May 19, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee the parable of the healer.

            And the healer was given unto the gift of eternal life, for all these that he treated remained young. And they came from the four corners of the Earth into the multitudes.

And one day the healer did die, and none could understand this.

            And each spoke among the others, “What shall we do now that he is gone? How shall we remain young? How shall we go on?”

            When the healer lived, the healer had spoken of many things, and all failed to hear him. He had given them the knowledge that he possessed, all of the knowledge, yet none heard.

And then there came word of another healer, and the people flocked unto that healer. This one was a false man, and he did strip them of their money and flee. And woe unto them, they said, “For God has forsaken us. He has taken from us the healer.” And then came word of another healer, and they all flocked unto this place, and once again he did strip those who had money and did flee.

            Some of the healer’s disciples did return back into the ground where they had laid him at rest, and were pondering and pondering what they should do, when there before them stood the healer. And he said unto them, “Of all things I have given you, and of all things I have said unto you, have you grasped none of this? Are you so shallow that I cannot pass on to my Father lest you dig up by bones?”

            And all of them stood in astonishment, for he, as they said, was a true healer, for he had returned unto them. And all of them said, “Oh, heal us, Master.”

            And he looked upon them, and he said unto them, “I have given you countless ways and teachings, and you heard me not. Do not ask of me, but ask of God what you should do.” And the healer walked on.

            And as he was walking, a young man walked up to him and said, “I know it is too late for me to learn, but I was not here. How shall then I learn of the things you have brought unto the Earth?”

            And the healer said, “Go unto the scripts, unto the men who wrote those words that I said, and place them down, and study unto them. Come back unto my grave on another day, and we shall speak.”

            The young man left. And he did study all the readings and all the words that were spoken. And he came back unto the grave, and there stood the healer.

            And the people had begun to grow a great shrine around the healer’s grave, for this was now sacred ground unto them. And he said unto the healer, “What should I do now?”

            And the healer said, “Go forth and seek the knowledge of other men, other healers who heal of different ways, but who heal in truth.”

            And he did do of such.

            And the healer said unto him, “Then go forth and plant thirteen roses upon my grave. And each time you plant them, pick up some of the earth and take them back into your own home and plant thirteen roses there.”

            When this was accomplished the young man was totally puzzled, And he said unto the healer, “Why have you had me place these roses here?”

            The healer laughed and said, “I enjoy roses. Do you not?”

            The young man said, “Yes, but why did you have me place them here?”

            The healer said unto him, “You see, I also did not have time before my departure to prepare my burying place in a manner which I would like to come back and see it.”

            The young man then began to learn that within all of us was a part of the healer. And he also learned, as he began to heal others, to take time for himself, so that he too might not wind up in an early grave.

            And he did set up classes, and students, and began to teach one day out of each seven. And those that came came from far and wide. And he too made them plant thirteen roses, that they may not forget.

            And we say unto you, we have given you the cup; we have given you the wine; we have given you the bread. Now plant the roses for us.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10-382-1…El Paso, Texas]. She asks, ‘Am I to be a healer in this lifetime? If so, do I rely on my own forgotten knowledge, as I have done so far, or actively seek advice? Why do I feel this need to stay away from others’ materials? If not healing, which path for me? Who am I to teach?’”

            We say unto you, become a student before you become a teacher, for you are all parts of everything you have ever been. But the forgotten knowledge you think you have forgotten may not have never been there. For most of you who walk upon the earth plane, it is easy for you to fantasize that you were kings and queens, physicians and lawyers. But we say unto you, if it had not been for all the good ditch diggers, the Earth would never have reached its Golden Ages.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have a question from [10-382-2…Albuquerque, New Mexico]. He says, ‘I have been asking deeply within me in a searching attitude for answers to troublesome personal fears. I feel that by asking deeply within me, that I am closer to God than I have ever been before. Is this view actually being too presumptuous? I feel that I am nearer to the presence of God when telling myself those things that I think God would say to me. However, many times I feel that I have lost touch. I feel the spirit of God is with me, and would like Aka’s view on this attitude, because I have doubts from time to time.’”

            We say unto you, the doubts are healthy. But we also say unto you, blessed be he who seeketh out the words of the Lord. Blessed be he who should speak unto the Lord as he would speak unto himself, for he shall find that hidden place within his mind where the Lord shall dwell forever and ever.

            We say also unto you, come forth unto the healing well and drink of it, and pick up the Rose without Thorns, and comfort might come from that source also.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [20-382-3…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘My husband and I live and work in different places. Should one of us quit our job? If so, which one, and where do you see us living?’”

            It is said, thy shall dwell in thy husband’s house. “Where he shall dwelleth, I shall dwelleth.” That, in itself, is enough.

            We say unto you, we have come not to change the laws of Moses; we have not to change the words spoken by the one known as Jesus of Nazara; we have come for the preparation of the return of the Messiah. In all things, we have come to show you the truth of the prophecies of the same. Take from these words. Place them in your household, and there shall be no argument.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-382-4…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘Do you see my place of work changing this year? Should I take the job in Roosevelt, or do you see an opportunity for me to transfer to E1 Paso.’”

            I would take the opportunity in Roosevelt.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, ‘Who are the Watchers? What is their function?’”

            We would say unto thee, those who should watch shall be as guides. Those who should listen shall be as guides. But for the ones who should watch and listen over this work, they shall be part of the Thirteen.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Soul John [4-125-2] asks for a fuller understanding of the resurrection, and for your fuller presence in her ministering.”

            We see thy need, and we shall say unto thee unto these words. Rise, John, for we have said before, soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray, and the resurrection that should come forth has come in fulfillment.

            The resurrection which you speak of was the resurrection of Jesus of Nazara, or Jesus of the Christ. And so it was upon the third day that the full resurrection had taken place. And he came not to take away your sins, but to show you that you may do so for yourself -- that through the rebirth, through his rebirth, that all might know the way. Yet the way has been changed and altered -- means little difference, for our Father has many mansions, and each of you have different beliefs. And as he had said before, “I go before you to prepare a way,” a way for each of you, ­not one of you, but all of you. [See John 13:31-38, 14, 15, 16, 17.]

            And for those who should reach God in their own way, in truth, and commit not the greatest sin, and that would be to take from another their belief in their God, then there shall be a way awaiting you.

            Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory should be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New pestilence shall spread once again. Yet for those who should walk in the light of God, and seek in reality His words, and not their own, we say unto you, a way shall be prepared.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.] 


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.