March 14, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words, the parable of the sun.

For there were three wise men who sat to deliberate the greatness of all things of God’s creations. And each would mention a different planet, until one mentioned the sun, a huge, as you would call it, hydrogen bomb, a planet burning into infinity.

And some said, “Is this a planet being born, or is this a planet dying, this star they call the Sun?”

And the wiser of all three said, “It is not where we use the name, son. We have used the name son unto our children, the male-born, as it has been used unto the one, of the Son of God.”

And they said into one another, “But how shall we know all of these things? What is the real truth of all of our deliberation? None of us has ever visited the moon, the sun, or any of these places. How should we really know of their existence?”

And then there stood among them a forth. He was neither young nor old. He was not dressed in rich attire, but that of a plain robe. And he said unto them, “I say unto you these words. For the day shall come, when as my Father, and in His knowing, that the stars shall be the stepping stones for man. And do you not think that my Father, out of all this vastness, only performed His miracle of life upon one of these planets? And that there is only one sun, as you would know it?”

These men thought, and they asked him, “But we speak of a star, and we speak of a man, and the sun that gave life unto man, and the man that gave life unto the son, and God that gave life unto all things.”

And he said, “How shall we know these things you speak are true?”

And he said unto them, “One day man shall walk forth into your galaxy and galaxies beyond galaxies. He shall walk into this universe and beyond. And as he reaches these far-away places they shall be as his home, for all things will be in order, and a sun, wherever life shall be found, so shall be a sun -- and a son that shall bear fruit unto his Father, and a son that shall bear fruit unto man and the Earth, and the planets and planets that shall bear the spirit and form of man.

           You say unto us, “Once again you have spoken as unto riddles.”

                                  And we will say, nay. For one here has in their mind a course that they should take. And man has navigated by the stars for a long time. But each of the captains for the ship has used that of a sextant, or an instrument to measure the movement of the stars, and their movement across the skies, across the oceans, across the universes.

In this person’s mind, they say unto us, “How shall I make this decision?”

And we say unto you, be as one; come unto yourself, and you shall find the answer. We cannot give you the answer, for to be handed to you in that manner you will have never found it. Deep inside you lies the truth. And yet another truth lies before you also, a truth of a time and a place where time grows short.

 You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [12-417-1]. She asks, ‘I need to make a decision regarding where I am to live. Should I remain in Tucson, or consider living in Globe? Also, what other methods should I consider that would be beneficial to my health? Advice will be appreciated.’”

We shall answer in this manner. The time shall come when your journey to Globe shall be a necessity, both for your moral and physical support.

But that of the pursuit of your health lies in these things that soul Ray has asked you to take. Taken in its proper proportion, the circulatory system may be restored. You were born with a heart murmur, or that of a small passageway in the heart itself. It has long healed over. It may be detected as a problem when it really is not.

We say unto you other things, and as we say them, take them as we give them to you, and in the manner we give them to you.

As long as you stand and worry where you are, then you shall be alone. Your faith, that you have been taught, tells you that life is the most precious commodity upon your Earth, that the body you contain is a temple of God, and therefore, the temple must be contained in its most perfect form. We should also suggest that soul Ray go into the bio-therapy farther with you, and that of hypnosis therapy, to stop that of the intake of the nicotine itself, which is harming the arteries and valves of the heart. It should be done, though, in such a way that the tapering off of the same should not affect the respiratory part of the system. The final choice in all of these things shall be yours.

           You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question in regarding the sign in the sky that we were to see, Aka. We wonder if what we saw, the three stars by the moon, was what we were supposed to see, or was there something else? We had some stormy weather.”

We say unto you that the sign stayed in the sky for almost a month, and came into its full being, and pointing toward the planet Mars, and Saturn, and brought forth unto you unto the sixth star. And this, as it should be, would point the way unto a comet that shall appear upon the Earth this year.

            And as it had been written that this one would come forth with a comet, and be known with the coming of this comet. The rest you have known from our words.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from Flagstaff as to how long the people living there have before it will be unsafe to live there.”

If all goes well, five years period.

We shall tell you the story of Jonah. And he did come forth and warn these cities of their destruction if they did not change their way. All these things may happen, the destruction of this land. Yet again, as we have told you before, your thoughts may turn and divert this, and hold this land. But it must be your will and your asking.

            You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10-391-4…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. And he’s asking about -- will he have advance warning as to when he should move to Round Valley, and will he be given time to pick a route and get some cattle together so that he could drive them?”

Yes, we have told you before, form a plan. Produce this plan in such a manner that the people in your area will come together, and that the help that you shall need shall be laid forth from your national headquarters. If you shall do this, it shall allow the shepherd and the Prophet to send forth those who should come and assist you in your journey, and a passageway shall be provided at that time.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-417-2]. He asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my role in life that I am supposed to, and is there some way I can be more useful to the community of man?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. To be very specific, you have the experience necessary to formulate the plans that are necessary for the evacuation and safety of the people of your area. Do so.

            You have other questions, ask.

           “Aka, [12-417-3...Tucson] asks, ‘Would I best serve by devoting most of my time to spiritual development or to providing energy-saving housing for mankind?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The toil and the sweat of your brow shall develop your spiritual self. There is a time for meditation; there is time for laughter; there is time for work; and there is a time for sleeping. It is like the seasons of the earth, they are all necessary for man to rejuvenate themselves. But all meditation cannot develop your spiritually, for you shall become so saturated that you shall not know your left from your right. Place together all of these things in such a formula that they balance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7-317-1]; he asks, ‘Should I buy the house with the four apartments in Tucson? Thank you.’”

            We shall say unto you, this decision must come from yourself, and then you shall have no one to blame but yourself.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [12-417-4...Deming, New Mexico] asks, ‘Will the operation that was performed on my son be successful?’”

            Partially, yes. Help shall be given.

            Now we say unto you unto these words. Now is the time of great decision, a decision that should bring your country forth as one nation before God or it shall cast your country back as a Sodom and Gomorrah. It is your choice in the next few months to make these choices.  

You heard our words at the last reading. Take from them. But remember, this country was built by the people, for the people, and all the people. It must stand that way. If you cast prayer from your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt and destroy, then you shall have no country at all and it shall become as the whore of Babylon. It is a precise time, and many powers are at work at this time. And the greatest power is the Beast that should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and his reign. [See The Revelation, chapters 12-18.]

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona  85502