for such purposes and such storages, which would well be safeguarded in what you have in mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [H___ Phoenix, Arizona], and she asks, ‘Dear Aka, will my husband and I be happy and healthy in an earlier retirement? If we should move out of state, to what part of the country will we move? Thank you very much.’”

Yes, we see they need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we say unto you, rather than moving out of the state, you shall move farther into the state in a northerly direction. Therefore, and in that position, you should find the happiness in retirement that you desire.

Yet there is a greater question within your mind, and it is about financial substance. And we shall answer in this manner. There are the needy and the greedy, and the one who seeks to borrow from you at this time is the greedy. See the difference, and know of it, for if they take from you they shall never give it back and it shall affect your retirement.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [P____ J___ Phoenix]: ‘What degree of development have I attained? Where am I going, and what can I do to help get there?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

And we say unto you, as you walk through a pathway, and there are roses on either side and fruit in abundance of many kinds -- and the path splits, and one path continues to have the roses and the fruit, but the Lord says unto you, “GO UNTO THE DESERT,” and you think unto your mind, “Here I have everything. Why should I reach farther? Why should I venture into the desert? What purpose shall I serve in such a desolate place?” Yet your curiosity overcomes you, and you venture forth into the desert. And therefore, you find an oasis abundant of all things, of sweet water, and fruits and vegetables and flowers of all kinds. Yet your mind shall wonder, “What would the other path have taken me upon?” And so you ventured back to the crossroads and you went forth on the other road. And soon, little by little, all the abundance was gone. The land gaveth nothing nor taketh nothing.

The Lord places before you opportunities. But He has given into your keeping the freedom of choice. The wisdom of knowing where you have been is to know where you are going. You have been told where you have been, and you have reached forth in your travels and in your destination. You have asked for advice at different times, not always taking it. But that is your freedom of choice. We say unto you, you still have a robber in the roost.

Your advancement -- we say unto you, take forth a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down the things you like about yourself; next to that, write why. Then when you have completed that task, write the things you dislike about yourself, and why. You shall find the things you have liked about yourself and the things you have achieved in this lifetime far outweigh those things that you have not achieved. It is not important that you should fall down; it is important that you have the love for mankind to stand, to rise, and go on.

You wonder why you are different from your own brothers and sisters. A pathway was built that you would be as you are, and you would know the difference and use it to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, from P______ Phoenix, and she asks, ‘Could you explain the meaning of ‘Thirteen’ in the book, A Rose without Thorns?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And the 13th shall be God, and the sacred number. And twelve, through one, shall be of the Council. And the Council shall know of God.

There have been many who have wondered about the name, Aka. Aka translated into your language would mean, beloved, or the number, 13. And, for all of those who have been chosen, and were chosen, shall know of God, but should know of earth, and shall have known of many earths.

As we have said before, for as I am soul Ray, soul Ray is I. For I act only as the spokesman. We have tutored him and brought forth unto your keeping a prophet of the Lord, God, who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. A new book shall be born and is being born at this time that shall play a very important part in this preparation.

Many of you have sought to develop yourselves spiritually. We placed within your hands, A Rose without Thorns. Soon we shall place within your hands another part, a part that shall be part of a whole, the books with wings. Soon the fulfillment shall come, and many of the things that you have tried to learn shall be explained in a simple manner to help in your climb unto the Lord. But, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter. Make a place within your hearts and we shall walk with you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question from [T__ Globe, Arizona]. And he asks the Council for blessings and guidance in his ministry, through the bank of prayer. And he asks that you, ‘Please give us specific direction for this ministry?’”

We shall say unto you, we have brought you before the ankh. We have placed knowledge at your foot. We have given unto you knowledge in many forms. [But] knowledge is only good if it is shared. And it can only be shared if the knowledge you have really means something to you, and you really believe within the same, of that that you are ready to share with another. It cannot be forced upon another. It must come from the heart, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We say unto you, we have made unto you ministers. We have given unto you the bread and the wine. We have given unto you the yeast. Yet you see not what lies at your feet. You seek to become as soul Ray. This is not within your reach. As a disciple, yes. But anything that is worth doing requires work. Spread the word of what you have, and you shall find followers.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no further written questions at this time, Aka. Thank you.”

We shall answer that question. Fear not. For that that we are about to do shall strengthen your hearts. For that that we are about to place within your minds, and the dreams that we have placed there have not been without a purpose. For we have said that we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. And the knowledge that we have placed in your mind, while you work upon the new book, shall become greater.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Editor’s note: “First rumblings of the Anti-Christ”  

The September 7, 1977, New York Times newspaper reported these events:

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 -- Israel's Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement that shows what Israel would expect from such a document. This was done at request of Americans after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C., led by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.  

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 -- Jordan's King Hussein in a summit meeting with France's Falery Giscard d'Estaing in Paris warns of war in the Middle East.  

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 -- End of four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo. Subject is opposition to Israel's annexation of occupied lands.

Wednesday, September 7, 1977 U. S. President Carter and Panama General Torrijos sign the Panama Canal Treaty, in which the U.S.A. gives away the canal to Panama.

Friday, September 9, 1977 -- Treaty ratification process begins in the United States Senate. Ronald Reagan leads the opposition.