December 8, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner -- glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We should say unto thee this parable, the parable of the young lad who could not decide, as he grew up, that which he wished to become.

His father was a shepherd; his one uncle was a merchant; another was a fisherman; another farmed the land, and did bring forth, through all these things, an abundance back into the family. But as he looked, one into the other, he could not make up his mind. And therefore, unlike his brothers, he went from uncle to uncle, working in each place for a while and then leaving.

His father’s brothers did meet to discuss this one, for all their other children had all followed in the family line of work. And each had found their niche in life. And each asked the other, “What should be done?”

It was finally decided that they should take this one before the priesthood, for he was now reaching the age of manhood, for his 13th birthday was before him. All the brothers left their work, and all their children left their work, and all went unto their temple of worship, and said unto the priest therein, “We seek your advice for this one.”

And the priest said unto them, “This is a decision that I must take up with wiser men than I. I go, therefore, into the Holy Land, where wise men shall gather. Let me take the lad with me.” And so, they did venture forth.

As they crossed the great deserts and neared the town of Bethlehem, each night they saw this beautiful star, this beautiful light from the heavens.

And the lad kept asking the priest, “What was this light? What was this beautiful light from the heavens? What made it so?”

The priest knew some of astronomy and astrology, but he could not account for this.

And they did meet in their travel the three Magi. And the Magi told of their journey to that that would be the birthplace of a new Messiah.

When they did reach Bethlehem, and all came forth unto the Christ child to bring forth their gifts, the young lad stayed back. He looked through all of his possessions, and they were few.  

And then he heard the angel[s] say unto him, “Take forth the gift of thyself.”

And so the lad brought himself up from his knees, leaving all his worldly possessions behind, and went forth. And among all the glittering gifts that were to be given, there, in the manger, he did lay himself and say, “I shall be thy slave.”

Both Joseph and Mary looked upon the lad. What need would they have for a slave? But it was a gift given.

And the priest had his answer to take back to the father, and the uncles, and all the kin therein.


At first, those around had laughed at the young lad’s gift. But they were to see that he had given the greatest gift of all, himself.

We say unto you, who are artists, we have painted a picture for you unlike any that exists, for we have reached back in time, that this may come forth into your time and shall go forward. Let it be a symbol for all those who wish to give. For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And as you prepare for your worship, as Jesus of Nazara, the Christ child, let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you. And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Let that gift be given freely, as it was from the lad. And all in abundance shall come back unto you tenfold.

Yes, we see thy need, [7-317-1], and we shall say unto you, there is another story, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city that could have been made righteous had there been ten righteous men [who] could have stepped forward. This land into which you are thinking of, Tucson, go forth and find these ten righteous men. If you do not become lost in its tangling web, you shall succeed -- only if you can give the gift as the lad did. And your needs shall be taken care of.

And now, we shall say unto those who say, “How could the Lord have such as this that went on in this place called Georgetown?”

We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you. We told you that the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ was mighty, and his weapons were mighty. You shall find two governments, in this case, with unclean hands. But first and foremost there had to be greed, greed of one man -- one man who was like Judas, who started with a good heart, and then sold his people for silver. When those who would know [of] this did destroy him -- this is the reason he did not die as the others, but was shot.

We have told you of light and sound, and how it may be used for healing. And soul Paul warned at a time that it could be used for destruction. This is true. But remember, they only have in their possession two of the basic tones.

There is but yet another part unfolding. You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country.

This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1-4.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head. It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware.

We shall say also unto you, prepare in all the ways that we shall place in the mind of the prophet for shortages in many areas, from fuel that you may run your vehicles with, to food. You have the means to make your own electricity, to store of the fuel. The greenhouses must be built in many places, that extra food substances may be grown. The solar unit, which was started and not completed yet, must be completed. All these things are happening rapidly now. Store wood in more abundance; each family should have at least seven cord. Each family should now store extra food substance in their homes. But the greenhouses must be built. The design we are now implanting more and more into Soul Ray’s mind.

We shall say unto [10-393-1] these words. The message we gave tonight was in answer to your question. Blessed be the children of the Lord. Blessed be unto the gift given, for they are the future. Guard unto this one well.

            Blessed be the name of the Lord, God. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and the spirit, and the temple of God.

In your Christmas services, let this story, this parable we have told you tonight, be told.

And let preparation be made that all your people shall know -- and now -- that they may stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord. Remember that which we told you, of those who had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds. [Editor’s note: See the parable of August 2, 1975.]

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Let the Christmas spirit be not only the Christmas Spirit; let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. Let brotherhood bind unto you. For that which you celebrate is the love he left upon your Earth in birth and in death.

Amen, oh Lord, amen. [Kay-ah, kay-ah. Yay, kay-na so mora. Ay, ay.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Names are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording again to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.