February 17, 1978

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be name of His children. And glory be the world, and universe, and galaxies upon galaxies that the Lord shall reign upon.

We say unto you that once there was a man who walked upon the desert. His lips were parched. His need for water was great. As he traveled from one oasis to the other no water was found. He knew that soon death would come upon him. His bones and body were tired. And he thought unto himself, “If I must die, then I should go unto my Maker in my own way.”

And so he knelt in prayer.

And an angel appeared before him with laughter upon his lips.

And he looked up into this stranger’s face and said, “Here I am about to die; why do you laugh at me?”

And the stranger said unto him, “You have gone from oasis to oasis and found naught of the water you desire. And your face has grown heavy with sadness. Yet the Lord would rather laugh than cry. Why do you not try this?”

This man thought, “This could not be an angel, for he appears to me with laughter in my day of want and need? How could the Lord send me such to help me pass across?” And he thought again, “This must be a gift or vision from the Devil.”

As though the stranger had read his thoughts, he smiled once again, and said, “Nay, I am not from Lucifer. I have brought unto you this day a gift. Try and [then] smile with me.”

The man thought for a while, “What had he to lose by smiling?” and so he smiled. His dry, parched face wrinkled and he began to smile.

And then the stranger began to laugh, and he began to laugh. And as he began to laugh, water sprang from beneath him. And he thought, “This must be an illusion.” And so, he rolled in the water and began to laugh, as his skin and his tissues soaked up the moisture. He thought, “Then this must not be an illusion.”

And the stranger still stood before him and laughed even more. And so, he drank of the water, and it was good and sweet. And the stranger left.

Soon he was back to his old self.

And soon other travelers reached his oasis. And they started to enter, and they too had long faces.

And he said to them, “You may not drink from my oasis unless you pay a toll.”

The other strangers had never heard of such a thing -- “Money for water?”

And he said, “Nay, you must bring forth laughter.”

They too at first thought him mad. But for the want of water, they did smile. And soon they did laugh. And as laughter broke forth upon their faces, they entered and drank of the water.

And soon the word spread throughout the land of the Laughing Springs, they called it, the springs that cured all diseases, where man became whole again.

Finally men were traveling from far and wide to the Laughing Springs.

And as they entered, the angel appeared unto the man again, and said, “Why did you not give them knowledge, the knowledge that was with you when you first arrived here?”

And he said, “What do you mean? What knowledge did I have? What knowledge did I gain?”

He said, “You have each of them laugh before they may drink. Give them the knowledge that laughter can be one of the greatest cures of all. For the Lord, our God, made it easier for man to laugh than for him to frown -- and He wished His children to be happy. And in that way the Lord could be happy.”

And so the man began to teach of laughter and its value.

You may think of this as a strange parable, but think one moment within your hearts. If laughter rang from your Earth this one day, one moment, around the Earth, and laughter brought good feeling, and laughter brought health, and laughter brought love -- for without the laughter there would be no hope. And why is it that a man can laugh and cry at the same time? For it was God’s gift, the Laughing Spring within man’s eye.

You will long wonder, and say once again we have spoken to you unto riddles. Nay, we have not. We have brought unto you this day a gift that God gave man long ago. Bring forth your laughter. Make your world a joyous world. And the preparation for the coming of the Messiah shall come tenfold before you.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [6-274-4…Dallas, Texas].”

Yes, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have this one before us, and the records of time.

We find this one born in the Year of the Cow in the land of Atlantis. As a young lad he did design and create many fine pieces of electronic machinery. One day, as he was leaving his work, one of his superiors summoned him, and he was brought forth into an office.

And there was the great Priest Ra-Tai. And he said unto him, “I will soon venture back into the land of Egyptian, and from there we will venture forth” into what is now known as that proportion of Arizona that you now stand upon.

And so, this one agreed. He thought unto himself, “What use could they have in the land of Egyptan for a man such as me? I am a scientist. I know not of all the Godly things that these men know of.”

But as the craft landed, you were taken into the great Temple of Knowledge. And there, the schematic drawings of many of your modern machinery of that time were placed before you.

And they told you, “You shall help these painters construct and draw into the surface of the walls, and into the stone thereof that shall be preserved into the tomb of knowledge.

And there you spent long, long hours.

And then one day Ra-Tai came before you again and said, “Now, we shall venture forth unto another land where more records shall be stored.”

And so, you ventured forth, and you did do your work again. But the land was abundant in many things. You liked the land. And when Ra-Tai returned you said, “I would like to stay upon this land.”

And Ra-Tai said, “Nay, for the land shall upheaval, and the tomb shall go beneath the earth. But if this is your wish, then come forth, and we shall take you unto the land of the Black Mesa, for yet the people have not migrated into their completeness unto this land. But if you wish to stay, you may stay here.” But he said unto you, “You have yet to wed, so pick one that you would wed.”

You thought, “This is strange, for I am not in love with anyone. Why should he want me to wed when I want to continue my experiments?” But you thought, “If it is his wish, and I shall pacify him and he shall let me remain upon the land, then I shall do of such.” And you went back into the laboratory, and you had made up your mind that you would pick the first female that you could catch their eye.

There was one there that you did catch the eye of. But she, you were to find in later time, was barren. And so, as time passed, you sought out to adopt a homeless child. But the child, you soon found, at being alone without others of her own age to mature with, had gone rapidly into womanhood. So there, once again, you readied your craft and you did venture forth and leave the land, and go back unto the land of Egyptan.

When you reached there, all had changed. Atlantis had sunk beneath the sea. War reigned upon the land. And the great tombs were sealed. And knowledge was being destroyed upon all sides. You picked up your daughter and your wife to go back unto the other land. There you lived out your days in solitude and sorrow.

We say unto you, you have incarnated in many lives in many places, and still, you have forgotten the one lesson that Ra-Tai sought to give you when he said to seek and mate. And that was the joy of laughter, the joy of love and compassion, the joy of hope. You chose this time and this place. But if your hope could be as strong now, if you could work now and take from the knowledge we have given you, then all these things that you feel have wasted away from you would come back unto you in abundance.

This is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Can you give us any more at this time on Arcan’s special teachings or mission?’ Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks this.”

Yes, we have given you that in part in the first of this reading. And the mission, as it is today, remains the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. At your next reading, should you ask again -- and we shall give further knowledge on a broader scale on this subject.

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks above your earth. You western seaboard shall continue to rain chaos. Mexico and Japan shall also suffer, therefore, within.

We say unto you, as we have said before, there is a Judas among you. And we shall say these words. Nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. For the air that reeks foul shall be rightened and grow sweet.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona