February 8, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee the parable of the valley.

            And the Lord’s children said unto the Lord, “Oh, Lord, give us a place.”

            And so the Lord laid forth unto them this valley. And in the valley there was an abundance of water and good soil, and so the children went into the valley. And there into the valley there was the mineral substance that those who needed lay forth unto the same. And some of God’s children went into the earth to bring forth their treasurers, into that of the minerals. Others went forth

and planted their crops; some were [of] vegetable, some were that that was needed to feed their livestock. And others utilized the land just to live upon.

            At first, they quarreled over small things. And then one day they said unto one another, “Let us build a meeting place, a place of worship.”

            [But] each looking into the other, did not have that of the monetary value to do such. So they began to take turns, meeting in one house and then the other. And soon, as they began to pray together, soon they found that they really were not so much unalike. They found great wisdom within each other’s minds. They found the art of giving, and the art of receiving.

Yet the land even became more and more into more bountiful things.

            And the people thought unto themselves, “How much more could the Lord give unto us than that which He has already given?”


Many were very skeptical about this, for the bountiful amounts that the Lord kept giving. And then, the children of the Lord said, “Lord, provide, therefore, unto another valley.”

            And the Lord said, “HERE, HERE IS A VALLEY, BUT YOU MUST BUY IT


            And the people looked around and about, and they thought, “How can we do this? How shall we take and go into this land, when we have already bought all the land we can?”

            What they did not think of is the children of the Lord is a bountiful amount. Open the door that they may enter; let them come forth and buy other land that is needed. Let them cherish their thoughts and their dreams, and let them come into fulfillment.

            What we are saying unto you is quite simple. The Lord, God, has placed before you all of the things you have asked for, all of your needs -- as we said when we came, that we would provide for your needs, not always your wants, but your needs. And we struck, therefore, a covenath [covenant] with you, and we have fulfilled this covenath. For all those who should come forth in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall and have and will be provided for.

            And we said unto you, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses, or the prophecies. We have come not to change that of the words of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have only come to show you the further fulfillment of the whole -- and that is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

            We shall say unto you unto these words. If the Lord provided you with a horse, and you ran the horse to death, who would you damn, the Lord God, the horse, or yourself?

            The words that were left unsaid from the last reading that we had implanted in soul Ray’s mind, he did say unto you unto your last Sabbath. Yet you did not understand that which he said to you, for you felt that he was speaking to you not as the prophet. And when should you should divide that which he is? We say unto you, all these things shall be provided. If you need a house, ask for a house, and these things shall come forth.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [6‑278‑2], and she asks for a life reading ‘in relation to fulfilling my purpose in this lifetime. Before, you mentioned a new name would be given to me.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records.

            Yes, this one was born on the flight from the planet, Yahweh, to the planet you now call Mars, and then did come forth unto this that you call the planet, Earth. She was quite young when the great war erupted, but her parents had chose to stay upon the planet, Earth.

And she stood with her parents as she watched their leader walk upon the mountain. And for all things, and for all power that was placed against him, was turned back unto his enemies, and death and destruction did ravish the earth. And you remember your parents speaking that this great karma, would it be yours also, as well as your leader’s?

            You lived out your life in the preparation for that that you call, Atlantis.

            Later, you reappeared in the land of Egyptan, into a time when the refugees from Atlantis and the islands of Atlantis were coming in abundance unto the land. In the Temple of Beauty you had become what is now known as a politician, to coordinate the efforts of different leaders of the different nations who were now upon the land. In this particular life you had chosen the form of the male.

You went forth, and were sent by the great priest, Ra‑Tai, as an [emissary] into what was then known as the land of the Eagle. And it was with utter amazement that you saw the great scientific wonders that did not exist, even in the land of Atlantis. And you saw, therefore, the work in what you would now call the altering of plant life growth, and the reproduction of fields of plenty.

            When the great priest was cast from the land, you chose to go with this one. And you did come and go before into the land of the Eagle, and you said, “Why can this be; why should the people be allowed to cast my friend from our land by these outsiders? Why do you not intervene?” And you were told that intervention was not permitted since the first great intervention.               

You met a young woman. This woman that you met at this time is now your husband of this time. And you went forth, and came forth from the exile back into the land of Egyptan in great power.

You saw all these things, and the bountifulness of them, yet you saw, both you and your wife, that that of Ra‑Tai and that of the Eagle, Ra, did not care for the material things, but it was of the spiritual substance that you saw that they had the most to give.

            And you asked Ra, “In what time, Master, shall you come again?”

            And your answer was, “Forever, until my task is complete -- until I have made all of these out here, all the people understand that thy need not war, nor fornicate, nor lie, nor greed, nor jealousy, to achieve their needs. It has all been placed before them.”

            You lived out your life, full and complete.

            We do not find you again until that time that you would know of as the time of John the Baptist. And in the land that you now know as the lost seas, you studied there. And you knew that both John and the one known as Jesus of Nazara were related, and they did come and go, for they were sent far and wide in the education.

            And one day, after John had begun to baptize, you came forth to be baptized. In this time you are a woman of full maturity, and a young Hebrew stood beside you, and he was from the tribe of Dan. And you came for baptism. And you said unto John, “How, therefore, may we serve you?”

            And John looked at you and said, “Go forth and multiply, but go forth before me and prepare my way.

            When John was beheaded you could not understand that which he had spoken of, and you went, therefore, unto them of Jesus, the Christ. And you said unto him, “He said unto us to go [forth] and prepare his way. How may we do this?”

            And Jesus said, go forth unto that of the Yucatan Peninsula, and of all the North American continent and South American continents, for he shall soon be there. Go forth before him and help him prepare the way.”

            And so, you left the land of Israel and traveled forth. The journey was hard. Each place you happened to go, it was not long [till] John appeared, and he was there to prepare the way. It was when you reached that of the Black Mesa, and you said unto John, “We are both tired. It has come now a time for us to bear a child.”

            And John said, “Bear your child. And the child shall come and I shall enter into it. And the child shall be cast aside, and then it should return into an Eagle.” And you bore the child, who that of the Hopi people tell their story of today.

            Now you are here in this time, in this place. You have come a long way. You have walked and become great in your own stature. Yet we have said, “Come, walk beside us,” and a way has been provided for all things to come into fulfillment.

            We say unto you, in the first part of the parable shall be the second part of the fulfillment for you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3‑63‑1] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Am I doing the best for adjustment in my life? Is there more I could do?’”

            Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. Seek out a purpose for your life. There is a time for all things. There is a time when the fields are to be planted, there is a time of the spring to come forth, and then the summer, and then the great harvest of the autumn. Your autumn is all about you, and there is much planting to be done. All your obstacles are laid away. Now, you may become yourself. Be transformed. Take that from our words that rang truth in your heart, for your life is not over, but just begun.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a question from [12‑415‑1] and she asks, ‘Am I headed in the right direction?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we say before us, blessed be those who are pure of heart. Continue. Reach out your hands and the Lord shall bear thee. Reach out your heart and the Lord shall anoint thee. Ask and you shall receive.

            I know that it seems that we have spoken as in riddles, but when you have time to think of our answer you will see the wisdom within the words.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[Thank you], Aka. I have a question for the group. ‘Will the harmful sound waves travel line‑of‑sight or will they go around corners? Do we need soundproof doors and ventilators on shelters?’”

            Soundproofing on any shelters shall be of a great need. But the sound that is to be used is unlike any sound, because most light cannot bend the corner; this may bend and penetrate and follow through the curvature of the Earth. But the one thing it cannot do is penetrate the earth itself, or that of earth substance, such as adobe, or structures there similar of the same.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12‑415‑ 2…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. ‘Is nursing the right choice for me?’”

            Yes. We see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. The nursing that you have sought shall bring great fulfillment into thy heart, but it shall bring also, therefore, the spiritual need into the hearts of others.

            Now we say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            We say, look unto the east, into the heavens, and a new sign shall come forth on the 9th day of March of this year, and it shall remain unto the heavens unto the 13th day. And unto the 13th day, it shall be plain for all to see. And this mark is the mark of the Anti‑Christ, for he now places claim to his dominion. Look upon it, see it, and gain knowledge from the same. For nothing, save that of the Lord, may last forever.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.