July 21, 1978

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner: glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We say unto you these words. The Anti-Christ now knows of his dominion and walks upon your Earth. A way is being prepared for his time and his rule. That of the recent conference between your European countries and your own [U.S.A.] was a major part in the power he shall draw from. The other side of the coin will be that power he shall draw from China and Russia.

We warn you now, the war of Armageddon is about.

            In the next ten-year period those who are there to prepare the way for his rule will do all in their power to lengthen it. They will do all in their power to destroy the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. They will do all in their power now to devour those who should stand and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, the one from God. They shall infiltrate your churches, your countries, and do all they can to denounce the work that has been done and shall be done. The next ten years shall be the most critical time.

This one shall perform many miracles that should sway most of your major religions, for it shall look as though he shall bring peace unto the Earth. Within reality, and through the strength of peace, he shall gain his power.      

We say unto you, beware. Do not wear the mark of the Beast. Beware, for those who shall say, “Destroy thy neighbor, for they do not believe as you;” beware of those who should say, “Mine is the only way unto God,” for our Father has many mansions.

            Upon your Earth, and upon the heavens, the Lord shall build His armies.

            And the Beast’s rule that should give unto power of the Anti-Christ shall soon be known unto you. And none may defeat him, even though you shall cut away his head. These things the Lord has laid before you in all of your scriptures. [See The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17–19.]

            He has brought this knowledge unto you many times. The biggest problem shall be that man has never taken the Lord’s words as plainly as they have been written. They have said, “Oh, this is for another time.” “This is for someone else.” We say unto you, nay, now is the time.

It has also been written that none may trade nor barter, leste they wear the mark of the Beast. As these things take place, many of you shall be tempted. Many of you shall say, “What difference if I make if I trade or barter with the Beast? How can this rob me of my soul?” We warn you, you cannot barter with Lucifer.

Only through the might and the strength of our Lord -- only through the strength you should grow and gain from God, shall you gain in the strength to not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 14:9-20, 15:1-4, 19:1-10, and chapters 20-22.]

            You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I had a dream the other night in which I was on a ship and my small boat was leaned against the railing. As the ship rocked, the small boat was damaged badly so that when I set out for shore it sank. And I wondered if this was symbolizing the fall of the church and its effect on our organization or is there another meaning?”

We have just given you the meaning. The ship that soul Ray showed you in the heavens a number of years ago is the ship you have chose to ride upon. Do not take a smaller craft or it may be damaged, and that is your soul. [See A Rose without Thorns, pages 27-29.]

      The ship that soul Ray showed you in the heavens cannot be damaged by the Anti-Christ, or by any man, or by Lucifer, for it is the ship of the Lord. As long as you sail with it, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body shall stay intact, and you shall be protected from those who should throw temptation and say, “Come, ride on this ship with me. Let us go to the shore.”

            Now is not the time.

We have spoken to you many times, and given unto the people, the children of God, many words and much wisdom that can carry you through these times. When in doubt, look back into the archives. Use these, that they may guide you on a true course.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3-91-3] asks, ‘Should I marry the boy I am engaged to, and what should I do with my life at this point?’”

We shall say unto thee, marry if it is thy will; look back unto thy life reading and it shall give you guidance. We shall also say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. Hold the Lord and His words dear to your heart, and those things that are needed shall come in complete form unto thee. Look back unto you reading, and you shall find the knowledge you shall seek for the guidance of your life. Walk in a righteous manner before God and man, and you shall not fear from doubt.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul John [4-125-2] says, ‘Jesus asked, “Father, may all who believe in me be perfectly one -- I in them, and you in me, and them in us. May they be with me where I am. Then the world will know that you love them as you love me.”’ She asks, ‘Please let me be with you and God.’”

We shall say unto you unto these words. Jesus did say unto them in these words, “My Father has many mansions, and through the belief in God, and the examples I have set forth for you, shall you enter into the mansion of my Father.” Jesus, the first begotten son of the Lord, our God, did go about his Father’s work, as a true son should -- and God did dwell within him, and bring power into him.

But not once did Jesus say unto you, “I am above my Father.”

But remember, the Lord, God, loved all of you, His children, also, that He brought unto you this love of His to share with you, and He shall bring it again.

Remember these words, for they shall strengthen thee in the times ahead.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-385-1…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘What is the most self-fulfilling occupation I could have?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, the most self-fulfilling occupation you could have would be that of a salesman. We shall say unto you in another word, we are also salesmen, only we do not wish monetary gain from what we are here to bring you. We are here, in a sense, to sell unto you the coming of the Messiah, to heed the words of the book of Revelations, to know that these are the latter days. Glory be the name unto the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10-385-2…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Will I write the book I am planning, and will it be published? Also, how much longer will I be employed at my present job?’”

The first shall come last, and the last shall come first, and we shall say unto you unto these words. Your employment shall continue as long as you desire at the present time. The book, if completed, with the beginning -- and the love and justice between -- and the love and completeness to be placed in the ending, but it shall be ended in a manner that shall leave the end open, for it shall continue to flow. In this manner so shall the book be written and published.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-385-3...Colorado] asks, ‘My husband is moving to Los Angeles soon. Upon getting a job I will also move. I worry about the move and holding down a job since I am in very poor health. What can you tell me about my health, and do you know how long it will be before I am feeling well again?’”

The health shall come forth in a two-month period, and it shall be complete. So the worry shall be naught.

We say unto thee, remember these words, they should come from the Ten Commandments: “Thy shall worship no other God before Me, for I am a jealous God. and thy shall worship no idols, nor carved images, nor things made from metal, nor stone.” [See Deuteronomy 5:7-9.]

Find the meaning that we have just spoken unto you, and the healing thy ask for shall be complete in a two-month period and so shall the true meaning of the words we have spoken.

And so, these words shall protect all of you from the Anti-Christ.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [9-372-2...El Paso] asks, ‘My love and thanks to you. What is there from my previous lives that I need to understand, and know more fully to help myself and others?’”

We shall say unto you unto these words. The life that has been given unto you was given that you too should complete your work in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Once before, a man known as John the Baptist did say unto you, “Come, and be transformed, and we shall prepare the way for the coming.” And you did walk with him, and let this be so. He has asked you again, “Come, walk with me.” Make this fulfillment, and the knowledge that you need also shall come into fulfillment.

            Now soul Ray tires.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Study the words that we have brought unto thee. And remember these words, “Thy shall have no other Lord, no other God, before Me. Thy shall covet no thing that belongs unto thy brOthren.” And the Lord should speak unto His things, for there should be no other power before the Lord’s, and no other dominion before the Lord’s.

            For those who should forget these words, the words given unto Moses and handed from the hand of the Lord, our God -- the Ten Commandments -- hold them sacred. Teach them unto your children.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona