November 10, 1978

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner -- glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall tell unto thee the parable of the Landowner.

            He owned vast [parcels] of land.

            And as people came forth unto him they would say, “May I settle upon your land?”

And He would say, “YES, BUT TAKE THESE THINGS I GIVE YOU.” And He did place unto them all things they needed to feed themselves, to clothe themselves, to build with, to light their homes, to warm their homes, and sent them each unto a separate part of the land.

Soon they began to realize that in certain regions of the Landowner’s land, each one had different materials that they could trade. At first they traded with each other in great harmony. And soon they began to build cities and villages upon the land. And all these things the Landowner saw, and said, “THIS IS GOOD.”

But then, some became greedy, and instead of trading for merchandise, they wanted to steal it. And they became greedy and wanted to own that land that the Landowner owned. So they made war upon the other villages. And soon they called themselves nations, and they made war upon the nations.

The Landowner saw this. The beautiful streams and rivers and oceans were becoming polluted. They stripped the timber from the land, and planted naught in its place.

This went on for a considerable time. And the Landowner said unto all of the people, speaking not just to the leaders, but to all the people, “I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING ALL THE THINGS TO MAKE THE LAND EXIST IN HARMONY. I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK. I HAVE LOVED YOU AND CHERISHED YOU FROM THE BEGINNING, AND I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK.”

And the people heard Him not.

And then, one day the Landowner sent His son forth unto the people. And the people did destroy His son. And still the Landowner was patient.

And then the Landowner decided that the only way that He would get the attention of the people was to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados, and volcanoes to erupt upon the land, and this He began to do. And they still paid Him no mind.

And then He spoke once more unto the people, for He picked one among each of them into the nations and said these words, “FOR SOON I SHALL SEND UPON THE EARTH ANOTHER OF MY SONS, YET IT SHALL BE THE SAME, OF ALL THE SONS THAT HAVE COME BEFORE. AND I SHALL WALK UPON YOUR LAND, THE LAND I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING.”

And still the people did not hear Him.

And then He spoke once again, and He sent forth unto the multitudes a council, that they may give guidance and learning unto all the people and prepare the way for the coming.

We have told you this in the form of a parable. The Landowner is God. You are the people who moved in on His land. And He gave unto your hands to be the keepers of the land, the air, the ocean. And He looked beyond all this and laid the galaxies out before you. As you reach into the stars and the stars shall reach back, what shall you exchange -- war once again?

Half of your world not tells their people that the Landowner no longer exists, and never existed.

Each has said to the Landowner, “Give me this; give me that.” As soon as they receive it, they forgot from which it has come.

Each of you has that choice to make.

Each of you shall go back unto many places, into the many cities of this land. If each one in this room this night vowed unto themselves, “I shall take the message of the Lord and contact ten people, and they shall contact ten more,” in less than one year, your world would live in peace, and would ensure that your children’s children’s children would continue to live upon the land.

We have told you many times to count your blessings. We say unto you, stop this day and take pencil and paper in hand, and think from the beginning of your lifespan into where you stand now, on this plane, the many gifts God has given unto you. And then, on the opposite side of the page, write what you have given God. Do this once a day, and soon you will feel the ever-enduring love that the Father has for His children.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10-391-1…in Albuquerque] and asks, ‘I would like to know of my past lives and how they reflect on my present one.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this one in the time of Ur. This is the first entry of the same. We find this one in the body of a young man, with memory that from this point forward you would take forth unto you.

We shall say unto you this. The Lord, God, in His ultimate wisdom designed your brain in such a manner that upon each lifetime it would carry a full memory of all your planes, [of] all lifetimes. He also placed within you the ability to forget pain. And in His ultimate wisdom, knowing that you would be all parts of all things you had been before, He let this memory lay in a dormant place within your mind. That which you began in the beginning, you have carried forth. If you were a man in one life, you were a woman in the next. Your confusion, and sometimes feeling, that you are of both, is true in one respect and not so in another. You must remember that there was the Mother and there was the Father, God. So even in the beginning, He built you “of Their image, of Their kind,” and therefore, placed into you the ability to reproduce those of your kind, in your likeness, in your images; yet all is within Their kind, Their likeness, and Their image.

You seek spiritual guidance and development, and growth. Then define, and use these small words of wisdom -- “to know where you have been, is to know where you are going.” But if you get too busy looking at the past you can never know where you are. And this is the most important of all, where you are now. Stop and look into yourself, and look at the first part of this reading, and the message we have laid into your hands. You are the only one of your likeness. The Lord, God, in His ultimate wisdom, gave unto your keeping only one of you in the whole universes and universes beyond. You are a separate individual. You are important to God. And therefore, being important to God, you should be important to yourself.

Take that wisdom in such a manner that you may build on it from this day forth, and you shall find that all things are possible, for no father shall hide anything from his child. God has hid nothing from you. What was covered shall be uncovered. What lay in darkness shall be lightened.

But we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now.

Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ are at work. And you shall find those who shall say, “Come, see what I have to offer.” Look within the wisdom of your own mind. Do as we have said. You shall soon see that God has given you all things that your life on this plane should be complete. All you need do is pick it up.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-380-2…El Paso, Texas]. He asks, ‘Will you advise me how to get out of my emotional and financial troubles as soon as possible?’”

Yes, we shall advise you, in this manner. Look at your needs and not your wants. We have given back unto you the life that you desired, and yet you ask for more. Soul Ray has placed into your hands the necessary means to help you financially, and it shall soon come into fulfillment.

It is good to ask and good to receive. But if God sent you into the desert and gave you water and food and you left it behind, would you stand in the desert and blame God because He did not give you another, and another, and another? Would you do the same with your children? Do you want God to become your crutch? “The Lord is our shepherd, thy shall not want.” He has said nothing about being your crutch.

It is not important what a man has done, it is what he shall do.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [70-391-2 asks…in Albuquerque] asks, 'Is the Pagosa Springs, Colorado, area going to be a safe area to live in?’”

Yes, in a relatively safe manner. There shall be upheavals in the Colorado region.

We should also say unto you, safety is one thing, but an ability to provide a livelihood and a food substance is also important. These things must be taken into consideration when making such a choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10-391-3…New Mexico] asks, ‘How can I best overcome nervousness?’”

The data is incomplete. One moment, please.

Yes, yes.

We would answer your question in this manner. One moment.

It is still incomplete. Give -- the birth date is not correct. Request further data on this subject, and information then may be given.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-391-4…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘I would like to buy a cattle ranch and stop my career as an aerospace engineer. Will this move be beneficial for me and my family?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The cattle ranch would be a wise move, but it would not be wise to stop your career at this time. We would suggest that this subject could purchase land and begin to stock, but do not quit your job at this time.

You have further questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-391-5…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘Is there anything that I should know or learn, or be aware of that I am not at this time?’”

            Yes, we see your need. We say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns. The answers you seek, you shall find within.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Would you speak more on the Father- and Mother-God concept?”

We shall answer your question in this manner -- that as the Creator brought forth creation, He gave unto you all the things He felt, the same love and compassion a man feels for a woman. God is not alone.

We say unto you, that from Buddha, to Mohammed, to the prophet, Joseph Smith, to your own prophet, God, in the ultimate wisdom, placed the man and woman together, “of Their kind, of Their image.”

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

New weather conditions shall begin to taunt the lands once again. Prepare, therefore, for the same. Blackouts shall occur in many of the major cities, and in some rural area. This shall occur both in your Northeast, East, and Western cities, and parts of the mid-part of the United States and Canada. It would be advisable that that of the kerosene lanterns be produced, that of the gasoline lanterns, for they produce both heat and light. We would also suggest that firewood and coal be brought into a dry place and stored in abundance.

Soul Ray grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Major blackouts did occur in following years in these U.S. regions the spiritual messengers of God forewarned, starting with a power blackout of much of the entire West Coast including part of Western Canada during peak summer heat. The power supply in nine western U.S. states was affected in August 1996 as a result of a high demand for electricity, a heat wave and sagging electrical power lines. On August 14, 2003, parts of the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada experienced widespread power blackouts, the most severe in U.S. history (affecting about one-seventh of the population of the U.S.) The U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts were affected. Among the major urban areas touched by the electrical power outage in the United States were New York City, Albany, Buffalo in New York, Cleveland and Columbus in Ohio, and Detroit. Ottawa and Toronto in Canada were also affected. Then severe winter storms left several Eastern U.S. states without power. Power blackouts continue.]


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.