August 1, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer you in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

      And we shall say unto thee the parable.

            For there were three travelers who were traveling to distant cities. Upon the highway, they had joined together, each telling of their own city and how grand the city was.

      The first traveler said, “I live in the greatest city of all cities, with the best people in the whole world. There can be no grander city, nor no better people, for we have great plazas, and there is much food for the people.”

      And the second traveler said, “No, I have the greatest city, for there there is the greatest art and crafts, and all sorts of silver and china, and of many things. And our people have plenty to eat.”

      And the third said, “No, I live in the greatest city, for in my city we have no great things, as you would know them, only the greatness in the people’s hearts. The people in my city are hard-working people. They go out into the fields, and each day they bring forth the food and plant the fields, and all the people do sit in thanksgiving unto the Lord, their God, for what they have. But most of all, what they have is that they love one another.”

            The first traveler said, “You have no crime?”

      And the traveler said, “No. No man should pick his hand against another. No man shall bear false witness against another.”

            The second traveler said, “How can this be so?”

      And the third traveler said, “For long ago, we were a quarreling, [warring] lot. And we had cities much like yours, grand. But one day, we had destroyed our own cities, to where there was little left. And then, one came among us and told us the story of the one who would come. And he said unto us, ‘Change your ways, and your city shall remain. Love one another, but show it in truth, in action, not in words.’ And this we have done.”

            The other two travelers thought, and they said, “Then, why do you travel?”

      And he said unto them, “For I am the stranger who shall enter another city that has fallen, and tell them of the way. And if they will accept, then they shall find peace, one unto another.”

      And each of the strangers said, “Come with us. Come. Let us take you to our cities, for we have these problems.”

      And the stranger said, “I shall come into both of your cities, now that you have asked.”

            But the other two became impatient, and they wanted him to come now.

      And he said unto them, “I shall come now, for I have touched you and you shall return to your cities, and you shall be the messengers, for you shall be the strangers, who returns back into your cities, those who shall save your cities.”

      They departed, not understanding fully, but deep inside of them all these things the stranger had talked about had become great and mighty in their way. They walked back into their cities, and before him [them], each of them, were the cities they had left. They were no longer shiny to their eyes, for they saw them as they were -- rotten, deteriorating, falling from within themselves. And they began to teach, each of them.

      A year passed. And two years passed. And then three.

      And into the fourth year, once again they went forth, for their cities had become as one. And upon the highway they met the third stranger, and they said unto him, “We have seen that that you speak of, and now we travel as you unto the other cities to give the gift of the coming of the Messiah.”

            This is but a parable, the parable that you may use in your own lives. For, if you purposely bring hurt into one another you have hurt yourselves, and the house that you live in, your soul. You are destroying it -- and the spirit shall have no choice but to flee the house.

            We say unto you, we are here but for [the] one purpose. We have told you to ask and you shall receive. And we have also told you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this work, for it shall go on and be built in the many cities and the many countries of the many worlds. And for those who are willing to do these things, God shall offer you no great reward. Your reward shall be within your own soul growth, your own spiritual growth, a knowing within yourself that you have done the service unto the Lord, unto the people, and unto yourself.

            You have many questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10-390-1] who is here. He asks, ‘Our backs seem to be very weak. The vertebrae won’t stay in. Is there something causing this that we don’t know about? Is there anything that we can do other than what is already being done to help our problem?’”

      Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this way. There is tension in your house, and a house divided cannot come together. And healing that is given cannot stay, for it is driven out by the dissention. We say unto both of you, lay this aside. Become as one of the strangers in the parable. For the answer to your question lies within this parable. “If thy right eye offend thee cast it aside.” But remember, do not become so busy casting aside things that you cast the better part of yourselves aside. Love one another, as you would wish others to love you.

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka, I have a general question for those people who are connected with the mining industry, either directly or indirectly. Do you have any comment on how long the strike will last, or when it will end?”

      With into the third week. Some shall end within a week; others will go into the second week, and [end], therefore, unto the same.

      You have other questions ask.

      Thank you, Aka. [10-381-1] asks --”

      One moment. This shall take unto the sixth week to finish itself.


      You have other questions. Ask.

      “[10-381-1] who is here asks, ‘Give me some direction as to how to fit in to the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. I’m not certain what I should be doing now. Thank you.’”

      Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, God sees. And God shall lay His hand upon you. And blessings shall be placed upon you. And all those tools that are needed shall be placed before you. You have thought to settle and buy. We should say unto you, come unto soul Ray and talk, for in his mind we shall place the answer to your question, for it is a private question. Do you understand?

      “Yes.” [10-381-1 answers.]

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. [11-407-2…El Paso, Texas...] asks, ‘I want to become a nun, and I want all help to obtain my goal to work in the church. I want to know which order to select, the cloister or nursing.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this way, the nursing. But we shall also say unto you unto this manner. In thy wish to travel in this direction, shall be a hard and difficult one, unbecoming to your nature, for there is vows that you shall take that shall be difficult to fulfill. I’m not saying, we are not saying that these things are not possible. We are saying that, pick up the Rose that lies at your feet, if you wish to serve, and it shall allow you the latitude of your own emotions to serve in.

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [1-426-1…Fairhope, Alabama]. She asks, ‘Who stole my diamond ring in August of ‘77 from my former home in Des Moines, Iowa? If it wasn’t stolen, where is it?’”

      (Chuckle) Yes, we see your need. And we shall say unto you, you know the answer to this. We do net need to confirm this. But we say unto you, is it not greater to give than receive? Or is it not greater to forgive than be forgiven?

            A diamond is but a slight thing. It comes and it goes. The earth makes more of them. The monetary value has already cost you very much in anger and frustration, and hatred. Cast this aside from your heart. For those who have stolen, they have stolen nothing, but from themselves, for it is their karma that they have placed upon themselves, and from what they steal, shall be stolen from them, as a dog chases his tail.

      But for you, let this bitterness fade away and be forgotten. Accept it as a great experience and a learning experience.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have another question from her, Aka. ‘Why have E____ and B__ S_____ been harassing me continuously for three years, and how can it be stopped?’”

            We have already answered your question.

      “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-426-2…Massachusetts]. She asks, ‘My son was kidnapped on February 22, 1980. Where is he, and how can I find him?’”

      You have gone to the house that he was in. Soul Ray instructed you, and you were at the house. You were lied to, and so were the police. The truth will be out very soon.

      And now we shall say unto you, unto all of you, glory be the name of the Lord. Take these words we have spoken, for they are as one moment that shall not come again upon your Earth in all your lifetimes, but they shall affect every day, every week, every month, and every year, and every lifetime you shall live upon the Earth. If you accept these words, and accept them as part of your life -- to love one another, to give forgiveness, and bring joy into your hearts of the love of God has for you, and give it to others -- then the day of your years that were promised by the Lord shall begin.

      If these words are not accepted, then all we have said shall be in vain, and shall be as the wind that moves around your earth and to the many galaxies of all earths. And no one shall hear no more.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.