September 30, 1977

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the brothers and sisters.

And they did come unto the earth, one by one, into the blessed house of their father and mother. And each came with great joy, and luster for life in their hearts. And they were born as lions.

The father did teach them many things. For in their garden there grew a beautiful rose bush. And as each child did come forth unto the earth, the father went forth and cut the most beautiful rose from the bush and brought it and laid it beside the child. And he said, “And each child shall be bound to the other, brother and sister, brother and brother, sister and sister. And always they shall remember the beauty and the love that they have come unto the earth for.”

And as the days and years did pass, all of the children went their separate ways, but always to remember the love that they had had and that that bound them together.

As the passing of one sister came forth, the others gathered near, and there they gave her roses, the dearest gift from their heart.

And yet each of these, who had had children themselves, could not understand the gift their father had given them that they could not give on to their own children, for each of them looked into their children to find this gift, and it was not there.

After the sister had passed forth, they went unto the father and said, “The wisdom that you had given us, why can not we pass on it to our own children?”

And the father was wise, and he said unto them, “You cannot give that that cannot be taken into the heart and soul. If it is not there, then the giving is not enough, for they must be ready to accept the gift. And this must come from the other side, before the birth.”

And the children said unto their father, “Then why are we born different than the other children? Why are not our children have the same gifts that we have?”

And the father said, “They have some of the gifts. But the gift you speak of is the gift of the soul. Because they did not return with that gift, they cannot understand it.

“You have placed roses with your sister because it was a gift of the soul.”

“Give unto your children the gift of the roses, but worry not whether they shall have the ability to pick them up. Worry not that they shall learn these things that you hold so dear to your hearts. For who is to say at what moment that God shall give them what you were given at birth?

“It is written that the father shall give all that he can, and all of his knowledge to his children, but only as they can accept the gift. If they are not ready for it, give not, and worry not. Go forth and give to those that who shall and can accept the gift that you have.”

Some of you shall understand this parable, and some of you shall not -- for the parable was meant for those who have eyes to hear, and those who are blind, yet can see and hear.

Once again you shall say we have spoken as in riddles. We say unto you, nay.

We shall say unto you, because soul Ray is very tired, our time is very short. Therefore, we shall not give unto life readings this night, but you have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. We have a request for an emergency health reading from [10-372-1…Tucson, Arizona]. He is very weak and is not improving.”

This data does not compute.

“The name is spelled [N______…]”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We say unto you these words. Healing shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [9-372-2…El Paso, Texas]: ‘What must I do to have a complete healing in mind, heart, body, and soul. What talents do I have that I may develop and share with others?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We say unto you, the greatest talent of all is that of the gift of giving. Yet the gift of receiving in a gracious manner is also a talent. We have given unto you the bread and the wine. Pick it up and look at it, and you shall find the answer therein, and the way to use the talent that we have spoke of and many more.

You asked of the healing. Come before the ankh, and you shall find the total healing thy desire. But come before the ankh in a manner that you shall earn where you stand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [9-372-3…Truth or Consequences, New Mexico]: He asks, ‘Will I get this oil lease that I have in mind? Will I really benefit by it, and how soon?’”

We shall say unto you unto these words, the oil lease that thy desire shall never be of great riches or great importance. You have started within your Teacher’s Course. The completion of it shall bring you greater treasures of the heart and soul. That that you have in your mind of the oil lease, it would be better that you spent your time in other areas. An offer shall be made, and completed, and the monetary reward shall not be of any great amount, but it shall come regardless of what you do at this time.

We have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [7-316-1…Yuma, Arizona]: His first question is, ‘What other artifacts of valuable history should be brought out before the sinking of the western United States? Guide me.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And we should say unto you, the artifacts that thy wish to bring forth shall bear little importance at this time. But we say unto you, as the body is the temple of God, and a house is a house, thy people need a place to worship. This in itself is of great importance at this time in the land they dwell.

You have other questions, ask.

“[7-316-1] has a second question. ‘Should I be at the “hill of the skull” before the quake to perform my free will duties? Please guide me. Thank you.’”

Nay. Not at the hill. Pick unto the high land, and therefore, take unto the first of our answer and your knowledge shall be complete.

You have other questions, ask.

“How did the seven spirits of God cause chaos, confusion, over breeding, as mentioned in the reading of June 19, 1973?”


We have told you this many times.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Pestilence, earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, drought, all is brought forth by man. Yet, as the Fifth Angel walks forth, man spreads the chaos before him.

We have told you before that now is the time of the great Sword, that that shall strike away and divide the earth. And it shall change its form. We have told you of the other side of the Sword that shall cut away man. And some shall go forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. And some shall go forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who go forth to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, most of them already wear their mark. And it shall be six times sixty-six. And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777].

We have told you why we are here. We have said unto you, now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have also said unto you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this. And it shall come forth that the Beast shall lose its head. The one we have put forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah shall strike forth the blow unto the Anti-Christ, and the one that should prepare the way for his coming. Yet the Anti-Christ shall [grow] forth, and his reign shall be lean because of the blow that [shall] be struck. And for those who shall not wear the mark of the Beast shall rise and build a new world and a new heaven, and a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. For each day shall be as a thousand years. In other words, one day shall represent one thousand years. Yes, I still see the doubt within thy mind. In other words – In other words, it should take one thousand of your days to make one day of God’s.

Yet we say unto you, if we are not successful, the Anti-Christ’s reign shall come and go, and three thousand years of darkness shall enter upon your earth.

There are those of you here who would take our words lightly. There are those of you who would try to strip the words and change their meaning for their own benefit. And we say unto you, woe be unto you, for it is your soul that you have damaged, your spirit that you shall strip away.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the healing that those who have come for, they shall receive.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona