July 28, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the poor man who worked from dawn to dusk, but to barely feed his children.

But upon one morn he woke, and he walked out unto the early morn and came back into the house and said unto his wife, “Come, wife, see the new morn.” His wife looked upon him in a strange manner. What difference was this, this morn that would be different from any other?

She walked out with him, and he said, “Behold wife, for here is a new world.” 

      She looked at him and said, “You talk quite strangely. What difference is this day from any other? What difference is this morning from any other?”

And he said unto her, “In my dream last night, I dreamed that this day was the day of the coming of the Son, and this morn would be a blessed morn, and our cup should runneth over. Let us go now and break bread and thank the Lord for this day.”

            As they stood in talking, their children came forth, with laughter, and he said unto the children, “Look upon this, thy new world.”

And the children laughed with joy, and soon the poor man and his wife too laughed with joy, and their laughter rang across the land and began to cross the world. And as each heard unto the other the laughter and the joy, it was continued, much as a mirror reflecting into itself.

And as they broke bread and their moment of silence did come forth, their day, and moment of silent prayer, sudden they stopped. And the woman said unto the man, “What should we pray for? We have given thanks unto the Lord. But now this is a new world, and our cup runneth over; what shall we pray for?”

And the child said, “Mother, let us pray that the reign of the Son shall be long upon the Earth, and the joy we have felt this morning shall be an everlasting joy.”

And so it was, each day leading into another. The children grew into adulthood, and peace and joy did reign upon the Earth. Neighbor gave unto their neighbors and received from their neighbors the joy.

And then one day, a craft from another planet did arrive. The craft did – looked upon the Earth for many centuries. But this time, the craft did not look; it came forth and said unto the people, “We are here to see your joy and let it be ours.”

And from planet to planet, and galaxy to galaxy the joy did spread, the joy to do their work, to carry their burden, their love, their needs, as their cups did runneth over. And planets brought forth their gifts, and traded unto one another.

            And you say unto this, “What knowledge can we gain from these words that have been spoken?”

            And we say unto you, for joy to come from your heart it must be a new morn, that each day is a new world, a new creation of the Lord.

            If you shall take these words into your heart, then each morning when you arise, rise with joy and laughter. Give that unto one another, and soon your new heaven and your new earth shall be upon the Earth, and the reign of the Anti-Christ shall be short, for he shall have nothing to reign over. He shall have nothing, for the earth shall be bountiful and he can give nothing, and therefore, with your joy in the Lord, and the joy in the Son, so shall you find that the mark of the Beast shall disappear from the Earth, from the galaxies, from the galaxies beyond galaxies.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-319-1] asks, ‘Can you please tell us the nature of the force found in Stonehenge and other monolithic monuments and their relationship to ley lines?’”

Yes, we should say unto you unto these words, that all should go forth into the same substance of the cube, or that you would say of the cube or measurement, therefore, of your pyramid inch or pyramid cube. What once might stand today as a rambling sort of rocks and stone, once for a purpose was built observatories and many other sources and uses, therefore, within the same. The energy substance, which was transferred from one place to another, was done in such a manner that the tapping of the energy was as easily as you would turn on your faucet. Therefore, energy, that to power your plants, that to fly your aircraft, your spacecraft, is but a step away. Within the solar substance that soul Ray has brought forth into his mind, and the extraction of the energy substance, upon its completion you shall find many energies and uses of the same, but you shall find the ground beneath where it stands, the same energy which you are seeking it shall transmit. And that shall be of a cosmic magnetic energy substance, of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Along that same line, is there a simple way to neutralize the effects of the radiation caused above streams of water which go through the ground so that someone living over them, if they can’t move their home, is there a simple way to negate this force field so that it won’t affect their health?”

Yes, that which the Lord has placed in thy hands already, that known as the Aloe Vera plant, should be taken into the body substance in quantities of a minimum of two ounces per day.  This in itself would neutralize the force of the same and the effect upon human and animal life.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, one other question on that same subject, Aka, does a coil of wire circling one of these areas, a broken coil of wire, disrupt this field effectively?”


We shall further answer your question in this manner. That that should erupt [disrupt] the human body should erupt [disrupt] other forms of life substance, if it is -- if you should transfer the negative or positive side of such a force field, all you should do is create, therefore, more of the same.

The coil of wire that you would speak of should be done in this manner. By placing in 9-foot in diameter, and closing in to the circumference of the same every nine inches toward the center, until you have completed the number of the circumference of the total mass to the center of point zero of the same, this in itself would, therefore, move the energy substance in either direction you should desire. At the outside of this you should implant, in whichever direction you should move it, a pyramid made on the circumference, to the height, to the width of the same. This should be done, or could be done with your copper, or there are many other metals which could do the same, but the northeast corner should be moved in the direction that the energy should be transferred into the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-386-1]. A friend of his, [10-386-2], asked him to ask the meaning of some words, which I, unfortunately, am not sure I can pronounce, but it looks like ‘ororue kunta.’


“Do these have any meaning to you?”

Yes, we see thy need. The pronunciation is incorrect. The correct pronunciation would be “oray karuta,” meaning “Priest of Priests,” or “the beginning of the people.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-368-3…Chapparal, New Mexico]. ‘Would it be to my advantage for my husband and myself to keep our grandson with us indefinitely?’”

            We would answer, yes, unto this, but more to the advantage of the grandson.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[10-386-4…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘Should I enter a business association with my son?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. If a man should give unto his son those things he possesses, he must give them in a manner and expect nothing in return. In this business venture into which you suggest entering, you expect a return. This could not come forth in the manner unto which you would want. Therefore, so that the love of the son and the father should remain as such, we would not suggest this venture.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [6-284-4] asks, ‘I would like to know if there are any problems physically with my husband and I at this time that is preventing me from conceiving our second child?’”

We should answer your question in this manner; that of your complete physical histories is within soul Ray’s mind. Once again, if conceivement of the same should come forth, it would be suggested that both you and he should come forth unto soul Ray that he may prepare the way for this one who should arrive.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-386-5…Olathe, Colorado] asks, ‘On May 31, 1978, Mr. B_ G___ … was reported missing and has not been seen since. The family fear foul play and would like to know if you can tell where the body can be located?”

            Repeat this question one more time.

“Yes. [10-386-5…Olathe, Colorado] asks, ‘On May 31, 1978, Mr. B_ G___ … was reported missing and has not been seen since. The family fear foul play and would like to know if you can tell where the body can be located?” [Editor’s note: The question was repeated with a correction in pronunciation of victim’s name.]

      Yes, we see thy need. And we would suggest that thy come unto soul Ray into the privacy of the same and the information shall be given.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [9-373-4…Washington] asks, (1): ‘Please advise Ray Elkins of something that will regenerate new hair on the heads of mankind.’ That’s her question.”

(Chuckle.) This has already been done.

We say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks thy earth. Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall seem to reign over thee. It shall not be so, for only those who should be willing to sell themselves may he reign over, and for those who do shall wear the mark of the Beast. And the mark shall be placed by yourselves. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 16:10-16, chapter 17, chapter 19, 21:1-8 and 22:10-15.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona