February 23, 1979

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable.

            As the Lord brought forth rain and snow upon the earth, the rain fell onto the land and the land replenished itself. And then came the snow upon the mountains and into the valleys.

            The rain looked upon the snow and said, “You are a beautiful thing, but of what value are you?”

            And the snow said back unto the rain, “For I am a lasting value, for I am the same as you -- only my form has been changed. For I shall lay upon the ground and gently melt, and replenish the water beneath the surface of the earth. And I shall make the streams and rivers run, and the creeks that run.”

            The rain thought upon this. And the rain spoke back unto the Spirits and said, “Why have you made me into such a small substance, when you have made the snow more beautiful and more lasting than I?”

            And the rain did fall upon the desert where no snow could ever find its way. And the Spirit said, “Behold, for you have not been here in a long time.” And the desert turned green and the flowers came up from the desert. And all the desert plants soaked in, and brought forth, and stored within itself the multitude of moisture. And the Spirit said, “Behold unto that likeness of your likeness. Even though your form when you appear upon the earth is different from the snow, it is all but the same.” 

             We should say in this parable, that seasons may change upon the earth, and the earth may change upon the heavens, and man may change his form many times, but man shall remain man, and God shall remain God. And as the rays of the Lord shall come forth unto the sun and the rain, and the bountiful plentiness the Lord has provided He shall not take away. It shall but only change its form. For as we have said before, where no water flowed water would flow, that all the surface of the earth’s form shall change, and man shall change with this. For you shall see the time that lies ahead, of the Anti-Christ. But one day it shall melt away, and the earth shall blossom forth into the coming of the Messiah.       

            And the harvests of the fields shall be bountiful. There shall be sparse days, and troubled days, yet spring shall come again upon all the land, in all the hearts of all the people.

            There shall be troubled times. You can live and let your lives remain in this troubled time, or you can lift up your hearts into the Lord, and believe in the Lord. And believe that the Lord, that all that He has placed upon the earth He may taketh away, yet He has never taken from you, except that that He did replace tenfold.

            All things shall unfold. As in the book of Revelations, the earth shall alter and change, and so shall man. And a new man shall be born from the earth, and shall come from the heavens to link up as one. All of these things we have shown unto your prophet.

            We have told you, now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to bind together. Now is the time to come forth, for you shall be persecuted. But if you are come together, bind together and let your strength flow. If you shall learn from those who should strike you, if you should learn that the mighty arm of the Lord shall protect you, bind together as many twigs should come forth and you shall not be broken. Through all the harshness and the harsh days the sun shall shine through. And each day of sunshine shall give you new hope for the spring.

            Believe in these things, and your children’s children shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Believe not in these things, and there shall be no heaven nor earth. For the debt that shall be paid shall go unto thy unborn children, and their children’s children. And it should be so unto the fifth generation.        

            We have come unto you in the ninth year. [Note: The spiritual messengers of God began speaking through Ray nine years before, in 1970.]

            Great sabers shall soon be brought forth. That of the Red Horse or the Dragon shall rustle its saber in one place. [See The Revelation 6:2 and chapter 12. Aka said the Red Horse is Pakistan and the Dragon is China.]

            And while you are looking in one place, the Bear [Russia] shall devour the land of Iran.

            As we have said before, it shall start from France and the fuse shall go forth -- and all that has been before and all prophecies shall now be fulfilled. [Note: in 1973, Aka spoke of and gave Ray a dream that a fuse had been lit in France that went on to Israel. Ray cautioned that, if not stopped, it could ignite the world. Also see the prophecies in scriptures, such as Isaiah, Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, by Jesus, and other prophecies.]

            We should say unto those who seek to prepare a place for the people, it would be better to remain where you are than to march into an open valley, as those who should march into Armageddon, for all who shall march in shall be destroyed. Do not be foolish. The place that shall protect the people must have natural fortification, such as mountains. It must have natural water, and sources of water.

            As we have said before, as the weather shall change and continue, your greenhouses shall feed you in abundance. Take from these things that we are providing and showing you, and there shall be a way for all.

As these sabers begin to come forth and unfold, the Messiah is now upon your Earth -- in the same land that he once walked in before. If the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread his wings, the Lord shall snatch him back up into the heavens, before the Anti-Christ can swallow him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

            We shall say this much farther to you, it shall not be long until we are ready to bring forth and deliver this one into thy hands for safe keeping. Yet only the prophet shall know of him.

            And the prophet shall pass away, as all things pass away, and we shall come to you no more in this form. All these things shall come about in time.

To you, it may seem that all you do, and all things are in slow motion. Time is but a twinkling of the eye of the Lord. It is but a measurement made by man in the vastness of all things. Yet, it is important.

            We have told of you these things that you may have the hope that is needed.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona