April 21, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the three shepherds.

They ventured far, because it had been written in the stars that the meeting of the three would be of great importance to the world. And upon the meeting place, each made his camp separate from the other. And he sent their servants forward to discuss the terms of the meeting, and who should sit in what position.

And the servants began to squabble, saying that each of their masters was greater than the other and, therefore, should have a place of honor. But finally it was decided that each would sit in the exact same position that he had camped in, facing the others.

So they came forward, each introducing himself to the other. And they began to discuss of worldly things, of war and peace, and the rain and the Earth cycles of winter and summer and spring. Yet not one word was mentioned of God.

And suddenly before them there was a shadow. The shadow was long before the fire place. Each stared and looked up, for he was sure that the other had brought an assassin upon him. But when they looked up, there stood a man with the cane of a shepherd.

Yet in his eyes was a twinkle and a smile. And he said unto them, “Why are you afraid? I have come not to harm you.”

            And each of them said unto him, “But you are not invited, for we are the three shepherds. We are the great ones. We are the leaders. We are the teachers.”

The stranger stood quiet and said, “But did you not come here to seek God? And did each of you tell your people when you left that that was your sole purpose, to seek out the wisdom of God?”

Each said, “Yes, this is true.”

      Then the stranger said, “Then you invited me, for I am the light of God. I bring peace and love from my Father to His children.”

      Each of the shepherds beckoned to their servants to be ready with weapons to attack the stranger.

And the stranger turned his hand backward and forward, and said, and opened his cloak, and said, “I have no weapons. Why do you fear me? I have come not to harm you. I have come but for one purpose, to tell unto you the arrival upon your Earth of a new Messiah, that you might go back and give this gift unto your people.”

Each spoke and said, “But how do we know you are not of Satan? Where are your credentials?”

The stranger said unto them, “I have no credentials. The only credentials I have is my faith in my Father and yours, my love for my God and you, my hope that you shall receive the message I have come to bear you, and that you shall bear witness unto his arrival and bring the word unto your people.”

Each said unto the stranger, “We must think.” And they departed back into their tents.

Then none of them invited the stranger into their tent. They left him into the cold of the night.

He stood. And in the morning light, all light substance gathered around him, and warmth grew from him.

And the servants came forth unto him, and did kneel unto him. And he said, “Rise, do not bow unto me; bow unto your Lord, God. Give Him thanks for your day and your daily bread. Give Him thanks for the sun and the rain, and take unto your people the wisdom I have spoken.”

Each of the servants from the three camps promised they would.

As he turned and began to leave, the three shepherds came out and said, “Why have you given unto our servants the message to deliver unto the people?”

And they [he] said unto them, “For ‘the last shall come first,’ and ‘blessed be the meek,’ for they shall give unto the people. Yet blessed be the strong, if they shall help the meek. But here, I give unto you before I depart, each of you, this gift from my Father.” And he handed each one a small rose.

These were men who were used to receiving jewels and handmaidens as gifts from kings and heads of nations. They looked at the rose, each casting it into the dirt. And yet, when they looked up the stranger was gone.

Orders were given to break camp, but a handmaiden from each of the camps came forth and picked up the rose. And each promised to take it into their lands and nourish it.

And so it came about that this was true. Word spread throughout each of their lands of the coming of the new Messiah. And the word spread and became the belief of the lands.

And the kings of the three shepherds called them forth and said, “You were sent to meet with the other shepherds, yet you brought us no knowledge of this.”

The shepherds said, “But this is a false messiah. He should be destroyed. And those who should believe in him should be destroyed. Send forth your armies and attack the other nations. Drive out the people in our land who believe in this, for they should be persecuted.”

             And so it came about and great wars and rumors of wars did belay the land. Yet the faith within these people stayed.

             And as they grew together, the people who were cast out of the nations, one was born among them. And yet, “when the kingdoms have fallen, the kingdom of God has risen,” and peace did come to the Earth.

     Once again you shall say unto us, we have spoke unto you as unto a riddle. Nay. For in truth, those with the faith, the hope, and the wisdom to believe shall see the coming of the Messiah, for that is our purpose. That is our only gift we can give you. But it shall be greater than all the gold and jewels and riches of your Earth, all together. For if our mission should come about, and fulfillment of the same, the thousand years of peace shall reign upon the Earth, and into the universe and galaxies, and all shall know each other in love.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question for some health assistance for [6-23-72-001…Oakland, California]. And what he’s asking is, he normally is very energetic, but for the last little while, he has been coming home and falling asleep at 6 p.m. and sleeping until 7 a.m. the next morning, and no one can wake him. He wants to know what is causing his loss of energy and this problem?”

Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer unto your need, your question in this manner. The loss of energy is a cellular problem in the blood within the same. We would suggest that you should seek out the counsel of soul Ray and he shall advise you in full detail of that and the answer unto which you need. But healing shall be given unto your body, and soul, and the spirit of the same. And healing shall come into thy as a light.

Yes, we see the need of soul Mark [1-1-3] and soul James [1-1-5]. And we shall answer your question in this manner. That unto which you desire, for the fulfillment, is great and powerful in thought. But there is something lacking in two ways. The water is not true in abundance now. Erosion shall come unto that land. Therefore, we would suggest that you look farther. We shall be with you and travel with you, and guide you. The answer is close at hand.

      We told you before that we’d tell you when the time would be for you to leave the land of the Yuma. It is not yet. A way shall be prepared.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [9-366-3…Phoenix]. She asks, ‘Could you tell me of my past lives and what can I do to help myself?’”

We shall not go into your past-life readings at this time, for soul Ray is too weary. But we shall answer your question in this manner. As you seek servitude into the Lord, do so in a manner that shall give servitude into man. Words within themselves mean very little. They cannot feed our children. They cannot clothe a child. They cannot bring warmth into their hearts, unless the words are prepared with the abundance that should come from the Lord.

Yes, we see thy need of servitude; we see thy need of fulfillment. Pick up the Rose without Thorns, and you shall find the fulfillment within the same. And the valley of the darkness shall be lighted.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-381-1…Tucson]. She asks, ‘Can you give me any suggestions or advice on finding a small farmhouse and three-to-eight acres to buy near the Globe-Miami-Superior area?’”

      There are many such opportunities. (Chuckle.) The price that you desire to pay for it is something else. There shall be five-acre parcels of land for sale very soon that should serve thy purpose and thy price.

      You have other questions, ask.

                         “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10-381-2...Albuquerque]. She asks, ‘I am pregnant and have felt confused as to what I should do now, my direction. Should I go to work for money, work with my husband, or what really do I need to do now for my soul’s growth? How should I express myself now?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The child you bear shall be special, inasmuch as they shall work and walk with the Messiah. Yet, so shall you. The preparation for the child’s birth should be most important. Yet we would also suggest that you should continue to work with your husband in the fulfillment of your soul; this growth is important also. But last but not least, for the happiness of thy mind and body, prepare to smile, for into thy house and into thy heart we shall place a new gift, and it shall keep you busy.

            You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, from [9-372-2...El Paso, Texas], and she says, ‘Dear Aka, thank you for your help, and for the love of soul Ray and the others. I have been having dreams where I am working with Ray, especially with children. Could you explain a dream I had in December 1977, where Ray is showing me a paper containing drawing of circles and writing?’”

Yes, we see thy need. There shall come a time when the children shall need teachers. But that which you have dreamed that he has shown you shall be that which he has already handed you. You shall also find a further and more complete fulfillment.

            One moment, please. [Note: 15-second pause.]

            Yes. Yes.

That which soul Ray is showing you is a scripture that shall come forth, and be blessed by the people. When you were prepared for death, he gave you life. When you were prepared to have nothing but yourself, he gave you fulfillment. The scripture is the writing of the coming of the Messiah that shall be written and is written in the many religions across the land. But yet further, he has fed your mind that you shall enhance new knowledge in threefold.

            You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, I have a question from [10-381-3...Garland (Texas)]. The question is, ‘I have been told that I am of universal service. Is this true, and am I aware of my destiny?’”

We would say, not as you would know it at this time. Universal service -- yes. But take from the first part of our reading and you should have the answer to your question.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

New earthquakes shall occur in the Eastern seaboard and Western, and eastern Europe.

Beware of that which your politicians do.

And beware of those who should speak with one hand of God, and give out damnation with the other. Once again we shall say -- nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. For those who should come, they shall find no mark of the Beast before them. For those who should seek their kingdom elsewhere, they shall look in vain. But give unto those who ask, and take away the mark of the Beast from them.

The Lord God brings blessings into you. Use them in a wise manner. Pick them up as pieces of stars. Cherish them. Love one another. Let that love flow among you in such a manner that no one can deny it. Take hatred from your hearts; cast it aside. Put love within your heart and love within your minds. Project it forth as your shield, as your [lance]. Pray, “Oh Lord,” unto God, thy God, that your souls be cleansed and bathed in the light of love. And glory shall be forever more. Pick up the rose[s] and plant them.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona