July 20, 1979

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the river.

For high in the mountains the brooks brought forth unto a river. And one river ran into another, and then into another, to form one mighty river. Yet, each river was sure that it contributed more than the others.

And the rivers did argue. And because of their arguments, each river decided into itself to stop its flow. It did not ask the brook who furnished the water. And therefore, as each began to dry up, and the mighty river in itself, suddenly there was a surge of great force and water from all three rivers that came forth and did gorge the valley.

And each of the rivers could not understand, for they could not by themselves have put such, such a mighty force. And each blamed the other for producing more than the other. And once again they did not ask the brooks, and they decided that they would see which one could produce the most. And the brooks dried up, and so did the rivers. And a drought came upon the land, for there was no rain that came from the heavens and no snow in the hills. And so it was.

And then, the snows came and the rains came. And the rivers once again could not understand what had happened to them. And as they entered the mighty ocean, they asked the ocean, “You have many rivers that run into you. All these things have happened unto us. Why, for surely we are not responsible?”

And the ocean answered back unto them, “For you have forgotten from the smallest of things, the Lord, God, has sent forth life, that should produce life, and life unto life.”

And so it is in all of your lives. Each of you in your own way have posed this question to us. “Why is my life in such a turmoil? Why, when surely it cannot be my doing?”

We say unto you, the Lord, God, gave unto you free choice. That that should come into your awareness can only come into your awareness if you allow it.

We shall explain in this manner. Once an evil soul entered into the land of Germany. And when his rule ended, no one [had] said it was their fault. All of them said, “We are ignorant of this. We did not allow this to happen.” Yet they did, by closing their eyes, or turning their back. Because their stomachs were filled and their houses were warm, they cared not that there were concentration camps. They cared not of the deaths of the many and the suffering of all. It is true, they allowed this in the first in the tiniest way to creep into their existence; they asked for it or it would not have happened. It is true within your own lives -- allow not that into your awareness that you do not want. Do not allow it to begin, for once it has entered the doorway, in the smallest of manners -- the seeds of doubt, the seeds of jealousy, the seed of hate and greed and despair. The Lord, God, gave unto you freedom of choice that your lives might be guided in such a manner that your awareness became whole. For as you were created, so shall you return, each of your own choice and your own free will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for health assistance for [11-404-1...New York], and she says she has had two unsuccessful stapedectomies in the ears and she has been encouraged to go have another one in Pennsylvania, and she is wondering if this would be successful, or how can she save her hearing?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Without the necessary circulatory system first being repaired, the operation you speak of would not be successful. We should answer in this manner. We have placed great knowledge into that you would know of soul Ray’s mind, and we work through him in his healing efforts, and as we say, we, from whatever need of the information at the time, we place. Come unto soul Ray and let him give unto you that that is needed. We shall provide the healing if you shall provide the faith.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In regards to the efforts that I have made to obtain a hold on coal for the group, I have been unsuccessful, and I wonder if you have any suggestion as to how I should proceed from this point?”

We shall say unto thee, fear not, for your efforts are not without fruit. We say unto you, go unto these people and say unto them -- placing one small acreage, such as five or ten acreage in the center or the edge of this, and then it shall be made so. Tell of them of the need and it shall be done. But either way, the time shall come when it shall be there regardless.

You have placed great effort in that which you have tried to do. This is good. You have placed faith in that which you have tried to do. This is good. And you did place hope. These things shall not be unrewarded.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9-360-1] who is here. She asks, ‘We want to build a home. Shall we get a consolidated loan and a home loan? If so would a bank be best?’ Thank you.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, yes, that a bank would be best. We would further say unto you, if that that you wish to become whole lies before you -- we would also say unto you, you have brought forth unto this, and unto the Lord, God, your hearts and your souls, and you laid them bare. And the Lord, God, says unto you, “Ask and you shall receive.” But ask for all thy needs, not part of thy needs, and it shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [10-330-2…El Paso]. And he asks, ‘What effect, if any, does gold and/or silver have in the operation and effectiveness of the machine that I am building for soul Ray?’”

The machine you are building is for yourself. Gold and silver are excellent conductors of electricity.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. He asks one other question, ‘What was the hour of my birth?’”

6:20 a.m.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment. 6:20 and one-half, a.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11-494-2...in Tempe] asks, ‘In which area of my work should I stay and develop, the job in which I am presently, or should look elsewhere for a place to develop in?’”

We shall answer your question. The opportunity shall arise for employment with the Federal Government. Seek this, and it shall being fulfillment.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [2-33-1] and [5-206-2 of Flagstaff] ask, ‘By what means financially will we be able to build our house?’”

(Chuckle.) By the sweat of thy brow. A time shall come forth when that that is needed shall be provided.

And now we say unto you unto these words. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and for whoever shall ask in our name, we shall enter the doorway and we shall provide the help that is needed. But remember, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have promised unto you to provide for your needs, not your wants, for those who should work and dedicate their lives unto this.

We say unto you, whoever should ask in the name of the Lord, our God, and should come forth in the pureness of heart, that that they ask for shall be given.

We see thy need, and thy shall not be alone.

Awaken [soul Ray from his slumber.]


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona