September 8, 1978

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord;

glory be the name of His children; glory be the name of those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.

And we should say unto thee unto these words -- for we shall tell you this parable of a man who, as a child, knew not his place.

And yet, as he went through life, he sought power. And for the receiving of this power, he did trade his soul.

This man became a minister. And he brought forth false images into his church. And the Beast did give unto him the power to bring forth these images.

            And he did come before the people and speak words that he did not believe within his heart. He saw in all people only the greed to fulfill his needs. Yet, this Beast one day would claim his soul, and that day did arrive, for the Beast did plant upon him his mark, on the hand and in the forehead.

            We shall try to explain to you the difference of your word meaning, forehead, and that of both the Hebrew word meaning fore head -- the foreskin that would be extracted, and was to be extracted, from a newborn child that they may be cleansed and not wear the mark of the Beast. This in itself was called the fore head, and the mark could be concealed, therefore, within the same.

            The second part of the word, or the meaning of the same, would be toward the base of the skull. This, in itself, should be the second part of the same word, meaning of the same.

The next part, meaning that of the hand, in the back of the hand, would not necessarily conceive that that it would mean in your words, or the meaning of the same. You have a word which means the reading of the palm. The palm would extend from the thumb to the small finger. From that you shall find within the same that the mark shall be laid. The mark can either be laid on the surface or on the reverse side of the palm, or may be laid farther up to the pit of the arm; all would mean of the same.

You must realize, in the interpretation, your words have not come out to mean the same. We speak these words that you might know, therefore, where the mark should lie.

Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man. You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, and Daniel, chapter 7.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain. And remember -- look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

And we say unto you, you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship. But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds. Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

            We should say unto James [1-1-5] and Luke [1-1-3], and unto [7-316-1], the land that should lie between that of Florence and Apache Junction, therefore, within the same, there is fertile land. Conditions are such, and the weather shall remain a temperate zone. We shall give further information as you should ask for it. It shall become, and known as, Round Valley.

            And from this, we shall also say unto you, long have we watched the forces of darkness attack you. We told you before that if you bound your minds together, none could come into your house but those that you wished to. Binding your minds unto soul Ray’s mind -- he shall teach you of this, and he shall teach you of the sign of the pentacle.

We shall bring the light and we shall bring healing into the one known as [6-274-2].

You will say unto us, “Why have we allowed these things to happen?” We did not allow them. We told you before to bind yourselves together, to throw away all of your petty arguments and suspicions. For those who should bind themselves, nothing may penetrate this. Now we shall place into your hands that that should destroy your enemies.

            You have questions, ask.
            Yes, Aka. [6-281-1] asks, ‘My husband insists on having the house sporadically sprayed with Chlorodane.’ She says that this is causing her a great deal of illness, and she doesn’t know what to do unless she moves out of the house because it makes her so ill, and she doesn’t want to do that; she’s asking for help. And, what can you suggest?”

We shall place in the mind of soul Ray a form, to build a pesticide that shall control these things. It shall be of a natural source that shall not be harmful to the human body. Worry not, it shall be no more.

We say unto you, bind yourselves together. We told unto you there would be other temptations placed in your path. We say unto you, request in writing unto your prophet that three minister should be assigned to you, that you should take the vows of the ministry.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, would you tell me if the course I am pursuing in making my foot well is adequate, or if there is something I should do?”

We should do that that is needed to bring this about. Soul Ray brought unto your mind the sign of the pentacle that no longer could you be attacked. For all that once placed and walked through the sign of the pentacle, no harm may come to them, yet all evil that should enter should never leave. We shall implant in his mind a new method of doing this that should not -- that shall be done at the four corners of your property, that none may pass through from this day forth.

One moment.


It shall be done.

Soul Ray must make the signs, and it shall be complete. Each of you in turn shall make the signs, and it shall be complete. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [8-338-2] would like to know if the recent dream of the inscriptions on the pillar has any special meaning for her or for our group.”

We say unto you, as we have said, there shall be a building built. And no false idols shall be p1aced within the same. Inscriptions shall be there for knowledge.

(Chuckle) it shall take many doughnuts to do this.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks about the windows.”


           She would like to do stained glass windows – I’m sure that’s what she’s saying -- and she’s wondering if you have a suggestion.”

That that shall be in her mind she shall draw. And each of you shall be in agreement upon the same. We will give you exact specifications as each part shall be brought forth, and a complete plan shall be drawn and given unto you. Stained glass windows of the Tiffany type is that which she has in her mind – yes -- that the light of the Lord should shine through unto the people. This is good.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-1] asks, ‘Do you have any advice for me? Thank you.”

As we have said before, you have looked for the buildings and the places of knowledge, yet we told you they were beneath your feet. We say so now. Soul Ray did show unto you that of the processing of the prickly pear, that the fruit, a pure fruit, uncontaminated, could be brought to the Earth. A way must be prepared for this.

And now we shall also tell unto all of you, that by the drinking of this fruit you shall have a cleansing of the body, of the kidneys, [of] the liver, and the removal of poisons, therefore, within your system. We shall give further information at another time.

We will also say unto you, come unto soul Ray for consultation.

            You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, I have a question from [5-206-2] in which he asks, ‘In numerology do you use your birth name or the ones you use most? How do you use your married name if you are a woman?’”

From birth until marriage, until death, all has been recorded. Your free choice, and your growth patterns shall change in your numerology, and therefore, at birth your name, complete, shall be used. At a later time you might change or alter this name. Then it becomes complete. At marriage the full name should be brought forth, and with the maiden name placed before the husband’s name in such a manner that it should become a full name.

           We shall explain in this manner. If a woman’s name should be of Jane Doe, and she should marry John Smith, then her full numerological name would be Jane Doe Smith.

           Yes, I think you shall understand of which we speak.

           This should also be placed at the end of the journey of life. Yet, should this same person’s name be Mary Jane Doe, and through her life she should then use, Jane Doe, and then marry, her name would be Jane Doe Smith until the end, and then it would be Mary Jane Doe Smith.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-388-1…Farmington, New Mexico] asks, ‘My husband and I are considering going into a business of our own. Do you feel now is the time, later, or not at all?’”

We would say unto you, now is the time. We shall explain in this manner. Inflation shall devaluate your dollar. But the greatest source that you shall have is the land beneath your feet, for if a dollar becomes worth only a penny, and the land you have beneath your feet is worth one dollar, then within time it will be worth one hundred dollars in such a line of sorts. Land shall be the key of fighting inflation.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-388-2…Deer Park, Texas] asks (1) ‘What is my purpose in life?’ And (2) ‘Do you see any changes in the near future?’”

            We say unto you, that that you came forth upon this life for is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. There have been many things to change and move your life from side to side, but we say unto you, the purpose is still the same. Apply it. The change that can come in the near future can be your work in this manner, and it shall bring fulfillment beyond all things you have thought of before. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time has grown short.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We shall say unto those on the West Coast of the United States, prepare for new earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes. The same should apply during your East Coast. Those who should think to travel in the land of Mexico, the Ring of Fire shall become alive again. In the land of the Mediterranean, land shall fall once again. In the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, new earthquakes shall occur. Germany, Hungaria, France, Russia, for a short time it shall feel as though there is a breaking apart of the land, yet it is not the time yet.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1978 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona