July 18, 1980

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; gory be the name of His children, forever and ever. And we say unto you this parable.

           For three strangers met upon the mountain. Each had come forth to find wisdom. Each had reached to the highest point that he could see, that he might be closer toward heaven, and God.

But when they met upon the mountain each was surprised, for each felt that when they reached the mountain they would be alone.

And so they sat in discussion.

First, one said unto the other, “I have come to the mountain to find the wisdom and the knowledge that I might take it back to my people, that they should know what should come after life.”

      And the second said, “I have come upon the mountain to seek the knowledge of what comes after birth.”

      And the third said, “I have come to seek the knowledge to take to my people, that that lies between death and life, and life and death.”

      They looked into each other.

      And then, before them stood a stranger unto them. And he said unto them, “Each of you seek answers, yet each of you hold the answer for the other. For you who seeks the knowledge of death, and that that comes after, I should say unto you, it is life. For you who seeks the knowledge that should come after birth, there is death. And for you who should seek the knowledge that should come in between, and thereof, I should say unto you, once you have chosen to be born upon the Earth, or the many earths, that is the beginning of life, and a journey.

      “The journey may be a pleasant one or a hard one, but it is of your own free choice. It is the choices that you shall make for yourself. But should you influence another to follow your path in not a righteous manner, then you shall re-live this again and again, in the same lifetime.

      “And then, when the journey ends and death comes, it is but a beginning. For at first, you shall sleep, for as the four seasons come upon the earth, so are the four seasons of man. There is the spring of new birth, and the summer of growth, and the autumn to take stock of the growth, and the winter is for slumber. So it should be, even after you pass from one life unto another.

      “The return to this earth, or any other, shall be of your own choice once again. But you do not stand and wait for that day of return. Some of you shall choose to linger close to your loved ones. And even some of you shall become their guides, for it is true that those who should pray unto the Lord for guidance shall receive it from both sides. Some, then, shall choose for higher learning upon the other planes. It is still freedom of choice. Yet, there are some who after death and life have forgotten from which they came. They have become so cruel unto mankind and themselves that they have destroyed the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, and therefore, they become that of the lost souls, to wander endlessly until they should see the light. It has been written that upon the arrival of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, he who should come again, the Messiah, who should have had many names before that, ‘all those who have gone beyond shall rise again.’ And so it shall be true, for new birth shall be given into them, and they shall judge themselves.

      “The wisdom you seek, take it three ways unto the Earth, but give it to another that a fourth way may be shown, for is it not true, ‘our Father has many mansions,’ and all His most gloriously awaits His children.”

      The three seemed to awaken as though from a sleep, and the stranger among them was gone. And where he stood was the fire.

Each looked unto the other, and asked each other questions. And yet they said, “Of this stranger we all dreamed of, was he real? Was he a part of our imagination? Was he a gift of God, or a gift of Lucifer?”

      Each left the mountain. Each found the fourth person to give the knowledge to that they had received. And from three, and then four, and then a hundred, and hundreds became into the thousands and into the millions, the word spread of the new becoming, the coming of the Messiah.

      Words that are spoken are never forgotten. They are like life. They are energy. They float upon the winds of time, only to return again and again.

            You have many questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [12-425-1…Littleton, Colorado]. He’s here. He asks, ‘Will I be healed or cured of the leukemia I suffer presently?’”

            We see your need, and we shall answer in this manner. You have lived in a righteous manner before your God. Ask and you shall receive.

            But it is your choice. If you choose to pass beyond, you choose only through rebirth that you might come again and walk with the Messiah. If you choose to stay, you choose because you wish to prepare the way for the Messiah. In your heart, the Lord sees both of these. He shall not take your life; it shall be your choice. Soul Ray shall administer unto your body, but he cannot take away your free choice, for it is not his given way. You shall make the choice. And whichever it is, soul Ray shall respect your choice, and so will the Lord, God, your Father, who art in heaven and within you.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka, thank you. Is there anything more we can do or should do to assist the transition of [11-407-1]?”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. This one chose of his own free choice, that he might bring forth and place his love into you and unto soul Ray and all those around him, that this disease that he died of, that you might find the cure for the same.

      We shall place in soul Ray’s mind further knowledge. And we shall place into all of your minds that should work in this, further knowledge. For he walked upon your Earth, and gave you love, and he did so, as you would say, in death.

      Yet he is not dead. He lives. For as one a long time ago asked, “Where is heaven, and where do you come from?” -- he now walks upon the universe and the stars, and his love is bountiful, yet without limit. [Editor’s note: See Aka’s words of November 16, 1970, below.]

            He will soon be born again, for it is his choice to walk with the Messiah. He came to you in love and he left you with love. For those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, it was his gift to you. Glory be the name of the Lord.

      “Yes, Aka. [12-425-2] who is working on a new pamphlet asks, ‘Is the Eagle the same as Aton? If not, what, if any, was the connection?’”

            (Chuckle) The Eagle came to you in many names. Some would call him John the Baptist. But in the beginning he came and used the name we use now, Aka. For we should say unto you, for he and we are the same, yet apart. For when the Lord should put a mission upon the Earth, that that you would call, the master, is chosen to return to the Earth, to be born and go through all the trials and tribulations, and then, those of us from this side are there to guide him. It is our choice and his.

            You have other questions. Glory be the name of the Lord.

      “Yes, Aka, I don’t mean to be dense, but I still don’t know if the Eagle ever used the name, Aton.”

      We have told you, no.

      “Thank you, Aka.”

           Now we should say unto you, for [12-425-3], healing shall be given. For it has been asked for.

           And we should say unto you, for all those who seek healing, let them place their faith in the Lord, God, and it shall be given.

      Soul Ray now grows weary and our time grows short.

      Now is the time of the Cherubim.

      The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. More earthquakes shall continue on the western coast. New volcanic action shall erupt. It would be advisable, for those of you who should travel, to not linger by the Hood [Mt. Hood]. We should also say unto you that the great heat wave that has swept the country and made it bare shall be lifted soon. But all things come for a purpose. “For a third of the earth shall be made barren,” as we have said before. [See The Revelation 6:9-17, chapters 7and 8.]  

      Pray that all these things need not come true. As Jonah came to warn the cities, and they changed their paths, so it could be upon the lands and the places that it is taking place now. Put your faith in the Messiah to come [and] our Father who art in you and in heaven.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.




            [Note: Here is Aka’s answer of November 16, 1970, to a young girl’s question: “[2-52-2] asks in her own way, “Where is Heaven?”

      We should say unto thee, as has been said before, into a child’s heart, a child’s mind, is purity. Therefore, your questions shall be answered. As the one known as Jesus said, “On this rock I shall build my church,” and therefore, in your thoughts shall be your Heaven and Hell. But think thee, my child, of the mansions of God. This is beyond all your galaxies, beyond all your many worlds, into the most loving, enduring thought you may possess, and there shall be your Heaven. Remember of all thy life unto these words, my child. Our God, our Father, has looked upon thee and found thee good, and the Heaven shall be yours.]