June 7, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable.

            For upon the mountain there was three shepherds. And they had joined their flocks together. And at first there was peace and harmony.

And then, one day, one of the shepherds went over the mountain and there was a fourth, with his flock. And he ran back unto the other shepherds, and he said, “Beware, there is another shepherd, over the mountain.”

            And so the three shepherds began to plan and scheme. And then another one of the shepherds went up to see this fourth shepherd. The fourth shepherd saw him and called out to him, but he ran back.

            And soon the three shepherds began to build a mighty wall. And they put all their flock inside of this wall. But soon, there was no feed for their flock, and their flock became diseased, and began to waste away. And the three shepherd said, one unto the other, “This mighty shepherd out there, this unknown shepherd, maybe one of us could go forth, and therefore, bargain with him for part of our flock, that he might not destroy us.” And so it was decided to draw lots.

And so the one shepherd who had [drawn] the lot reluctantly went over the mountain.

And when the other shepherd saw him, he greeted him, and said, “Come, come into my camp.” And he brought forth the fatted lamb, and brought forth a great feast. The shepherd ate, but did not speak at all.

And he went back into his fort, and he said to the others, “He must be up to trickery, for he has given me a great feast. There must be others there, for he could not provide such a great feast.”

            And still their stock began to die away. And so they [drew] lots once again.

            And this time one of the other shepherds went forth. And again the shepherd hailed him, and brought forth a great feast, and suggested that he come and join him. But the shepherd once again became afraid and ran back over the mountain into his fort. And still his flock dwindled away.

            And finally the last shepherd went over the mountain. And the shepherd again brought forth a mighty feast, and he looked out, and there was [this] -- the flock had multiplied and multiplied again. And he ran back and he said, “For this one must have some great form of witchcraft.”

            And still they forted themselves up, until all of their flock was gone.

And then upon almost upon starvation they went over the mountain, there, all three to be greeted by the shepherd.

And they said, “We have lost our flock, and yours have multiplied. Why is this, and why could it be so?”

            And the shepherd said, “Is the food not good on the other side of the mountain? Is there not great meadows, and streams, and bountiful of food and water?”

            And they said, “There are all those things.”

            Then the shepherd said, “I shall go with you and see what this great problem you have is.”

            On the journey, they planned and plotted to kill the shepherd and rid themselves of him.

            And the shepherd looked upon the valley and the fort, and he said, “What is that thing?”

            “And that,” they said, “we have built for protection.”

And the shepherd looked and said, “Um hum. Why should you need protection? From me? From the wolves, there are no wolves here? There’s only me and my flock.”

And the shepherds began to hesitate.

            And the other shepherd said, “Come. Take away this fortress you have built. Clean the ground and I shall share my flock with you.”

            Still they were suspicious. Yet, they would have something to gain. And so they took part of his flock.

And the shepherd went on.

And gradually, their flock began to multiply.

            And again they went to the other side of the mountain, and there they found another shepherd. And he hailed them. And they ran back once again to fortify.

            The shepherd, the first shepherd they had met, came over the hill to see them building their great fortress. And he said, “Why? Why are you fortifying?”

            And they said, “Oh, do you not know? There is another shepherd over on the other side of the mountain. And he is different from us. Even his sheep are a different color.”

            The shepherd laughed, and walked over to the other side of the mountain. And he hailed him. And the shepherd hailed back, and came forth. This shepherd was of a different color. Yet the two talked and laughed, and the other three thought, “How can this be?”

            And the two walked forth and became five. And they sat in counsel. And they told of their Lord, their God, who was always with them, and that they need not build fortresses, for God stood with them in all things -- and that God had a son, and the son came forth upon the world to give love and sharing. The other three could not understand these things.

But they finally made agreement with the other two shepherds to join their flock all together, for now was the time of the market. And as they journeyed forth they came upon this stranger.

The other two rushed forth in great gladness to greet him. The other three held back. This town they had come to was a town called Jerusalem.      

            Before the Passover was to end, this stranger, this loving stranger they had met would be crucified.

And those three went back and built another fortress, for they had not found the love, the compassion and the trust that should be given one unto another.

This is the same as your own groups. Be as a mirror. Reflect out light, and let the light be love and compassion, and faith and hope. Bind together, and no wolves may enter your camp, only God and the light of that that is to come – the coming of the Messiah.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question tonight from [6-274-2…Globe, Arizona]. She asks, ‘Aka, please guide me as to what career to seek for my livelihood and fulfill my purpose. While I have tried, at the time I am uncertain as to my future -- many thoughts, many frustrations.’”

            We should say unto you, that that of the livelihood has been put forth, that the labor one does, as long as they do it in love, one unto another, shall be of a great and joyous thing. If you seek the path of God, then God is what you shall find. If you seek the path of righteousness, then forgiveness and love must be your way. If you know of all things, yet there is nothing you shall know for certain, for truth is but the fleeing of a moment; the guidance that you seek is all about you. You journeyed to find a way, and you lost your way. Yet this is a new day, a new world, and the task is still at hand, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If this task is truly within your heart, then ask and you shall receive, for as we have said in the beginning, for all those who should do the work of God, their needs shall be provided for.

            It may sound as we have spoken, as you would say, into riddles, but we have not. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5-206-2]. He asks, ‘Why is it so important that the thirteen come together again, twelve apostles and Christ?’”

            (Chuckle.) The 13 is a symbol; the thirteenth is God, not Christ, as you would know him. The council need not be the same apostles you knew before. For what is in a name? The preparation for the coming of a messiah, for as you shall know, the number “13” is “4,” and “4” is the anointed one. When more than one, or even one, could stand and ask in our Father’s name, so shall He hear, and so shall He give that that is asked for. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1-21, and John, chapter 14 and 15:7-11.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-423-1] asks, ‘[Will] we fit in as a member of the Association? In what way can we be of use?’”

            (Chuckle) The Lord sees into your heart, and He finds goodness there. He has seen that which you have given of love and compassion. All these things have been of great use and of great value. And it has been an example for others. Fear not, for the Lord has use for you both. And the time shall be known unto you, for we shall come unto you into a dream. But remember the purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. You have much knowledge, and you have freely given it in a kind and gentle manner. The Lord smiles upon you; know that.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-381-2] asks for her daughter [12-423-2…Albuquerque, New Mexico], ‘The doctors have wanted to do tests on [12-423-2]. She is small, and they consider her weight and height curve abnormal. Is there a reason to be concerned? She has a small appetite, recently increasing. She has had diarrhea almost constantly for a month; what is the cause? And what can I do to promote a natural, normal healthy body?’”

            We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. First, the size of the child is perfectly normal. Who is to say whether a child is to be six-foot tall or five-foot tall? These things could be altered and changed quite simply by stimulating the pineal gland. But don’t you think that it should be the free choice of the child? The diarrhea comes from that that you feed the child. We would suggest that warm goat’s milk be used in sequence with its regular formula. And you will soon see that the problem shall end. Part of the problem is that that you would know of as a virus, which is passing. The healing that is needed shall be given. For remember, these children that came at this time came for a special purpose.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [2-33-1] asks, ‘Please name and tell us what each of the Seven Spirits of God represent and symbolize?’”

            (Chuckle) Look within yourself, and you shall know. You talk of a sixth sense; is there not a seventh? In your Old Testament you speak of the seven Archangels. Or you may look at them as love, faith, hope, eternity -- all of these things. When we told you of the Seven Spirits of God and their great task that God laid before them, before He created the earth and the universe, when He sent them forth -- and we told you again, when He sent them out upon the mighty sea and how each returned -- all of these things and more represent the Seven Spirits of God, for all things upon your universe was built on the numeral, “7.” For “7,” “9” and “13” may be found throughout the whole universe, into the smallest of the atom, and beyond. Look at the flowers, or a tree, or at your children, and know that within them dwell the Seven Spirits of God. And know that it is a wakening thing, one piece at a time that emerges forth. Remember this, that the Seven Spirits brought forth upon this earth, and all others, that that God wished them to. For is it not said, “Of our likeness, of our kind?”[See Genesis 1:26-27.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she has one other question, ‘What did the eighth spirit originally represent before doubt and fear?’”

            The eighth spirit was the most loved by the Lord. And he represented all thing that the other seven represented. And his name has been spoken in many tongues. In your tongue it would be considered Lucifer, the most loved and beloved of all, until he used those things and those abilities that God had bestowed upon him. And as it is said, “If thy right eye often thee, cast it aside,” and so the Lord, God, did cast him aside unto the earth. And you shall chain him and bind him until the time comes when he shall return back unto a state that he once was. And at that time, all souls shall be free, and rise again. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-423-3…Goddard, Kansas] asks, ‘What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?’”

            We say unto you these words. There is much work to be done -- the preparation of food, the preparation of the soul and spirit, and the body, and the immortal body. We say to you, make the first step. Make the decision to walk in the light of God. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. Place yourself in a righteous manner. Remember, you shall make mistakes, many of them, and you shall find yourself upon the ground, and the gentle hands of God helping you up. If you wish to serve God there is already a way placed before you. If you wish to help prepare the way, touch ten, and they shall touch a hundred, and therefore, so it shall grow.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. What is wrong with praying for Lucifer?”

            Because Lucifer is in competition with God; he thinks he is a god. And he is not. And he shall bring forth his son upon the Earth, and you shall call it the Anti-Christ, and it shall be in his image. And much work at this time is being done for that preparation, of his coming. And he shall reign for four-and-a-half years once he has come into full power, and no armies may defeat him. And none may trade nor bargain leste they have the mark of the Beast upon them. Yet those who should take the mark of the Beast shall try to hide as the whore of Babylon falls. And they shall be stung as by scorpions, yet they shall not die and they shall pray for death.

            For those who take not the mark of the Beast you shall trade among yourselves and you shall survive. And the Lord’s kingdom shall be known and become upon the Earth. And Lucifer shall be bound for a thousand years before he is released and learns that there is but one Lord, one God, and “There shall be no other gods before Him.”[See The Revelation, chapters 12-22, and Deuteronomy 5:7.]

            You have questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-421-1…Albuquerque] asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my destiny, my life’s plan? What more can I do in the now and the future to help others and myself?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you, bind together. Bring forth study groups, to learn, to prepare. Do not say you have all the truth; only show them the truth you have, and they shall come and multiply. There is a way for those in that of the town of Albuquerque, and there is a way that this city shall be spared, if enough can be found to turn it in a righteous direction.

            Now we grow [tired] – no, soul Ray grows very, very tired.

            But before we go we should say unto you, that of the Mt. Helena [St. Helens] shall erupt again and again. And other eruptions shall come forth. Look into the parable that soul Ray read today. Its time is now coming into fulfillment. [See A Rose without Thorns, page v, from March 17, 1972 reading below.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers were substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


[This is the prophecy Ray read, that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke on March 17, 1972:

“Our Lord says, ‘HARK,’ into thee,

‘For in the desert dwells, and therefore, by the sea,

Where the stars at night are seen all in 13 and more than 3.’

For the wise to hear let them hear.

And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes and the mountains bellow their mighty force

Our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.”]