June 23, 1978

Globe Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the good Samaritan.

The Samaritan put forth unto his love unto the Lord, put forth his trust into the Lord of the love. He gave unto all things that belonged unto the Lord into the Lord. He gave all things unto his family that belonged unto his family. He gave all things unto his brothren that belonged unto his brothren.

The Samaritan had worked hard all his life. Instead of taking care of his own needs or his own wants, he always gave unto others. But soon those who were taking from the Samaritan were laughing behind his back -- and the greatest takers were his children, for they came in the night and they did steal. And this, more than all of the others that stole from him, did make his heart weep more than from all the others.

And this is the way of the Lord. For the Lord, God, shall give unto His children. And He should see His children, and they shall do this and they shall do that.

And in their moment of great need they shall ask unto the Lord, “Give unto me, dear Lord, this, and I shall do all things unto Thee. And I shall promise unto Thee, oh Lord, I shall take naught.”

The Lord sees their needs and He grants them.

As soon as the children are no longer in trouble, they have forgotten their Lord. They have forgotten their promises.

We say unto you, upon this land, this world you call your own, soon the writing shall be in blood. And war and famine and pestilence shall reign the Earth. And for those of His children who should not forsake of Him, He shall protect them.

Now is the time of the Anti-Christ. And for those who shall strengthen his reign, and who shall prepare for his reign, each shall do so in a separate manner. They shall deny their Christ. They shall deny their God -- only if it suits their own needs. They will be too busy to attend your readings, to reap from their own pleasure. They shall be too busy in frolic, yet they shall be first to denounce you.

These words we have spoken shall fall upon deef ears. For as many words we have spoken, you have heard us not.

For in the sky now burns brightly a new star, the sign of the coming of the Messiah. And for those who shall hold the Lord’s name in righteousness, it shall be there for them.

We have told you the stories of many son[s] who should deny their father and daughters who should deny their mothers, for the land shall split apart, not only physically and morally, but spiritually.

Throughout all of our work, we have prayed that the Seventh Seal should never be opened, as we do so now. [See The Revelation, chapters 7-11.]   

Let you all join in your prayers after this reading. Do not take away, or place words that we have not spoken, or meanings that we have not meant, for your own needs, or for your own wants.

Your reading tonight shall be short.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [3-72-2] who asks, what she can do to help her granddaughter, E____ R______?”

            We have just answered your question in the first of this reading.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [7-317-1] who is here tonight asks, ‘Can I have direction and guidance?’”

            We have just answered your question in the first of this reading.

“Aka, [8-326-9…Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Please give me some advice, because ultraviolet rays have made so many sunspots on my face. If these are keratoses, they will change into skin cancers. Also I do have a hidden cancer started elsewhere. I never stop thanking you for sending my husband’s message to me on July 5, 1976.’”

We shall say unto you these questions. Soul Ray did bring you the answer in his last visit, but we should also say unto you that further work should be done in this area. Upon soul Ray’s mind now should come forth the answer for your cure of cancers. Come unto him and speak, for the answer is near at hand in his research.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10-384-1…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘I want to know about my actual karma and how to learn the lesson to be learned from it. Also, what abilities from my past lives should I develop at this time for my own benefit and for others’ benefit?’”

            The karma that you have brought forth upon this Earth has been the karma of selfishness -- taking that from others and not giving back into return. You denied love out of wedlock. These things are what you took from your past and have brought unto your future. Be transformed -- turn around. And the righteous path shall be laid, as it has been, at your feet. All material that you need you have in your hands.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-384-2…El Paso] asks, ‘I want to know about my actual karma and how to learn the lesson to be learned from it. Also I want to know the gifts I have to be developed from my own benefit and for others.’”

We have just answered that question, only in your case it should be in reverse. There is a time for giving. But we shall say unto you, if two people come before God in a righteous manner, and in so, declaring their love, this is marriage before God. If two people study together, and pray together, “WHERE MORE THAN ONE STANDS, I SHALL STAND ALSO,” sayeth the Lord. This need be but yourself and God, and your intent. And we see within your heart that you have picked up the Rose and entered the Eagle’s nest.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10-374-1…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘What am I supposed to be doing spiritually, and my personal life?’”

We shall say unto you unto these words. Come forth, with all your being, unto the work we have handed you. Bring it forth in such a manner that you provide both for yourself and your family. We have given you the means, as soul Ray has given you the means, both in your teaching and that of the work soul Ray has handed you. Reach out farther with this and it shall be rewarding unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10-384-3, who is currently at the home of J___ R____, Catalina, Arizona] asks for guidance and for help in her financial needs in moving to Arizona, and her spiritual needs. What job should she seek? What is God’s purpose for her life? May God provide for her needs in body and soul, and may she serve Him.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto thee, the fruits of labor shall come in many forms. The spiritual need -- we say unto you, come forth and we shall give unto you that that is needed. A way shall be provided.

            Now soul Ray grows weary and our time has grown short.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

            Take from the last reading we have given you before this one. Find the true meaning we place there.

            Find the joy within the Lord’s heart. Find the love in the rainbow. Find the song in the sea. Find the music in the wind. Put your ear to the earth and hear the throb. Put your eyes to the sky and know in truth the coming of the Messiah.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Soul Ray sleeps; awaken him.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona