September 19, 1979

Globe, Arizona

[This transcript has many errors, but no audio recording was made available to which to compare it.]



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. And we say: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you this parable: and it is the Parable of the Three Wise Men. Each house stood in a different valley, and only a hill separated each. And each in their own way preferred their own flowers around them. And one grew roses, and in his mind he thought, “This is all the beauty there is.”

And the other grew lilacs, and he thought, “What a great aroma! is all the beauty there is.” Then this ______________________________


And the other grew daisies, and he thought unto himself, “Then this is all the beauty there is.”

And one day there came forth upon the three valleys a wind which came from the north, the east, the south, and the west. And each of these wise men suddenly smelled the fragrance from the next valley. And they could not understand this because the fragrance was also good. And each of them did say unto their people, “There is more. The Lord God has placed more before us. Let us journey forth to find these beautiful fragrances.”

And so in each building, great presents were made, and great preparation, for they thought the journey should be long and hard. And they began the journey. There was a point where the three valleys ran together. There, all three met. And each asked the other the way to where this new fragrance was. And first they turned into the valley with the lilacs, and there they talked, and there they traded knowledge.

And then they journeyed into the land of the daisy, and there they talked forth again. And there they gained knowledge.

And then they traveled into the land of the rose. And once again they talked and traded knowledge. But in the trading of knowledge, they decided, “There must be more than what we have heard, for there is still one other fragrance in the air.”

And so they began to travel all through the great plain together. And as they traveled from the center of the three valleys, Before them lay the forest. In it, therefore, they saw all the flowers that God had placed upon the earth. And therefore, they found, each unto himself, a greatness.

And the people they found there lived in harmony with their children. And they said unto the people, “How can this be so? You have lived with all these things, yet you want not, nor seek not.”

And each one of these people said unto them, “For we are happy with that which we are.”

And they said, “How can this be so, when you are not all masters?”

And one said unto them, “Once, long ago, a peacemaker came unto us. And we were at war, and flowers did not grow here, and the land was barren. And he taught us and told us of the time which would come when he would return. And he placed the flowers in our valley, and he put abundance of all things. And he said, ‘Tend my flock until I return.’

“At first we thought he meant all the vegetable and the edible, but then we were soon to know that all things in the valley were things that he meant. And then we began to know that the greatest thing that he had given us was to love one unto another.”

We say unto you, we have told you a parable, a simple parable. It carries great truth. Within it, it carries hope, love, and faith. These are the ingredients, that if you shall place them unto each of you, your fulfillment, that which you seek, shall come forth. Have the faith in the Lord to know that He loves you, each of you. Have the faith to know that he shall send upon the earth the Messiah that we come here to prepare the way for, for that is our only purpose. We come here to take nothing from you. We come here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

You have many questions.

“What should we concentrate our efforts on primarily at this time?” [11-406-1].

We shall say unto you these words: we have answered that question, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Begin this preparation. Prepare there within your heart for a day when you shall -- a greater than the son, the Lord, and into your satisfaction, your heart within yourself.

Within your mind you have it visualized moving into the land of Arizona. You have visualized a valley of flatness, and plenty, that should provide you a place where you could implant. And we say unto you, we have given you such a valley. And the well water, that and the land of the Dripping Springs.

We shall give other valleys in other places, as time passes. Build this one, and we shall fill unto you.

“I want to know if our relationship is going to survive in our business.

‘How many people are we going to share our business with in the next six months?’” [first name only given, 11-406-2].

We do not see this clearly. If you should ask, give time and date of birth of the person asking, full data, that correct questions may be answered. You should ask this question again.


“I want to know if our relationship is going to survive in our business. ‘How many people are we going to share our business with in the next six months?’” [11-406-2].

There are others, but we find the one which you seek.

We shall answer in this manner. A partnership of business seldom works for this reason, each has their own ideas, each has their own thought of how business should be conducted, and someone shall feel slighted. In the next six months you should no longer have a partnership in the matter unto which you suggest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘I have three real estate transactions pressuring. Will the money from Oregon come through on time, and when will our property, Palm Desert set-up, sell?’” [11-406-3].

The money from Oregon shall not come in the performance of the [inaudible] it shall come in part, and in part, and then in another part, unto three parts. On the other lands thy wish to sell, it shall come in the month of November, and this is the fulfillment thy have sought in thyself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. ‘What will clear up the ringing in my ears?’” [11-406-4].

We shall answer in this manner. The ringing of the ears is caused by damage to the nerve. The damage was caused by lack of circulation in the inner ear. If you wish to cure yourself, we would suggest that the following formula be used, in connection with proportions therefore of in this manner, that that should have been created into the Alpearon, two tablespoons twice daily, and that of the niacinamide, at first 500 mg. and then in three weeks' time increasing therefore into 1500 mg., and then therefore increasing into 2000 mg., and three tablespoons of the Alpearon, taking in this manner. But there is more [inaudible].

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘If I were to benefit by selling my. gold and diamond and emerald ring, what would be the best time to do so?’” [ 71-406-5].



“Thank you, Aka. ‘Why have I been unsuccessful in carrying the child? Will I be successful in delivering a healthy, living child in the future? Please give me advice on this and proper obstetrician.’” [6-274-3].

We see thy need. We shall answer in this manner. All that is to be done that you may carry a child has been done. We would suggest coming unto soul Ray for private consultation, but we advise you in this manner: Time is a fleeting thing. It is like a river that you would say, “It looks like it is the same river,” but it is always changing, every second of every moment.

We say unto thee of these words, that which was important before, [inaudible] a child, has already been given unto another. [inaudible] Now we shall say unto thee, come forth, therefore, as a godfather unto this child, and put thy efforts in teaching this knowledge and the fulfillment of the same.

And you say unto us, “Where is this child?” And we shall say unto you, the child was born at the same moment as the fleeting of the child in thy womb. And it was born at what is known as The Top of the World near Globe, Arizona. And the child's name shall be as the rays, or the king, and the meaning shall be of the same. And the last name shall be known as keep this child and its parents, and your fulfillment shall come unto fulfillment, and therefore, as Jude did come and teach unto Jesus at a time, so you shall teach unto this child.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Please give me any message the Father would have for me.”[6-290-5].

Yes, we see thy need. And the Father should look upon His children, and be proud of the same. And as you know, these are part of the vows a Minister should say unto the Prophet, and we state them unto you. You have given glory unto the Lord, and the Lord has given glory unto you. But harken, and listen well, for soon great work shall come unto you. Do not let it pass thee by, but pick it up, and hold it to thy bosom, and share it, for it should come, and a Mark, not of the Beast, but of he who should come after.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. ‘Will my cardiac condition improve? Should we invest our time in our new business? Will it be a success?’ There is no name to this.”

Cardiac condition shall improve.

We would say unto you, come unto soul Ray on this subject, on both subjects, that that that thy wish to know should be said in private. The answer we would answer in the form of a riddle, but we do not feel that you would understand this riddle.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11-406-6]. ‘Will I go to North Dakota this year? If so, what month?’”

You may go any time thy wish. But that that thy seek to go after shall not come into fulfillment, for you shall find it in the land that thy dwell now.

“Is there a special reason for me to go to Germany in 1979” [11-406-7].

We see not of this.

We shall answer in this manner. Between the years which follow it unto 1985, great preparation should be underway in this land. Great readiness should be made. Plans should be drawn in your major cities for evacuation. Much greater yet, plans should be drawn and brought to the attention of the officials that the evacuation of these cities is impossible. If there are those who should live, they must stay where they dwell. Proper facilities should be made ready for them, and proper food substance should be made ready for them. And the people should stay in the lands they dwell until proper help may be sent to bring the people into the land. Now is the time that these things should be done. Now is the time that God's people should know that the mark of the Anti-Christ is about to be placed upon them. And should they accept it, then they _________ now flies unto his becoming call, that of the Lord. These things we say unto you, the time is crucial. The time is short, for the half-times are over.

We say unto you unto these words, where no water flowed, water shall flow. The deserts shall rise and become gardens. And [inaudible] shall lay in waste, and cities shall lay in rubble. And the sword that shall cut two ways shall strike upon the earth. And one side shall strike away man, and the souls that have departed shall flee. If you are not ready at this time, if all things are not ready, then you shall flee, and not look back. Should you be in the field, do not stop to pick up thy coat, but flee, and do not look back. And it shall be this way for forty and eight days. And then those who should come and evacuate you shall do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. [11-397-2]. ‘Should I move to Tempe, or nearer, and will I be cured?’”

The cure thy seek shall come forth, and the move thy seek shall come forth. We say unto you, that which we said just before shall go unto all of you, and each of you shall take of it in your own way.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. ‘What is my next state of development? As a teacher, will this help my students? What points shall I concentrate on?’”

We shall say unto you in these words, for he who should be as a student shall become a teacher, and he who should become a teacher should one day become a master. The master shall never become greater than the student, nor the student greater than the master.

We say unto you, we have placed at your hands A Rose without Thorns. For those who wish, let them pick it up. And pick up. therefore, The Psychic Light. You shall find within each a spiritual substance, and a guide. Form around this study groups, and it shall show unto you the way. We are not speaking of all truth, we are speaking of a manner in which each of you may seek your own truth. Take each part in each parable. Read it and then discuss it. Understand it. If you shall seek these two things, you shall find that which you seek.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. ‘What will happen that is important in the near future.’ No name. We have just answered that question.”

Now we should say unto you, Soul Ray grows weary, and our time grows short.

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall come unto you many false prophets. And they shall come unto you, those who should perform miracles before your eyes. For as you must realize, as we come forth with the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and we are five alive upon your earth now, there are those who should also come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, and he is alive upon your earth now. The greatest trial is yet before you. And his name you shall know, for the first step of the Beast has been let into power [inaudible]. For he who should sign a false treaty with Egypt and Israel, the one who placed his name upon this document, is false. You are feeling not the beast. We say unto you, if you shall be wise, you shall see and you shall hear, and knowledge shall flow unto you, for the name shall be as a number, six hundred and sixty-six, and the number shall be as the Greek words were placed into numerology, not as you know it, but as they knew it at that time.

We shall say unto you, if you all look unto the Book of Revelation, by John the Beloved, now we say unto you, look unto Job, unto Joshua, unto Isaiah, but most of all, look unto Jonah, and Jacob. We shall give further information on this each reading from this point further, that there shall be no doubt in your mind, no doubt at all.

The Lord God be with you, forever and ever.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.