December 7, 1979



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in the manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits and the creation of the earth.

And when all was finished they bid God to come upon the earth and breathe the life into it.

And upon that day, God saw the sunrise upon the earth, and He said unto them, “THIS IS GOOD.”

And upon the evening, as the sun came through the leaves of the tree, and a slight wind brought it forth in such a manner that the light glistened


And the Seven Spirits said together, “Yes, oh Lord, this is true. But you shall see, oh Lord, that the wind shall be a cleansing thing, that some men shall ride the wind and know it, and they shall make the wind do its bidding. And some men shall stand before it, and they shall build buildings that shall fall before it. And others shall build buildings that shall stand strong, and the wind shall not strike it at all.”

And then, as they gazed upon the heavens, a storm, a mighty storm, was brought forth by the wind, and there came lightening and thunder -- and all things of good and abundance.


And the Seven Spirits said to the Lord, “Lord, You sent us forth unto the fields, and You said, ‘PLANT A CROP AND HARVEST IT.’ It took us a long time before we could do this and do it together. This same lesson must be learned by the children of the Lord. The day that the children of the earth [could] stand together, all these things that have been placed here may feed them, clothe them, and house them. But it shall not fill the spiritual substance that must fill them in time. Only when we learned to work as one spiritual substance, or being, of oneness together, could we bring forth unto the harvest unto you, oh, Lord. And if Your children shall return into your many mansions, it must be by their choice.

“And the wind shall carry them. And they shall come together. And they shall rejoice unto the making of the earth and they shall rejoice unto the Lord, and give praise and glory unto the Lord.”

And the Lord looked upon the earth and did breathe life unto the earth, and all things did stir and come to life. And all things begot unto themselves and made the earth bountiful and plenty. And the earth did enter upon the earth into all things, and it was complete.

We have told you of the beginning. Now the ending shall be up to you.     

The ending should need never happen. The earth was built much like your body. God did not choose death for you; you chose it yourself. God did not choose sickness for you. These are things and plights that were placed by yourselves. God has given unto you His love. And He has said, “LOVE THY BROTHERN AND SISTERN. AND LOVE UNTO ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOU. AND I HAVE GIVEN YOU DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS.”

What we have said can be placed in a very simple sentence. The Lord, God, has given you everything that is needed to build your spiritual substance and the material things that you want and need. The Lord, God, looks upon you and has given you His first begotten son.

As the time grows near when you shall celebrate this, light that light, that little candle in that quiet place within you; light it, and bring it as a gift, as the gifts were first brought. And you shall know that it shall be the greatest gift of all.

From far memory, some of you shall remember the preciseness of all events. The time of year when you celebrate this does not matter, any more than the spelling of our name. It is agreeing upon it, the rejoicing in it, the coming together with love and peace unto one another.

It is loving one person enough, or many persons enough, to give them your blessing and say, “Go, if that’s what you wish to do.” It is loving others enough to know that they can fall down, and helping them to stand, loving them enough to not become the crutch.

It is the wind and the snow. It is the autumn and the fall. It is your winters and your summers and your springs. It is all things.

For the Lord God says unto you, “MAKE ME A PLACE THAT I MIGHT REST MY HEAD.”

Prepare the way. Give glory unto God, and God shall give glory unto you. Give glory unto your brother and your sistern, and they shall give glory back unto you.

Make all these things come first in your lives. But love yourselves enough to know that some have much to give, and that is enough. Some have very little to give, and that is enough. Do not set yourselves up as judges.

We say unto you, take this day and all others and make them holy in your hearts, and a new world and a new heaven may be born within you.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-281-1] asks, ‘Please talk about our guilts, hopes, and fears. Why do so many of us burden ourselves with guilt when we are conscientious and really doing our best; how can we overcome this?’”

We have seen your need, and we did place in the first part of the reading the answer to this. But that you might fully understand this within yourself -- if a man should come to another and hit him by hand or any other means, and has done so unjustly, the hit can never be taken away. The harm that that person had done that moment, that moment shall last into eternity. If one should come and speak a wrong word into another that too shall last unto an eternity. If one should use the Lord’s name in vain that too may last an eternity.

But we say unto you, to fall down is not the sin. It is the getting up, the rising above yourself, the rising above and beyond what you think you are. And in that, you shall know of your own wrongs and your own mistakes. The guilt is only placed there within you to know the difference between right and wrong. It was never meant to be placed there to harm man. Only by the knowing of the guilt, a true [guilt], do you know that you must correct it.

When one has wronged another, as we have said before, and you know you have wronged them in your heart, in that place within you that God dwells that He did breathe life into, then you shall know that you should go unto that one and beg their forgiveness, as you would beg God’s forgiveness. For in doing so, God has seen and known that that has been done.

As we have said before, if you do this, and the other does not accept, then go and find another, and let the two of you go unto this one.

There are some upon your earth who say, “I speak for God.” Only on rare occasions does anyone speak for God. We were sent here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have not demanded anything from you. We have not said, “Slay thy brothern,” or “Destroy each other,” for we may not say these things, for they are not the way of God.

And God should speak into the least of things upon the earth, should they listen.

But there are some upon your earth who build for the Anti­-Christ, and they shall turn religion against religion, (sigh). God sees this, and knows. And those who should take from another in this manner has sinned beyond all sins, for they have taken from themselves their own spiritual substance that was a part of God and cast it aside.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question from [6-281-1]; she asks, ‘Please give me an interpretation of my dream. Who is James?’”

James, the brothern of Jesus -- James who did after Jesus’ death head the church, [the] Christian church, of Jerusalem, and who was later killed.


You have asked for a guide, and it has been given unto you.

He took count of many things. And he has great reason, now, in the name of the Lord, to see that nothing interferes with this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11-411-1…of Quartzite, Arizona], and he asks, ‘We have five acres for sale; is now a good time to sell? Also, is this a safe place to live?’”

We shall answer your question in this way; now is a good time to sell. Today and tomorrow it is a safe place to live. At a later time, it shall not be. As we have said before, when that time occurs, we shall begin to move the people, and we shall find places for them to dwell. But these things you must earn.

You have one other question.

“I have a question from [11-411-2…in Scottsdale]. She asks, ‘Would it be wise for me to try to work out some way to live at Dripping Springs valley? Can I truly be of help? Will I be able to work it out financially?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. It would be wise if you stayed where you are.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time grows short.

The roses of heaven do not wilt. They are like the wild roses. They are like the Rose without Thorns. We say unto you, we shall place one before each of you. Pick it up and carry it with you in your heart.

We say unto you, let all of you close your eyes this moment who wish this gift, and we shall give it to you. You shall feel the warmth of it and the beauty of it, and it shall be sacred unto each of you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona