April 14, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the rich man.

And he was born unto riches. And all worthy things were brought unto his feet. And as a young man he felt that he had seen all things, and done all things.

And one evening, one of the servants was preparing to leave the household to attend his weekly meeting, as you would call it, [a] workshop meeting. The young man, more from boredom than anything else, asked that he might go with the young man.

The servant said, “Yes, Master, if this is thy desire.”

As they were riding along, the master said, “What do you receive from these meetings you attend each week?”

            The servant said, “Knowledge.”

The rich man said, “If knowledge is what you have obtained, why do you still work for me? Why has not your knowledge brought you riches?”

            And the servant said, “The knowledge has brought me great wisdom, and great riches. It allows me to do that which I know to do best and has made me better at my work because of it.”

The rich man thought for a while. This was true. This was the best servant in his whole household. Therefore, they entered into this home where the meaning was to be conducted.

And throughout the evening he heard different ones speak. And as they spoke, they spoke of the importance of God being present at their work. And therefore, with God’s presence, that they must do the best work possible. To the rich man’s amazement, he saw doctors, lawyers, judges, men from all walks of life -- servants, carpenters, mechanics, all these things and all these people were present. And as the meeting ended, each came forward unto him and said how glad that they were that he had attended; they had gained so much from him. But he could not understand this.

Once again as the servant and he ventured forth, he said, “They say I have given knowledge unto them; how can that be so? For I could not really contribute to the words they spoke? I do not do my work any better than anyone else. As a matter of fact, I do not work at all. How could I contribute?”

And the servant said, “By your presence. Each one has a gift to give unto another. When you talked to the carpenter you marveled at his work. Yet in your mind, you seem to have known and been around carpenter work before, and knew good work and how it should be done.”

            The rich man said, “Well, this is so, but I did this only as an amusement.”     

            “Nevertheless,” the servant said, “you must have done it well.” And he said, “And the lawyer, he gained from you also.”

And the rich man said, “But I only went to law school to please my parents. But I have never really practiced law; I only know the principle.”

And the poor man said, “But you must have done it well, for that that you had learned you remembered well and you aided the lawyer in his work.”

As weeks passed, the rich man continued to go to the meetings and continued to have discussions with his servant.

One evening as they had returned, the servant went about placing refreshments before his employer, and the employer began to help him. And suddenly he began to realize that that his servant and the others had spoken of -- that whatever job there was to do, it was to be done into the best of things.

And he said unto his servant, “But how about into the worst of things? Doesn’t God look upon me as a rich man, as a wasteful thing?”

And the servant said, “No. If it was not for you, the carpenter would not be employed, I would not be employed, and many others. Therefore, in the things you do, you have brought good.”

            And the rich man said, “Then you do not feel that I have not wasted my life?”

            “No,” said the servant.

As the years passed, the rich man started new factories, but he never quit attending the weekly meetings. At his weekly meetings he was soon to find many of his employees attending the same meeting. And as he had children, he took them forth unto the meetings.

And upon his death and the passing therefore of, the fortunes that has been left unto him had befallen many times over. And the children brought forth even more jobs and more industry, and they attended the meetings.

Whether rich or poor, that which you do, if it is done well, you shall pass it on. It is like the flowers at your feet. The Father will be there if you pick them up or if you don’t. But the wise one who knows that his Father is always there, he shall nourish the flowers so they shall multiply for the next one to pass.

            You have many questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for L____ E____ R_____ Jr.”

            There shall be no life readings this night.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a request for [10-380-1…Pasadena, Texas]. And he asks, ‘What is my purpose on Earth for our people?’”

We should say unto you, that as the way has been provided that these things you have heard of you shall see with your own eyes and feel with your own hands. A way shall be provided, that the knowledge that you desire shall come. But as knowledge should be taken, as food should be taken to the stomach, do not take more than you can digest at one time. Yet you are here that a way also may be provided for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. That is our purpose also. It is the only purpose we are here. But yours should be a multiple purpose, the purpose for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and the happiness and laughter and love that shall be placed within your lives, for this also is important to our Father. We say unto you, look about you. Be satisfied at this time to gather the flowers that shall be laid at your feet. We shall give you further knowledge, as it is desired and needed, to build upon.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, where is her lapis scarab misplaced?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we would say look, therefore, in the workshop at the university.

            You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [8-338-2] lost her ruby tonight, and she asks if you can give her guidance in that?”

Yes, we see thy need. We would say look, therefore, within your personal belongings in your car, and it shall be found close at hand.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-380-2] who is here tonight…and he asks, ‘I am studying four projects; which will work, and in what order should I try to develop them? The first one, an electronic device to relieve pain; the second, an electronic energy system; the third, an improved fuel system for cars; four, an electronic recording device. Do you have any further advice on these projects?’”

I would say unto you, take the first, that to relieve the pain of mankind. After the development of it, all others shall fall in place, and the funds also shall be available. Of the circuitry, and the knowledge thy desire, that of the alternating current, therefore, of the same, take, therefore, this instrument in its present form, and do that which is in thy mind at this time. Improvement, you shall find, shall be easily done by replacing this one part by an improved part which is also in thy mind. When this is completed it would be suggested the instrument be called an electrical stimulator rather than a neuro-stimulator. This would place it not in the normal medical pattern, but could be used and sold readily without controls being placed upon the same.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-380-3] asks, ‘The book I wish to write on Ray, I’d appreciate your comments and advice.’”

Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner. Look into the man deeper and you shall find the complexity of the same, and the versatility of the same. But you shall also find his humor, if the book is to succeed that you desire.

We would say unto you, none of us may violate the freedom of choice of another, nor can soul Ray. Within your mind you wish to know why one would live and one would die. And you say in your mind, “If he saved all of them, if he walked on water for all of them, then the whole world would look upon him and know of our presence and our purpose. In some ways, this is true. But we may not interfere in the ultimate plan of God and man of life and death. We may give life back only where life is truly desired. But when the time has come for renewal, and the choice has been made, there is little we can do to change that person’s mind. All we can do is still the pain within. For death within itself is a form of healing. Within this you have only looked at one side, as you have only looked at one side of the compassion that lies within the man.

You asked why he should manufacture the vitamins, and how they differ. That the vitamins may be marketed, they must be called vitamins, or your laws would not allow them to be called or be sold. So his decision to keep them as such has been wise.

Yet there are those who should come unto him who can neither afford of his service or the vitamins themselves. Therefore, the necessity within him that each shall get their equal share shall be part of the balancing factor in his never-ending search for the improvement of man’s health.

We have watched as man has tried to stop our progress and the progress of our instrument. He has not succeeded. Flowers are planted in the stranger places upon the Earth, but the wisdom of our Father to plant them so they can multiply has been greater than man’s.

Once again you say unto us, “He has spoken as into riddles.” And we say unto you, nay -- for if you shall see this man, it shall take patience and fortitude.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, do you have any further guidance for Shepherd, [2-30-3], at this time?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. If there is one shepherd to guide the flock, and then there are two, and then there are three – if a shepherd should go and try to guide the flock without the help of the other two shepherds, then each should be duplicating their own jobs.  Confer with each other. Bring harmony and love within your work. We have already seen this harmony and we have already seen this love. But we say unto you, two of the flock has slipped away. Gather unto the knowledge of your other two shepherds, and make the effort to return them.

            You have one other question, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [5-206-2], ‘Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

In the beginning five places were chosen. And four denounced the work and walked away. Now you have one. Yet it is spread upon the Earth. It is spread unto the other four places, and renewed faith has come forth. But the wisdom and the choice was that of our Father’s. And we may speak of our Father, but we do not have His wisdom.

We say unto those who stand still and quiet, with messages and thoughts within their mind, and questions to be asked, look around you. Look at the heavens and the blue of the sky. Look at the green and the flowers of the earth. And then look at your fellow man. And you shall find that none of you have been forsaken. Gifts have been given to each of you in an abundance of all things.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

There will be those who shall fall, and those who shall help the others rise again. But beware the mark of the Beast.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona