February 24, 1978

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

      And we shall say unto you this parable -- of the merchant who traveled far and wide to sell his wares.

      He was known throughout the land for his honesty and his compassion. Yet one day, in dealing with another merchant, he saw that he could triple his normal amount of profit. Within his own religion profit of this nature was forbidden. Yet, with the merchant he was dealing with, it was not.

      Each day as they talked, he would stop the talks and say, “I must go into meditation.”

The other merchant thought, “He is just buying time to bring the cost up to me.”

      But as he went away into meditation, a stranger appeared into him, and said unto him, “If you were selling the merchandise unto God, how would you sell it?”

And he said, “Oh, I would give it freely unto the Lord.”

And the man said, “Is it not written that a man should be paid for his labor?”

      And the merchant said, “Yes, this is true.” And the merchant said, “Then it would be all right in the sight of the Lord for me to make three times the profit?”

      And the stranger said, “In the eyes of the Lord it would make little difference what profit you made, for the Lord shall not judge you in this matter, for you shall judge yourself. Place yourself in the other man’s place, and see what he would do.”

And he said, “Oh, the other man would make any profit he could.”

The stranger said unto him, “Is your merchandise good?”

The stranger [merchant] said, “Oh, yes.”

“Is the workmanship good?”

“Oh, yes.”

      The stranger said into him, “Then you thoroughly believe in that merchandise that you are about to sell, to be a good product?”

He said, “Oh, yes.”

      The stranger stood and looked at him and said, “But what compassion have you placed within the merchandise?”

            And he said, “What do you mean by compassion?”

      And he said unto him, the merchant, “What compassion would the Lord show unto you? If you promised the Lord unto certain things and you did not deliver unto the Lord this promise, would you collect? Would you pay in full that of the bounty?”

      The merchant thought, and said, “I could only pay that which I have, or I could give of myself if that was needed.”

      The stranger said, “Then take compassion back into your bargaining. Remember, you have all your life been fair and honest. Now word shall travel as the wind, and the deed you do this day shall follow you for the rest of your life.”

      And the merchant left from his meditation, and went back to bargain. As he reached the bargaining spot, the other merchant said, “Then, I shall give you four times the going rate, for I need the merchandise now; I can no longer quibble nor bargain with you.”

      The merchant said, “Nay. Nay, you shall have it at the normal rate.” And he did deliver unto the other merchant.

      The other merchant followed him, for he could not understand this. And he said, “I shall take this merchandise and I shall make ten times profit from it. Why would you not make four times the profit?”

      And the old merchant said, “For I have sold my wares in many places throughout the land. I have built a reputation for honesty. If I took from you, then that that I have taken from you one day would be taken from me. And the deed I had done today would follow me for the rest of my years. And regardless of all the things I had done and all the deeds I had performed in the past, the one deed that I would have done today would have been that that all would have seen -- not my past, but my present. That is what I am concerned with -- not where I have been, but where I am going.”

            The other merchant left him.

            He went on his way.

      The other merchant went out to sell his wares. And as he began to sell them, the words of the other merchant took hold -- and, as he began to bargain, he sold for a normal rate.

      The other merchant could not understand why. Here was a man who was famous for his shrewd deals. How, and suddenly why had he changed? And so he followed the merchant, and once again the same conversation took place.

And soon all the merchants of all the land[s] were dealing in such a manner that it reached back unto the first merchant, and they began to call him teacher, and master.

      And he went back into meditation. And once again the stranger appeared into him. And he said, “How can they call me master and teacher when I was tempted as well as they?”

      And the stranger said unto him, “For even though you were tempted, you did not take advantage, you showed compassion, the compassion of the Lord. And you have taught His compassion to others. And through your act, a new way has been provided, the way of the Lord.”

      Now we shall say unto you, we shall not give of life readings tonight. We shall answer only questions. Therefore, you have questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. Thank you. [2-30-2] asks, ‘Can you give us any more at this time on Arcan’s special teachings or mission?’”

      As we have said before, you shall find them throughout the readings, for we have said before, soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray. More shall be given at a different time. First, understand our words.

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. [10-377-1…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘I have been considering relocating to Boise, Idaho, or Tucson, Arizona. Which of these locations would be best for me and my family, and from a standpoint of business, and the areas of our lives? Or should I remain in my present location?’”

If relocation is your desire, the Tucson area would be better for that into which you desire to do, both climate- and business-wise.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, I have a question from [10-374-2 (Coco)…Tucson…], and she asks if you can tell her at what time she was born.”

      Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. This soul was born at 9:22 p.m.

            You have other questions.

      Yes, Aka. Could you tell us how the moon was formed, and how did it come into Earth orbit?”

      We shall say unto these words. The moon, as such, was once a planetary substance all of its own. At that time, near the planet Jupiter, it turned in the normal orbit of things. At the time when the planet Yahweh, and the planetary system, Yahweh, was destroyed, and the force, therefore, within the same, many of the planets were knocked or torn from orbit. This small planet then became the orbit of the moon substance of the Earth. But you must realize that the moon is as important as the sun for the development of the Earth.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka, I have one other question from [10-375-2]. ‘I am planning on a business venture in photography; is this a wise thing to do?’”

            Yes, but do it in such a way that you walk before you run.

            You have other questions, ask.

       “Yes, Aka. [10-377-2…Farmington...] asks, ‘Dear Aka, will my husband and I be successful in recovering the money due us, and are we going about this in the correct way to obtain it?’ Also she asks, ‘Will it be necessary to take the trip we have in mind? Wil1 we realize the purpose for which we are going?’”

The trip shall be necessary. But we shall say unto you, use compassion in [obtaining] the money that you desire, and it shall come into fulfillment.

We say unto you unto these words. In the land you call the Californian, in the month of March, in the day of the 21st of the month, from the Eureka area down unto the Los Angeles area new eruptions shall occur. Landslides caused from more abundance of rain shall also be very predominant. If your people desire to travel in this region, it should be done with utmost caution.

Now we shall talk of grave things. We have told you before, a Judas is among you. Judas’s sin was not the selling, but the receiving of silver for his deed. Once again danger lies to your prophet. An assassination has been planned. We shall say unto them at this time, that that comes from their minds shall be returned unto them; beware, for nothing from either side shall interfere with this work.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his sleep.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona