November 3, 1978

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

The merchant went to visit that of the place that manufactured the goods that he did sell. They wined him and dined him, and told him what a good fellow he was. They showed him not of the material and the merchandise that they made.

He stayed there for many days. And finally he went to the owner of the manufacturing plant and he said, “I have long sold your product. It has been a good product, and I have believed in this product. But that that I must believe in I must know of, I must feel of. It must thrive within my every fiber. I have come far to gain this knowledge from you, yet you speak not of it.”

The merchant asked him if he would go and come back another day. And then the manufacturer called in his advisers. Some of his advisers said, “Do not tell how these are produced. Do not give these things, or surely this merchant shall go and give it to someone else.”

Yet, one of his older advisers said, “Nay, this is not true. If the merchant shall sell, he must believe in what he sells. He is right. Let him come and see each step as we manufacture this product. Let him see the sweat and the toil we produce within it.”

The owner decided that he would do so, and he called the merchant into his presence, and said, “Go, therefore, into my factories and learn how we manufacture this product.”

Some of the people, as he went through the plant, were willing to give of the information freely. Some of them felt that it would take from them to give this knowledge. He understood these things.

A week passed and then two weeks, and then he came back unto the manufacturer and he said unto him, “Now I may go back and sell your product, for I feel that it is now my product.”

The merchant went out, and as the first year passed, he far surpassed all the other merchants that sold this product. The second year, even greater. The third year, even more.

And once again, the owner called the merchant and he wined him and dined him, and told him what a great job he had done. The merchant said to him, “Would you pray with me?”

The owner thought, “I shall appease him and pray with him.” And so they knelt and prayed unto God.

When they finished the merchant said, “Do you believe in a man, that you are?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Do you believe in the God that you just prayed to?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Could you tell another of the greatness of your belief?”

The owner said, “Yes, I could do this, but I am not schooled in such a thing.”

The merchant said, “That that I sell I must believe in. And I have found that where I sell what I believe in, I am doing a service, and therefore, I can do my very best service because I know that my God is looking upon me and seeing that which I do. I do not lie about your merchandise. I do not sell someone something they do not need, for I must do the very best job I can before my God. You have called me here to learn the secret of my success in selling your product. That is the secret. That is what I came three years ago to learn from you.”

They departed and the owner thought for a long time. And slowly he began to initiate these same thoughts throughout his plant. He began to call meetings among his people. And he would tell of them, “We all believe in the same God, when we have different religions. But if we do [a] job in such a manner that God would be proud of what we do, and [when] knowing that He is with us all the time, not part of the time, then we will do a better job, for it is in the glory of God that we do that which we do.”

A year passed, and he brought in all of his other merchants and let them go through the plant. And he brought the same merchant to guide them through. As they went through they found that each person was willing to give, glad to give, to share their knowledge. They were very proud of what they had done. The pride showed through with even better merchandise than had ever been produced before.

Because each of the merchants then took that same pride, and took it home with them, and took it into many lives, soon many countries were talking of this one great plant, and it had become greater and greater.

And the owner became a very rich man. And other people came to see his secret, other manufacturers. And he said, “I will [be] glad to share my secrets with you. Our secret is that as I run my plant I know that God sees me. Therefore, I must do the very best job I can. The man that is head of my personnel department, he realizes this. The man that does my buying, he realizes this, and he has conveyed it on to the people we buy from, the raw materials. Therefore, they are giving us better raw materials. The janitor who sweeps the floor, he knows why now, why it must be clean. And he knows that God is with him, and that he is as important as I. We all should have one day, one part of a day that we take out for our prayers.”

And they said, “But these other things -- you have no unions in your business.”

And he said, “This information that you seek now must come from all of the employees.”

They started at the janitor and began talking. They found the janitor not only happy in what he did, but glad to give the service of what he was doing. He did not bicker because he knew God was looking at him, could see within his soul and know when he lied. There was no slander cast about the plant because each knew that God knew in His heart, and in their heart; therefore, their hearts became pure.

This is but a parable, but within this parable is a great truth.

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. All these things we do, we do before God, and not for God, but for ourselves. For long ago, as you would say, many [eons] ago, we learned that as we went up the ladder, that it was our joy to return back unto you, the children of our Father, and give unto you His love, His knowledge, and His ever-enduring wisdom.

If each of your teachers, your students, your ministers, your shepherds, your prophet, all of you -- each of your members, and each of the people you will talk to in [the] other religions, for you are not one religion, you are all, you all are truths before God. He has chosen no one race, no one religion; you have chosen those things. He has given unto your keeping all the necessary things to make your world work in perfection, but with flaw, the natural flaw that you can look at and laugh at within yourselves. When you can look into yourself and see your faults, you need not be laughed at, but you can laugh with other people. These things we learned, the things we brought to you from the first unto these readings of this date.

We have said not to persecute other people, not one soul. We have shown you that we do not, and cannot take from you the free will God has given unto you. We have chosen to not dominate you, for God would not allow us. It is only through your need of seeing the goodness in what God has to offer you, can you offer it to someone else. And only in this manner would the true way be prepared for the coming of the Messiah.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and that his presence is being felt, for those who are preparing his way. But who can prepare for the coming of an Anti-Christ when they are busy preparing for the coming of the Messiah? For they will not have the time, for they love their Father so much that they cannot see, or not be tempted, because God has given you the best product in the whole world, yourselves. He gave you an earth and a heaven, and a universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, and universes beyond universes. All but await your touch. And they shall touch you, and you shall touch them. And the gladness and glory within the same shall be manifested into the heaven upon the Earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, God. Glory be the name of His children.

Our Father has said unto you, “SPEAK NOT BAD THINGS UNTO ANOTHER PERSON.” For each of you is as a mirror. If you project good, then good shall be reflected back unto you. If you project wrong, or bad, or lies, or untruths of any type, these shall be reflected back unto you.

Believe unto this. And give glory unto God.

Give glory unto yourselves, and you will suddenly find that you like yourself. You’ll suddenly find that you are the most important being that you know. Forgive those who trespass upon you. But remember also, the Lord, God, will be with you if you will but open the door to your mind, and all He has He shall give unto you, His wisdom, His love, His compassion, all these things, for what Father [could] deny his child these things? Learn of this. Yet, God has never asked; He has never placed a price tag upon His love for you, and He has denied you nothing.

You have questions, ask. One moment.


We shall say unto James [1-1-5] and Luke [1-1-3], these words, that of the Round Valley shall be a temperate zone in a ten-year period. The area into which you shall choose at this time shall lie into that of the valley of the Thunder Mountain. You shall find that of fertile land and abundance of water.

There are three locations. That we may not confuse you again, we shall place the knowledge of all three in soul Ray’s mind, that he may place them on a map for you. This will give you precise and exact information that you need at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [10-387-3…Huntington Beach, California]. ‘Aka, will you please give me a life reading and advice over immediate future, of love life, and anything else?’”

We shall give you the advice you need at this time. We shall not give you the life reading you desire, but enough guidance that shall bring you to see the problem you have at this time.

We shall say unto you unto this time, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we see thy need.

We place this one in the Yucatan Peninsula right after the death of the one known as Jesus of Nazara and his return and as he walked upon your Earth, your continent. This one had great difficulty, for he was of a rich and influential family. At that time he had been given five wives. Each in their selves had their own perfection. Yet you gave not unto your wives that of yourself. You produced many offspring. And they, looking upon you, refused to give themselves unto others.

As the great Eagle came upon your continent, and the knowledge was known of the coming, you were not too sure, as you are not too sure this time. You would not commit yourself.

And then when the day when the Messiah walked upon the continent, and he did bring forth unto disciples, you could have been one of them, but your own reluctance to commit yourself denied you this joy.

Your karma has not changed greatly, for that that you were you have brought forth unto this time and this place. We say unto you, commit yourself. Give of yourself, and your answers shall unfold as the unwinding of a ball of twine before your eyes, and the fulfillment you desire shall come into reality.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka...One moment, Aka…Do you have any advice on the health of [10-287-3], Aka?”

We do not have of this information. We do not find the request by himself. The request was made by his mother and grandmother.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [10-390-1] asks, ‘Should we be making plans to move soon, and where should we be looking for property?’ Also, he asks, should he stay within his present job or look for another one, and where should he look?”

            Give further data.

            “He lives at....Tucson, Arizona.”

            We still need further data. Data is incomplete.

            “Thank you, Aka. I’ll go to another question, Aka, I do not have the data handy.”

“[10-381-1…Tucson] asks, ‘Please assist me in discovering my purpose of incarnation this time.”

Your purpose of incarnation at this time has brought you forth into a teacher. It shall bring you forth, and your sole purpose in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. The child into which you have into your care and keeping shall be a leader in this time. The child must be schooled and made ready for this. Yet you are spreading the word as it should be.

It is your purpose. Your purpose is within the vows you shall take. You have asked for this, and you did ask unto the Lord, God, for this. And that that you have asked for has been given.

Soon the prophet shall come, and he shall speak unto you. Listen to his words carefully, for they shall place a direction, and as you would say, put it all together for you. But remember, he may only give you the tools. You are the one who will put it together.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one more question from her. She says, ‘I am trying to find a good van for my business, R.E. Products, and camping, but I can’t seem to get it financed. Do you have any suggestions?’”

This shall come about in a very short period of time. The tools that you have asked for shall be laid at your disposal. Ask not just for the financing, ask for the van, ask for the fuel to run it upon, and ask that you may make the profit that is needed to sustain your livelihood and that of your child. God will provide for your needs, and those things that you ask for shall be granted, for those things that you should ask for in the name of the Father shall be given unto you. But be specific. Ask not that that you do not desire, and be sure of what you ask for.

            You have other questions.

“Yes Aka, [4-125-2] says, ‘”Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be complete.” 1 ask for healing in full of body, mind, and soul, and to dwell fully with you to do this work.’”

We have given of these things, and we have placed unto all of your keeping a prophet and a healer.

We see, therefore, unto your need, and it shall be provided for.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

And we should say unto [6-281-1], we see thy need, of [10-390-2]; we have not left her side. We are providing that that has been asked for. You must realize that we cannot violate her free will. It was not until she asked us could we give unto her the fullness of the healing. No matter how determined soul Ray was to give of it, even though he overrode her wish to die at the time and gave the life healing, it had -- the final request had to come from her.

We say unto you, remember unto his dream of a thousand years, a thousand miles? The fulfillment of that dream is now coming true.

We would say unto soul [6-274-2], we see thy need. And we shall now explain unto you why these things were allowed to happen, that you might fully see within yourself the fullness of the greatness and the joy of the healing soul Ray has brought upon this Earth with the grace of God. But he brought more than the healing of a body, he brought forth the healing of the soul. And as long as you are to do the work, you must do it in a joyful manner.

We have told you before that great temptations would be placed before you, and great trial. It sometimes seems cruel that we do this, but you must realize that our time has grown short, and therefore, we have had to use drastic measures. For when the time comes when we leave you in voice, our spirits shall remain among you. And so shall soul Ray’s, for soul Ray, is I and I am soul Ray.

We are not suggesting at this time that soul Ray shall depart from you, that he shall die as you are thinking. Quite the contrary. We shall do everything to prolong his life as long as you allow us. Yet his free choice we will honor also.

            Yet, many things -- the advancement of those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ are growing across the land, even into your Presidency, deception -- this false treaty that he should have Israel sign with Egypt. We say unto you this, for he who should place his name upon this treaty with Israel and Egypt, look closely, for he shall be one of the heads of the Anti-Christ.

But do not underestimate the Israelites. As we have said before, the descendents of Abraham may be changed as easily as turning a stone. But as Ishmael was given a promise, so must that fulfillment come also.

There are wars and rumors of wars. And great wars, the greatest of wars, has not happened yet.

We shall also say unto all of you, your inflationary depression has not ended. Inflation shall continue. And from it shall come a boom, a great boom, a great growth. There will he those who say, “Invest in gold.” The greatest investment shall be within land. We give you this, as knowledge, that you may protect the people, and the people may protect themselves, for financial disaster is as great and as much as damaging as an earthquake -- and that you shall have a multitude of.

            For those who should heed our words shall succeed. For those who do not, some sha11 wear the mark of the Beast. We say unto you, no one can harm you, only yourselves. It is when you are in the bottomless pit that sometimes you may only look up, for looking down you see nothing. When you look up, then you see the light. And all that is covered shall be uncovered and light shall be for those who want to see this light.

            Go forth, uncover these things. Uncover ignorance. Let truth of many forms come forth unto you. Let the beauty of the land, the sky, the heavens, the seas, and all forms of the water shine into thee. Let the plants, and the animals of all sorts be under your dominion. Let the heavens and the fowl, and the sea and all that live in the sea be under your dominion -- and rule it well.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.