[Editor’s note: The tape recording from which this is transcribed had no date spoken and no beginning words. It follows the June 10, 1978, reading, as though June 10, 1978, may have been accidentally recorded over the first part of this reading. It may have been a private reading and simply continues here.]


…Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from D______ S__ D____.... She’s here tonight, and she asks the following questions. ‘What course shall I take in order to best fulfill my purpose, and what is this purpose? Will I be hindered by continued relationship with mate? And shall I stay in present location?’”

The life reading at this time, due to the nature of soul Ray’s health, shall not be given in full. But we should answer your question in this manner. You were the mother of your father of this time. And you are all part[s] of all things you have ever been. All lays within thy mind.

We should say unto thee, therefore, as thy father was a pharaoh, and thy was the mother of a pharaoh, then we say unto thee, kings and queens are but for a moment, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body is forever. It is like a beautiful garden. If you should cultivate the garden and tend it it shall be bountiful and all things shall come unto thee. And so is that of the body, for the body is the temple of God. And so it must be treated as such, with delicate care, not to be abused. The mind is, therefore, the temple of the body. It is the most beautiful of all, for within it is the most precise, as you would say, computing data, that shall ever be known to man, for it carries within it all lifetimes, all places, all thoughts. For once a thought has taken place you have created light, and light should be for an eternity. Therefore, in that manner did God give man, much as Himself; in His likeness so you were created. For the thought is creation. Destroy this and thy have destroyed thyself.

You say, what is thy destiny? You have come unto us twofold – one as a dove, another as a serpent -- and we see of both needs. Create a balance between the two. Let come forth from thyself that that lies dormant within thee.

We say unto you, you say, of this of thy mate of this time? And we say unto thee, if thy should pick up garbage within the mind, it becomes and stores in part of the subconscious. It serves little use, but to come out in symbolic manners. That is why the super-conscious mind should override all others, and at times feeds directly though to the conscious mind. But God has given unto you free choice. The choice to make a choice is a precious thing. Yet indecision is not good within anyone. Without a captain the vessel should soon go afoul, drift into the reefs and become crushed. And so it is with the body. When the mind is indecision, the body drifts, to and fro. We say unto thee, be the captain of thy mind. Make these decisions. But we say unto thee, as a stone casts into a brook, it breaks apart into many pieces, gradually to go unto the rivers, and then into the ocean. Unless those parts were sent forth with a purpose, it becomes one more pebble of sand upon the ocean beach and serves no purpose….


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the portion of the audio recording available. The message ends here, not because the reading ended, but because the tape which was used to copy the recorded reading had run out first.]   


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.