March 2, 1979

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee the parable.

            In the land of Israel the Lord, thy God, brought forth unto two miracles, the miracle of the birth of John the Baptist and the miracle of the birth of Jesus of Nazara.

When that that was prophesied was about to come true, and before the birth did happen, it went forth upon the land that these two joyful events would happen.

And many women were scornful and said, “Why should the Lord choose these women and not me? Why should I not bear this child? Why can I not be the person who history shall remember throughout all time?”

And this question was brought before the rabbis. And the rabbis did say unto them, “For Elizabeth, who should bear John, has been with him many times. She shall not live to see him beheaded, but she shall see him prepare the way. And Elizabeth shall be of a sistern in another time, and she shall not live to see the fulfillment, but she shall go upon the other side to assist him.

“And Mary’s time shall have been completed, for she shall dwell in the house of the Lord after she should see her son crucified.”

The gift that we have given not all of you would be capable of bearing the yoke.

And the rabbi asked each of those women if they could see their sons beheaded or crucified. And none of them could understand this, and they said, “Why? Why should these evil things befall these great ones who should come upon the earth? And why should not Elizabeth see the glory of her son? And why should she not, in the second coming, see the glory of her brothern? Why should it not be written as such?”

            The rabbis could not answer. None could answer.

And after John was beheaded, John’s followers came unto him, to Jesus of Nazara, and said, “All that has been prophesized has come true. Should you then, Master, be crucified?”

And he looked long unto their eyes and said, “My Father’s will shall be done -- not that I want to depart from you, but to show you the fulfillment of your life -- to show you that through death and resurrection shall be as you should die and pass away, in three days, so the body shall be made whole again if it is your desire.”

And so the time came, and the crucifixion was brought forth. And he who was the Prince of Salem, who in another time there was no record of his birth nor of his death, yet all of the Levi paid tribute, therefore, unto him. And Abraham did pay tribute into him. Yet, when he appeared before his apostles, they knew him not. And yet he had to manifest the wounds to prove to them that he was who he was. And Thomas, the doubter, still doubted.

You say unto us, “What purpose is that of this parable?” And we say unto you, only through your faith shall you know of the heaven and the earth, and only through your faith can the preparation for the coming of the Messiah be fulfilled.

We have told you of the quiet place within your mind, the quiet place where God dwells within you. Take that moment and look into that quiet place, and the knowledge you seek shall be there -- there by the quiet pool where the candle is always lit, and where the roses always bloom, and the water is always pure.

But if you should know of the knowledge we speak of, then no matter how much you have to face, you shall face it with a joyous heart, and love and companionship for one another. Take one moment and think of the pain of Elizabeth. Feel her pain. For she is here now, not in body form, but in that of the spirit, to prepare the way for the coming; yet she is here in gladness of all things that came before her, for it is not of yesterday that she looks at, but of the tomorrows that are yet to come. We say unto you, who have picked up the Rose without Thorns and read the dedication therein, you shall know of the whole of this that we speak.

Bind together. If you must, to do this, reach and feel her pain as it was, and yet, see her joy as it is now -- and the joy that you shall know. As a man plants a field and sees it ripen upon the earth and come into fulfillment, always to know that that that he has grown has provided him with new seeds for the next year -- look into your minds and see this field. Look into your minds and feel this peace of mind that we shall extend out to you from this day forth, if only you shall ask. Open the door that we may enter. Let us place in your hearts the love of our Father, and the love thy could feel for thy brothern and sistern.

When you became angry, when you become discouraged, when you become confused, stop just that moment, and allow us to enter. Allow us to show you the quiet place of God within you, and you shall feel the strength within yourselves. Bind together. Come as one.

            You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from soul Ruth [2-30-2]. ‘What is the being which the Hopis are seeing, the Hopi Indians?’”

The beings they are seeing is [a] spiritual substance, that as it was written, for those who should wander from the ways of the worship of God and the preparation for the return of the Messiah, he should appear before them as a reminder. He may be called by many names. In some of your churches you would call him a saint; in others you would call him a spirit. He is the prophecy of the ending of times and the beginning of times, [in] the tablets that the Hopis brought forth, now can be placed together. It is a reminder that we arc here to prepare of the way, and we shall reach into the hearts of many. Yet there is more to come.

We shall explain it further in this manner. Our Father has many mansions, each is great to behold, yet for each of you it is manifested in your own mind. And for our Father, therefore, has made it so, that your fulfillment at the end of your journey may be that you have created many religions. In some cases you would say, “This one is St. Peter blowing his horn,” or “Michael.” There are some who would say, “He is Joseph Smith.” There’s others who would say, “He is [Luthing] [Luther?].” Yet he is of all the same spirit, who shall appear in many forms across your land. But there’s the Hopi, it must be so in this form, for they were the chosen upon this land, as the Israelites were a chosen upon another land. And as they were once one of the same, the fulfillment of both of their prophecies are identical. Only the forms have changed to suit the occasion.

            You have other questions, ask.

           “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [4-125-2]. She asks, ‘Aka, my request is of you, of Christ, and of God. Will God please provide for my greatest need? In 1972, you said I had not been loved and to reach out my hand to you and God and you would provide the bread and the wine, to put God first and He would put me first. As I love I need to be loved, to feel that love and presence that will not go away. Please, God, provide a way, in Your strong love and will.’”

We should say unto you unto these words, the love has been provided.

We should say unto you that a way had been provided. The knowledge you seek are within your own readings. The knowledge you seek lies in what you would call, the archives. Go back to that time and reread that, and the words that were spoken. God has not changed His path; we have not changed our path, and the one you know as Jesus of Nazara has not changed his path, nor has Buddha, Muhammad. If you cannot understand these words, then go into the old books of the Hopi, and there you shall find an acceptance.

The acceptance has happened within yourself, the acceptance that there shall be those who should teach, those who should prophesy, those who should dream and those who should interpret the dreams.

Over and over, you have fallen down and we have picked you up. And each time, you have promised us of the things you would do. Fulfill your own promises, or take them back and only say you shall try. But our love for you has not gone away.

Long ago, the Lord, God, placed into your mind a gift, a gift to write and make pictures into words. You have cast this gift aside, because you have ceased to feel those things that you felt as they were happening to you. The Lord, God, did not give you the gift to heal or the gift to be a channel; He gave unto you the gift to write, and He prepared all the tools before you to do unto this. He, we have also provided that you may have the bread and the wine to nourish your body, your soul and your spirit as you did these things. We have seen that you have found jobs to provide you with worldly needs. We have filled your cup many times. But we say unto you, if you go into the desert, and God provides you with the wine and the water and the bread, take it with you. Do not go into the desert and then blame God that He not sees or hears you the second time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7-319-1]. She asks, ‘Dear Aka, the Tucson group would like to obtain some land north of Tucson to build a shelter and storage area. Could you tell us which area we should look for land, Marana, the Tortolitas, Catalina, or Oracle?’”

The Tortolitas would be the choice. Oracle would be the second; the Catalinas would be the third, and Marana would be the fourth. That that you should have shall appear before you and the choice shall be made for you.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Where, from some known point in Egypt, such as Cairo, was the land of the Eagle in the time of Ra-Tai?’”

At the mouth and beginning of the great river, the Nile; it was that point that the land and the watershed let the water go in the other direction.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11-397-1]. ‘Dear Aka, what career should I follow for soul growth and livelihood? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we would say unto you that as the new elements are turned from the desert into food substance, the testing of the purity of each substance should become more vital at all times. If you could look farther into this knowledge, it could become a fulfillment because you would help to feed the multitude.

            You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [7-303-3]; she asks, ‘Aka, any information that will be helpful as to the direction of destiny at this time, for soul purpose. Thank you.’”

We see thy need, and we see thy desires and we see thy thought forms, and we should say unto you, that that you and your husband desires, come forth unto soul Ray into private consultation and the knowledge you seek shall be given in a more elaborate manner, but it should be fulfilling.

            You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [11-397-2…Redondo, California] asks, ‘Would Hot Springs, Arkansas, be a place free of earthquakes, or where should we move to be safe from earthquakes?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In that which you are seeking, the land that should lie from the San Simon through Safford [Arizona], forward unto the edge of the Indian reservation, this land should serve thy needs. But we should also say unto you, false prophets have risen in this region, beware.

But if land was chosen well, there is a bountiful of watershed into this region. The land is fertile. The mountain ranges are such that the atomic wasteland, as you would know it, should [but] pass over this land, and it could be left as a region of mild and bountiful climate. Many of you who are seeking shall find this to be so. The other land shall be on the other side of the Pinal Mountains into the San Carlos Basin; this land before it reaches the Apache Reservation has a bountiful amounts of water, and shall provide for many needs, and the land is fertile, therefore, within the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11-397-3…El Paso]. She asks, ‘For the benefit of all concerned, where should my husband and I reside?’”

We shall answer in this manner. At the present time, many of you have the desire to run and hide. Prepare, therefore, where you live; where you are now. Take those words of your prophet into the storing of food, water, the placing of greenhouses. Take these thoughts, and your needs shall be provided for -- but to grow strong, and binding together. That where one family stands, they shall stand alone; where one person stands, they shall stand alone. But when the family becomes one, their strength becomes that many more fold. Where two families stand together their strength is even stronger. Where three -- you shall remember, when we first came unto you we said unto you these words, that your groups would form in threes and Thirteens, and the multitude grow. And so, it is as we had spoken before unto you. If your strength shall come, bring your minds together, and the distance between you shall not matter. But come and bring these things in harmony. Let all of your people prepare. And if one is stricken, let all go to their aid; therefore, the loss of material values, of substance, may be replaced.

Give unto your brother and your sister with open hearts. Bind together. Bind together. Take away the past from your lives. It is not important what you have been; it is only important what you shall become. Shall you become a mob, fighting for crumbs of bread? Shall you become a mob, who shall walk upon each other? When the dead lay before your eyes in the multitudes you cannot count, shall you steal from the dead? Or shall you welcome the living?

Is it not better to say something good of your fellow man? Is it not good to share? Is it not good to build [upon] a strong foundation that your children’s children shall not perish, shall not come forth from the caves in ignorance, that all that man has brought forth from his millions of years upon this Earth and that that he brought forth from the planet, Yahweh, shall not perish forever?

Each of you look into your hearts. Cast away your grievances. Bring and come forth with useful thoughts. Come forth with your knowledge that God has placed into you, and let it become useful to all.

We have one other question which [we] shall answer. Soul Ray said unto you, make the wine of the prickly pear. In the times ahead, it shall be needed.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

And soul Ray grows tired.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. From the land of Alaska, as it had struck once before, and the cycle did increase down through the tip of Mexico and South America, the cycle shall now renew itself, but in greater form of earthquake pattern. East and west, north and south, build your Shepherds’ Fund, and then build your Building Fund, for soon you shall build a structure that shall become the center of the hub.

Each of you has talents. If you should live in a harmony, you shall soon find that one by one you shall pick up the shovel, the axe, the plow, and become one.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona