December 29, 1978



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And the Lord, God, did look upon His children and say unto them, “BIND TOGETHER. BE AS ONE.”

You have shown those things within you that we have long sought to see. You have come together to help one another, and in helping thy brethren, you have taken the first step. Into each of you you have given your toil. But more than the toil you have given, you have given it in a loving manner, begrudging not that which you are doing. This is the greatest gift you may give one another.

In the days that shall follow, your ability to respond in a loving manner you shall need even greater, for the times that lie ahead shall be torn with great storms and turbulence, therefore, upon the land.

We say unto you, these things that thy give unto one another, thy give unto the Lord, God, also. When thy should give a gift expecting nothing in return, then in truth you have given a gift as God has given it to you.

Glory be the Lord; glory be His children forever and ever.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] needs to know where she can find the missing worksheets.”

There’s many things that were taken out of bitterness -- and not returned.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she has one other question, Aka, ‘What time of day were they taken, like at day or night?’“

They were taken during the daylight hours while you were working.

“Thank you.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9-360-1] asks, ‘Will you please give me a life reading to better help me do my job in this life? Thank you.’”

Could you give complete data on the birth?

“Yes, I think the birth was….”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and [the] immortal body of the same. We say unto you unto these words.

We find this one in the land of Ur in that time before the Great Flood. We find this one as an assistant to the apprentice of the priest. This did mean that you had many menial tasks to perform. And as each day came into another, you longed for pieces and bits of knowledge. And so you went unto that of the priest, and said unto him, “It is not that I am impatient, or not that the work that I do is beneath me, but, sir, I crave knowledge, for I know not where I have come from nor where I am going.”

And the priest said unto you, “It should not be long until the annual pilgrimage shall be made unto the land of Egyptan. There we should find these things [that] you should seek.”

And so all was made ready. And the journey was made in one of the greater craft that carried large passengers. It was the first time that you had flown above the earth, and your thoughts were of many things. But as you looked upon the earth you thought, “I am so small, that God cannot see me.”

As the craft landed, and as the pilgrims left to make ready for the night in the lodgings, the great priest, Ra-Tai, walked among you. And as he reached you he stopped and said, “Come, lad, come with me.”

And you looked from him to your priest, and the priest said, “Go, go unto with him and he shall give you the knowledge that you desire.”

            You soon were to board another craft, which took you into the land that was known unto your people as the Land of the Eagle. And there, the wonders of all wonders -- you saw the great hydroponics gardens that were grown; you saw many new mechanical mechanisms being perfected. But most of all, you saw plant life as you had never seen it before.

All life there seemed to radiate, and Ra-Tai said, “That is the aura you see. That is the life light given unto all things by God.” He said, “Look, therefore, unto your own hand. Hold it before you,” and as you did so, it began to glow and radiate. And at first you were frightened, and he said, “Fear not, for here in this place you shall see the truth of all things, the truth of yourself, and the truth of the life force in all of God’s creations.”

As you ventured forth you were watching the bees as they flew back and forth to pollinate. And you said unto the Priest Ra-Tai, “I am like those bees. Their work is very useful, but they also must grow very tired of menial work.”

And suddenly a voice spoke unto you and said -- almost as if the voice was speaking into your mind -- and said these words, “To the bee, the job he is doing at this time is the most important of all things. Watch him closely, and you shall learn of thyself, for remember, the bee does the very best job he can, for he knows his God is looking and seeing all things.”

And you watched the bee going from flower to flower -- and then Ra-Tai showed you a great hive designed in a way that you had not seen before, for you could see all parts within the same of the hive. And you saw each part that the bees did play, from the feeding of the young on all the way through.

And then you went on forth, and there were cattle grazing. And the voice within you said, “Watch the cattle. See how it would eat unto the food?” And as you looked you could see their digestive system, and you marveled for it was very remarkable that such a wonderful mechanism could work so perfectly.

You walked farther and there were many workers going about their tasks. And it said, “Now, look, therefore, unto the mind of each.” And there, transformed before you, you could see the human brain, only it looked as though it was stretched over many miles. You could see each part and separate, therefore, from the same, yet working in complete harmony with all other parts. And you heard light and saw tone.

And then you went farther, and there you went into a great laboratory. And there, you were introduced unto the Eagle’s. And he said unto you, “Come child, sit with me.”

At first you were frightened, and Ra-Tai laughed, and so did the strange one. And you knew that no harm could come from either of these two unto you.

            As they sat they talked of many things, of heaven and earth. But the strangest part – now you could understand them, for in the way they spoke, they made each part so simple. And Ra-Tai spoke unto the healing of the masses. And as you saw the simplicity of the working of God through these two, you thought, “How simple it all is, yet will I be able to retain all this I have seen and heard?”

And the same voice spoke to you, only this time it was the voice of the Eagle. It was the same voice that had spoken to you when you observed the ants [bees]. And it said unto you these words, “Wherever you go, from this time forth, we shall speak and converse. And each time, through life and through death, we shall converse. For you shall come forth upon a time and a place when a new heaven and a new earth is being prepared, and I shall speak again unto you, but at first you shall know me not.”

You returned back unto Ur, [and] you went about your work in a different way. And all the people saw, therefore, in the same. And they said unto you, “What secret do you hold?”

            You said, “None. None but the most simplest truth of all things, that God is in everything, in everything we do. Therefore, as we perform even the most menial task, if we perform it well, knowing that God is with us, He helps us. He comes and lives within us, in the temple of God which is our bodies, our minds, our souls.”

Soon, many people from far and wide came to hear you speak, even the priest, and even his apprentice. You grew old, and spread wisdom and truth and kindness and gentleness among your people. And as these things walked forth before you, so did the time of the new planting arrive in your life, and the shell, the temple of God that you had lived in, slipped away -- only for renewal, another part of all parts.

And you found yourself in the time and in the place known as Jerusalem. And a young man stood before you and said unto you these words, “Be transformed.” The voice sounded familiar.

You had heard much of him. Some said he was a prophet; others said he was a Messiah. Yet he said none of these things. He went about the land and he did baptize in the name of the Lord, and he baptized with water. And the day did come that he did baptize unto the one known as Jesus of Nazara, and did so in the most humblest of manners. It was not long after that time that his death did come upon the Earth. Yet he had long before this told you to follow this one. He would meet you again in a different time, and again you would know him not.

We say unto you, once again you have heard his words and known him not. That is not important. The part you have not forgotten is that, the work that you are doing, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, the binding together of the people.

You have asked where you are going -- that is clear. Look unto your past. For the Lord taketh and the Lord giveth, but all things He has taken He has returned tenfold.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [10-390-1…Tucson] asks, ‘Should I be making plans to move soon, and where should we be looking for property?’ He also asks one other question, ‘Should I stay with my present job or look for another, and where should I look?’”

We say unto you, at this time prepare for violent weather. Keep on hand six months’ provision at all times. Continue the job you have at this time. We shall tell you, when the time shall be and the place you shall go. Where you are now is where you can serve the children the best, God’s children.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. Aka. [10-391-3…New Mexico] asks, ‘I have been highly nervous most of my life, and would like to know how to overcome this state.’”

With the use of bio-therapy. Come unto soul Ray, and these things that you ask for shall be brought into completeness.

There is other questions within your mind. We shall answer in this manner. You will find it written that an army was built in heaven as well as on earth before the battle of Armageddon. What difference should it be to you, if your will is to serve, which side you shall serve upon, as long as you serve on the side of God? The place means little difference. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Now we should say unto you, unto all of you, take the tools that we have given you at hand, and strengthen and bind together. Wherever one of your flock should be harmed, let all of you feel the pain, and restore the wound back into wholeness. Let pettiness leave among you; let it be gone. Let jealousy be no more. Bind together. For the greater part of the storms, and we do not necessar­ily speak of that brought on by nature, is yet to come. In the year that you face, walk in it with hope and reassurance. If you do so, all the things that you wish for shall be completed. All things you should ask for shall be given unto you.

Do not walk into the house and say, “I might build this house;” walk into the house and say, “I shall build this house.” If rubble stands before you, clear it away. If water falls upon you, brush it aside. If the earth should split between you, build a bridge.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks among you.

We shall say unto you, as we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Take from your minds a thought that anyone can harm you, as long as you place yourself in God’s hands. All you must do is place your mind, and intermingle it with soul Ray’s. You shall soon find that nothing may harm you.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.