June 22, 1979

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

And many came forth throughout the world, for the star that had been predicted of the birth would appear in two places upon the Earth. One would mark the beginning of the Anti­-Christ. One would mark the beginning of the Messiah.

And those of the might of the world first were afraid of both births. And then they gathered around about, and did discuss and did argue. And each took up sides.

But long before the [birth] of each side, the Lord, God, had made preparation for people who would prepare their coming, for those of the Messiah.

And that that should come from Lucifer did come forth upon the Earth to make preparation.

Those who were preparing the way for the Messiah at first came in great humbleness, and as they prepared, a greatness did begin to glow within them. But soon they began to argue, yet they could not understand within themselves why they felt the way they did. Why should their jealousies overcome them? And what were they really jealous of? These things they could not understand.

And they looked unto those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ; there was no argument among these people. They were precise, and exact [in] each step that they took.

The difference between these two [was] God, in those He had selected, gave them free choice. Lucifer in those that he had selected had not given them free choice; therefore, there was a dictatorship, and a one-knowing among those who would prepare for the Anti-Christ.

There were those who could see this, and they went unto each of those who would prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and said, “Let us come together; let us cast away all things. Let us say no bad things about each other. Let us serve but one purpose, that of God.”

And it did come about that the shepherds and the ministers and the teachers did stand together, and lay before them, and pledge their allegiance to the God Almighty and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And they laid away all their arguments and petty thoughts, and said, “Let us be one.” And the building came forth and all that was needed was provided by God.

And the politicians went on arguing, striving to cut away [the] food, fuel, all of these things.

Yet these people said, “What difference does it make what they take? We shall provide. We shall lay aside these things for all of our people.”

The Lord, God, has said unto you, in the first of the readings when we came unto you, that He would see to your needs, but not always your wants. The Lord, God, did not say what you could have and what you could not have. The Lord, God, did not say, “This is the only way,” even unto our name and the spelling of the same; He left the choice to you.

We have told you before to bind together, that if you did not bind together you would be broken, one by one, separate and apart.

These things, which we cherish the most on the Earth, from the sun to the moon, to the least of the things upon the Earth, were all gifts of God unto His children. For He did say unto you, “All of these things I do give unto you of My kind -- for every fruit that grows upon the earth, for every flower.”

And then it did come about into the final days when the earth should shift, and earthquake and tornado and weather changes did come about. And the people became frightened, yet they knew not what they were frightened of. It was not that that they could alter or change. And they again began to fight among themselves. Yet they [knew] not even what they fought about or what they argued about. And they made false accusations against each other. And these accusations consumed much of the leader’s time.

We say unto you, at the end of this parable, that the springs of life, which [should] give you a beautiful planet and all beautiful things, should place upon you the yoke of love, hope and faith, and trust unto one another. Do not say unto yourselves, “[These] other one[s] shall not do this or shall not do that.” What difference does it make whether they do or they do not? Go forth with the yoke of love and perform the task. If you perform it with love, then love shall come from it and to it, and therefore, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ may not enter.

It is though you are preparing the kingdom of God. Lucifer may not enter the kingdom of God, and the temple of God is within you. Therefore, the kingdom and the temple should become one. And therefore, those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and the reign of the Beast, they shall come and they shall go, as a storm, leaving some bad memories, but many lessons you shall learn from it.     

You say, “Why should the Lord, with all His might, let this happen, with all His knowledge? Shall the Earth end tomorrow?” And we say unto you, no. It shall only change its form once again. The question is, who shall reign upon the Earth, God or Lucifer? Who shall reign in your hearts?

Take it one day at time, one hour at a time. Forgive unto those who have trespassed against you, as the one known as Jesus did say, and the one known as Buddha did say, all in the same words. Do you not know that Jesus of Nazara did go unto the land of Buddha, and all of other religions, and was accepted -- and is accepted unto this day? They only call of him by a different name.

What difference is there in a name? The meaning of the heart, of the soul, of the immortal body, is [of] the same. Throughout time, in normal -- we use, as you use, the word, God, yet once a planet was called, Yahweh, and those who came from the planet did call their God, Yahweh, Jehovah. What difference is there in the word -- the meaning, the meaning that you shall stand before your God, each of you separately, or together.

Forgive one another. Cast aside all your petty grievances. Throw them aside. Take them not with you from this room. Cast them now aside. Open the door. We shall help you. We shall help you in the purification of yourselves, if you will let us. We have no desire to rule you. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“If thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside.” The meaning has long been sought for. The meaning is, if hate dwells within you cast it aside. If jealousy dwells within you cast it aside. If you cannot forgive yourself, know that the God you love has long forgiven you. Even when you did not ask He forgave you and loved you. If the Lord, God, can do this, why cannot you forgive one another and love each other, and love yourselves?

We shall say unto these words. We cannot trespass where we are not wanted. We may not enter where we are not asked. But we do say unto you, for those who should ask healing in our name, and in the name of the Lord, our God -- the one God, the one holy God, the one pure God, the one who should be the one before all others -- loves you, and will continue to love you. He is there with you; allow Him to enter. Cast aside ill feelings. Forgive one another. Love one another. Take the Ten Commandments. Do not twist them or turn them. Take them in their simplest form, and know that they are given to you with love from God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [ 6-281-1] asks, ‘Is there anything else I can do to help my daughter?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We have answered that question in the first of this reading. We shall explain further. In truly loving her, turn her loose. She shall fall many times before she shall rise. Let her get up by herself. But you shall not continue to not love her, but love her enough to know she shall go her own way at the expense of you or anyone else, for she loves with the right hand and destroys with the left. But yet, within time, this shall mould away. But do not be surprised or angry at the decisions that she is making now. They are her own. You have placed all that you can. But you must remember, she is also her father’s daughter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Paul [2-30-3] asks, ‘Would it be wise for me to proceed with the land at Piper Springs?’ He also asks, ‘Am I proceeding in the investigation of the coal properly?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we see that that should come forth, and the goodness that should mould from it. And we should say, go forth, and we shall guide you, for coal and fuel shall be a great need for the people. The linking of these two parts together shall be of a great need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I ask for healing for [3-115-2] in Scottsdale Memorial Hospital.”

We say these words unto you, as we said in the beginning of the reading[s], if they should ask -- that we may not violate their right, their freedom of choice -- therefore, we may enter. But in this case, they have closed the door unto us. But love them, for it is their choice. We promise you unto this much unto these things, that she shall not have pain. This much we may intervene to do. Yet, there is still hope, should they come unto soul Ray.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for healing for [6-290-3...in Union City, California]; his eyes have been injured.”

Yes, we see thy need, and healing shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, the other night, nine days after the last reading, at 9:30 p.m., we saw a red ball of fire, or red ball, come across the sky from horizon to horizon, coming from the east. Was this what we were supposed to see and what was it?”

We came with the comet. [Editor’s note: April 3, 1970, as Comet Bennett reached its epoch and became one of the brightest of the century, Aka, the spiritual messengers of God, arrived and began to speak in Globe.]

To show you that we are still with you, we gave you this sign; yet it was not just one, but many, in many places to many people in different ways. We said, on the ninth day of the 9th hour, p.m., and so it was. For those who misunderstood us, we also gave them a sign, that they should know in their hearts that we had not abandoned them, that we were with them, for all that each saw and felt in their soul was truth. Glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9-373-3] asks, ‘Dear Aka, It appears to me that we can now put into use the so-called treasures I think I have located with my dowsing rods. I have several possible locations. Would you advise me which ones should help us?’ And then he mentions Black Prince Canyon, on the peak near Solidad Canyon, on the desert near Nikal, and near Rincon and northeast of Garfield, New Mexico.’”

We shall say once again, we have placed that of the metal substance that is needed in the valley which we promised. It is there, that the substance which will be most honored in trade, such as your gold, that is there at this time. Yet the greatest treasure, the greatest treasure shall be in the soul, in the heart, and in the love that each of you place forth unto one another.

You asked [on] the valley, for a name. You asked for a name for the ranch. And we say unto you, The Dripping Springs would be appropriate, or any other name that you could come forth and agree upon. The agreement upon one thing, no matter how small or how large, means the casting aside, and the putting together of God’s work. Let your hearts flow into a righteous manner.

But we say unto you, if that of the Anti-Christ should smitten you, do not stand and let them smitten you twice. Call forth that of the power of the Lord, thy God, and from the right hand shall come that thy need, and from the left hand shall come that that thy need.

We have told you before of the power of the mind. Remember, they also shall have the power of the mind. But let the mind flow forth as a river, always changing, but unlike a river, let it not flow uncontrolled, and undisciplined.

We shall say unto you, that as the Lord, God, did call Abraham upon the mountain, and say therefore, to “build an altar and sacrifice thy child,” Abraham did not understand fully. So the Lord, God, did stop him. But when Goliath came before David, it was the Lord’s strength that powered the stone; yet even David lost his way. Let not power corrupt you. Let peace and love govern you, one unto another. Cast aside these hardnesses in thy hearts. Put them aside. Have you not seen what hardnesses has done unto the one you asked to be healed? Have you not seen this with your own eyes? Have you not felt it with your own hearts?

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New perils shall be placed upon the earth, and pestilence. Yet, in this land, we have brought forth that that you sought that was destructive. We brought forth pure waters to purify the land and replenish the land, because these waters are that which shall change a desert into a garden.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy]

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona