September 28, 1979

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

We say unto you, cast thine eyes to the heavens. Cast thine eyes unto the hearts of one another, and you shall find the greatest gift of all, life, and a chance for each person to take that life and bring forth in it the hope, and love, and faith that should dwell within each soul and spirit and the immortal body.

We shall say unto thee, in a land there lived a healer. Some came to him for spiritual guidance. Some came to him for the healing of the body. Others came to see, for they could not believe that God’s holy power could dwell upon the Earth, and could reach forth and dwell into each person in such a manner.

We say unto you that there were those who would come unto this healer and promise that if they might be given their health they would do this and that that for the Lord. And as soon as they were healed they forgot their promises, until they needed healing again, and then they would come back again.

And you say unto us, “Then why should the Lord continue to heal?”

And healing is like forgiving. When it was asked unto the Lord, “How many times should I forgive,” what did he say unto you?

The limit of forgiveness can only be within the limits of yourself, the limits that you shall cast down all barriers and say unto one another, “You are my brothern and my sistern. You are part of God, and God is love.” How can you hate a part of God that is a part of you?

We shall say unto that one known as [6-281-1] these words. You say unto yourself, “Where is my place?” And the Lord has looked upon you and seen your suffering, for you have been asked to walk in the shadow of the healer. It is a harder task to walk in the shadow than to be the healer. It is a greater task, because you seldom receive any praise. We say unto you, glory be your name, for it shall be held holy in the eyes of man and God, forever and ever.

There are so many who work so hard, and yet, see little reap praise. And each of you who have worked and served have said unto each of you, “Why do we not receive the praise due to us?”

And we say unto you, the praise shall come abundance upon you. The praise is given in the sunlight, and in the dawn, and in the sunset. It is given in the mountains and the valleys, in the trees, into the smallest thing upon your Earth. The Lord, God, says praise upon all of His children. Look at your feet. Look around you, and see that the Lord, God, shall look after His children.

We placed unto soul Ray’s mind a chapter that lays in your scripture. We placed it there so that you might have understanding, better understanding, of the time to come. And as Daniel was to see the Son of Man, he did place it forth in Daniel 10. We say unto you, not only read this, but bring it forth that all may see it, and better understand that which lies ahead of them.

We say unto you, that the great Sword now begins to cut two ways, the land and man, and beast and fowl and fish, and all things of their kind shall be cut away and replaced. Where no water flowed water shall flow. And that which you have sought to receive shall be just before you. If it is healing reach out and it shall be given. If it is a material thing, it shall be given, as long as this does not violate another person.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [11-407-2...Albuquerque]. And he asks, ‘What will my debt be when the Messiah comes?’”

We say unto you, prepare now, and believe now, and know now, that each step that you take is a step for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If you shall know this, then you shall walk with him. If you shall not know of this, then you shall not walk at all.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11-398-1…Quartzite, Arizona] asks, ‘What is my purpose in life? Do you have to attend church to do God’s will?’”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. The temple of God lies within you. A house of worship is only a house. It is only a building. It is only stone, brick, lumber, placed together in a certain style. No matter where you choose to worship, God shall hear you.

Jesus of Nazara brought forth unto you these words, “When you pray, go into your closet, and God shall find you.” For it is a private place within your mind that God shall hear, and know that that which you give up into the Lord in a righteous manner, and that of your needs shall be taken care of.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment.


Yes, we shall further answer this question. Each of you in your own way have come unto this building for spiritual guidance. Then we say unto you, wherever people should mass together in this manner, it shall be as the greatest temple, or church, as you would know it, that could ever be built, for it is the giving up of the heart unto the Lord and listening to the Lord. Blessed be this place. Let no man, from either side, put asunder that which the Lord has laid before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11-407-2…El Paso] asks for help in regard to circulation, headache, blood pressure, and dizziness.”

Yes, we see thy need, and the help you need lays before your feet. As we have said before, that those who seek healing, a way shall be laid before them.

Now, we should say unto you, our time grows very short, for soul Ray, body and mind, is very tired. We do not want to exert this at this time.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. And healing that is asked for in our Father’s name shall be given.

The Cherubim now rides the wind.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]


Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.