April 7, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

          For in the days of the one thy should call, John the Baptist, as John had seen in the stars that the time was so that he should venture forth to prepare the way, he came forth in the land, as thy would know it, as the Dead Sea.

And as he entered, and went forth unto the Jordan River, he began to baptize and to preach. And he said unto them, “Repent, for the one who shall come after me shall baptize of the spirit.”

            And none could understand of his words.

Yet many began to follow, and many asked him who he was.

And he did say unto them, “I am John.”

            And they asked him if he were the prophets of old? And he did look upon them and say, “Nay, I have been here as long as ye.”

            They did not understand these words he had spoken.

            And then, as he baptized, he did baptize the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said unto Jesus, “Thy should baptize me.”

            And Jesus said unto him, “Nay, baptize me, John.”

            And John did baptize him. And as he brought him forth, he told unto his disciples to follow Jesus. [See John 1:15-51 and 3:22-36.]

            And then, as the twelve were brought together, they did go forth, each one at a time, to be baptized again by John.

            And John the Beloved came unto John, and looked unto him and said, “Oh, Master, baptize me.”

            And he looked unto John and said, “And you shall be with your true master to the very end; forsake him not. Stand beneath the cross, and you shall receive the final baptism. For one drop of blood shall fall upon your head, and the blood of his body shall represent the spirit that shall baptize for thereafter.”

            And John the Beloved became frightened, and he ran back unto Jesus and said, “Master, why do they call him John, the Baptist?”

            And Jesus laughed in his usual way, and said, “Pray be it, John. But does he not baptize you and I? Has he not brought unto you the spirit of God? Has he not prepared the way for you and I, and all who shall come after us?”

            But John the Beloved said, “But yet, Master, but I see death in his eyes.”

            And Jesus looked sad then, and said, “Yes, these things shall be so, but the baptisms shall continue unto I return again.”

And so it has been throughout time, that the baptisms that you receive now, and the marks that are placed upon your forehead, therefore, never shall be the marks of [peace] placed there, for in the baptism you have accepted the mark of Christ, the mark of God, and therefore, the Anti-Christ can never mark thee.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-317-1], who is here tonight, asks, ‘Should I leave Globe?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. It was not by chance this night thy have witnessed the baptism. It is not by chance thy have felt the spirit that dwells within thee. Pick up the cup. It makes little difference where you shall dwell, for the wine you have tasted shall grow sweeter in your mouth no matter where you go, and the bread shall fill thy body. But as thy should make thy choice, make it with love and compassion and in the spiritual light of God. Judge no one lest ye be judged. Take not that from thy brother that belongs to thy brother. And take not that from thyself that belongs from thyself. The Lord shall be with thee.

Once again you shall say we have spoke as in riddles, yet we have answered your question. For not our will shall be done, but thine. And not thy will shall be done, but God’s. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [P____ L_____ (9-16-72-001?)] asks, ‘What do you want me to do?’”

We say unto you, you have picked up the rose that lay at thy feet. Now reach for the candelabra.

The light of God shall dwell where darkness was cast, for darkness could not understand the light and it did flee before it. And as the wine came upon thy forehead thy became as one, within one.

The preparation for the coming of the Messiah must spread rapidly upon the face of the Earth. And the wine and the water must touch the foreheads of many, that not the mark of the beast may be placed there. For it is but a short time until the coming of the Messiah, yet a shorter time for the rule of the Anti-Christ. Both must be prepared for. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 10-22.]

You have other questions, ask.    

“Thank you, Aka. [9-18-71-1…in Mayor, Arizona] asks, ‘Will I meet the man I am to marry at Orme school, and if not, where?’”

You shall meet the man thy shall marry in the land of the Eagle. This we have told you so before.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-379-2…North Liberty, Indiana]. She asks, ‘I have recently been employed in a situation caring for an invalid and her elderly mother. Although it seemed that there were lessons for me to learn, I have only felt frustration and confusion. If there is anything you can tell me to help me clear up my thinking, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner. Glory shall be the meek, and glory shall be the mighty. And the meek shall learn from the mighty and the mighty shall learn from the meek.

In the worst of things, there is a lesson to be learned, as is in the best of things. You shall find many a man who shall stand in a garden of beauty and abundance and find fault. Yet you shall find many a man who shall stand in a desert laden with cactus and find all the beauty that should fill their soul, their spirit, and [the] immortal body of man.

Love, hope -- for each is part of the spirit of man. For a dream yet unspoken — for a word, a sound yet unheard — for a song yet unsung — for a sky that is yet to be seen -- for a wind that is yet to be felt — for the cool waters that shall rush by thy feet — shall be the love and the hope that shall dwell within the heart of all mankind.

Into the worst of things, take these words and you shall find that hidden place within thy mind where God shall dwell.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4-125-2] asks, ’There is one wish that I desire more than any other. Will you please walk strongly with me, and make your presence known day by day, as you have, yet more fully. I love you.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, glory be the name of His children, and glory be the name of His children who should prepare the way for His son. For the last shall be first and the first shall be last; yet they shall arrive at the feast at the same time.

For darkness and shadows are but the beginning of light. To feel our presence, you shall know within you we dwell — and for all of those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Yet the sun and the rain shall shine upon all.

And the Lord, our God, should say into all of you -- and we should say unto Luke [1-1-3] and Ruth [2-30-2] and Paul [2-30-3], and to each of you -- as the Lord has said before, “THESE ARE MY CHILDREN, AND I AM WELL PLEASED.” Glory be the name of the Lord.

And take unto the multitudes and feed them with the love that should come from your Lord — and let it flow through you -- From every teacher, from every student, from every minister, from every shepherd, and from your prophet, and from every member, let it flow out unto the multitudes, this love, this gift of love. And let it rise unto the heavens and you shall hear the angels sing unto thee. And let it rise from beneath the earth and up and through the roots of the trees and the plants and you shall hear the angels sing unto you. And let it come from the sea, and from the bottom of the sea, and from the waves, and the love shall rise up into thee — for the Earth shall be covered with love. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Soul Ray now tires.

Let not greed dwell among thee. Let not mistrust dwell among thee, for nothing shall be greater than thee, and nothing shall be greater than the Lord, thy God. Cast aside, and let forth the blossom of the dawn rise within thee.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright   by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.