August 3, 1979

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For the Lord did promise unto the people a valley. And different ones came to the valley that the Lord had promised, each in their own way, seeking their own needs. And some did not care for the valley and they moved on. And some stayed. And some consumed great quantities of the valley, and said, “Because this is a gift from God, I shall sell it to you at a great price.”

God did not place a price upon the valley. He placed it there for those who should seek it. And He should place other valleys for those who should seek their own valley and their own need, for not everyone should find the same, or be the same, in the same place as another.

For within each of you, you have asked us to bring spiritual guidance unto you. And we shall answer you in this manner. Do thy love thyselves? Do thy love thy brethren? Do thy love thy God? And the temple of God should be thy body. Then why should you shun from it? Glorify the temple. Go forth within the body and be glad that you are within yourself. Find peace from within.

We say unto you, why should you believe us of the earthly things, when you do not believe us of the heavenly things? And the most heavenly thing upon the Earth is yourselves.

If each of you listen, in the still of your mind you shall hear the brook, the quiet brook that flows through a valley. And you shall look beyond, and there you shall see flowers of many kinds and colors, and beyond that you shall see trees of many kinds and many colors. And you shall see of all the animals the Lord has placed upon the Earth, in each place at a different time for a different purpose. All is in complete. All as is one. In this of the temple of the Lord, God, so it should be. The One as I, and I as the one.

We have long told you that soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray. And you could not understand this. Think upon it. We have not spoken in riddles; we have spoken in truth. We have given you knowledge as you have asked, and now we give you the greatest knowledge of all. Love one another. Love thy God. Love thyselves.

If you should get up in the morning, realize that the Lord has created a whole new world that day for you. You can make it anything you wish. It can be a dark day within your heart, or it can be a bright day. For if the rain does not come, the flowers shall not grow. If the snow should not fall high upon the mountains, the rivers shall not flow, and the brooks shall not flow. If you shall try, that each day upon your awakening, you shall look out upon the world and say unto thyselves, “Behold, for all is in beauty. Behold, for this is God’s day and He has given it to me.”

What greater gift could you have than that day and that moment? Why should you waste it with bad thoughts? Why should you waste it with the thoughts that you should argue, one unto the other, and bicker, and bring false charges into the others? If you have taken the day in truth, you shall find that there is no room for greed or hate. The day, each day, is like a light that shall never shine again. Each moment is like a beacon which will pass only that way one time. Grasp it. Take the most from it. That is why God gave it to you, that moment.

But let the other person have their moment in their way. And then you shall see the true meaning of harmony of the earth, the sky, the ocean, the heavens -- all as one -- and man and all things upon the planet that should be in harmony, one unto the other. For man is like a fine instrument. In the creation, all is in tune. With use and time, the tune becomes improper.

A healer may help you retune the body, and should give the spiritual need to help you retune the spirit, but only you may [retune] the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body as one. Only you can play the beautiful music that comes from one in tune with all.

We say unto you, there are those who seek healing. And we say unto you, the healing thy seek shall be given.

There are those of you who should seek advice, and we have just given that in the greatest abundance, if you shall only take the time to understand -- not for just this moment, but make all your moments as though they were your last. If you see a tree, reach to the soul of the tree, and feel it. Reach to the earth beneath thee and see the flowers, but feel the throb of the earth, and you shall [see] and know it is one.

You should reach for thy neighbor. Know that harmony may come within each of you. You do not need to need what the neighbor needs, to be happy. Nor the neighbor should need what you need. It is only a matter of understanding the neighbor’s need, and saying, “This is fine, this is good; this is wonderful, for they do it as one. And because I understand my neighbor, therefore, I shall love them, one unto another. And the greatest of all loves shall flow within me, for the love my neighbor shares with God, that I share with God, and if we put this together, the glow, the light shall become greater than man has ever known.”

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. To do this, we are here to try to retune the great instrument, to place within you, not for just this moment, but for all moments, for all times, of the love that he shall come by unto another, the compassion he shall feel for another.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

“Yes, Aka. In the last reading I misread someone’s name. The name was read as R____ O. A____ and it’s R_____ O. A___; I didn’t read it correctly. And I think you gave the right life reading for him. Would you verify that?”

We saw thy error and made corrections that it might be true.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. It seemed correct in spite of me. [11-405-1…Houston, Texas] asks a question. And she asks, 'I want to know what I am here to do, my life’s work.’”

You shall take the first of the reading, and place it around you. You shall find your life’s work. We shall also say unto you, there are many types of love. There are many types of beauty. Know them, and they shall flow unto thee as one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11-405-2…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘In my present job is there a good chance for longevity and job security?’”

We see this. If this tree is to bear fruit, [you] should take care of the tree, and the fruit that shall come from it shall be sweet and everlasting. But if the gardener should shun the fruit and pay it no hence, then it shall shrivel and die away, for it too must have love. So is that that thy seek.

It has long been said that the tortoise and the hare did run. And many stories have been told of the hare’s folly, and the tortoise’s good judgment. It has been thought that if they placed the tortoise and the hare together as one that the job would be done well, swift, and with care. Think upon this word. Think that thy shall place thyself in the beings of both of these creatures and learn from each.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a thank you note from [3-115-2] for your love and thanks, and she sends her love and thanksgiving to you and the Council, and for the healing channeled her, particularly through Ray. She says, ‘Praise God.’”

We see this. And we shall place within her mind, that she may see through the Eagle’s eyes. What a flight this shall be!

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11-405-3…Roswell, New Mexico] asks, ‘Will the pain I am now having leave soon?’”

Yes. Yes, this shall be done. We shall also answer your question in this manner. If thy climbed to the top of the mountain and stood there, and thy food bearer did bring thee food and laid it upon the mountain, and thy walked back down partway of the mountain, and they left that upon the mountain that had been given, who should be blamed, the food bearer or yourself? If you should desire that which you seek, take the gifts that are given, one at a time, and carry them with you. If you want a total release of the pain that you speak of, soul Ray shall give it. But to totally release it, go unto ten people and speak, therefore, of the wisdom that you might have gained here, and tell each ten that they shall approach ten, and unto each of these ten perform one deed of good standing, and so it shall grow, and they shall be relieved of their pains also.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11-504-4…Houston] asks, ‘What is the future for the next couple of years for Houston, Texas? Also, my time of birth and my life’s work?’”

The time of birth was 8:32 p.m.

Your life’s work -- that has already been laid before you.

The future of Houston, Texas -- it shall grow as a lady of Babylon for five years. And then in two, it shall go as though it had never been. But this is true of many cities upon the Earth. Take from the words of Jonah and learn them well. [See  The Revelation, chapters 17-18 and Jonah, chapters 3-4.]

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary; our time grows short.

Woe unto thee who should worship false images, for the falseness they shall only find within themselves. Woe unto those who cannot find forgiveness, one unto another. Woe be it unto those who should divide this flock.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence shall reign. But for those who should seek to prepare the way, in truth, for those who shall bury their false prides within themselves and join together, for those who should act as the brook that feeds the river that flows to the ocean, for those, all shall come and be complete.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona