May 9, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner; glory be the name of the children, glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

            And we say unto you, for we should say unto thee the Parable of Faith.

            And it was a time of drought. And the farmer plowed his fields and began to sow.

All those around him looked at him and said, “Why should you do this? No rain comes. Your crops shall not grow.”

            And the farmer said unto them, “I must be ready when the Lord brings forth His bountiful.”

            And they said unto him, “But this is the year of the drought. How do you know that the Lord shall provide the rain you need?”

            And he looked unto them and said, “If there is a Lord -- and I know there is -- then I know there shall be rain, for He shall not let His children go hungry.”

            Yet they doubted. And they said, “How can this be so?”

             And the farmer looked back unto them and said, “For my Father has said, ‘Ask and you shall receive,’ and I have asked.”

That night this stranger came unto them. And twelve of the -- came with him, came as his disciples. And this stranger was known as a great healer and many gathered around to be healed.

And he looked upon them and said, “Why do you believe of the things of this earth when you cannot believe of the things of heaven?”

            And they said unto him, “What do you mean?”

            And he said, “One among you has the faith to know that that he asked for from God shall be provided, in the amounts he has asked for. You have so little faith that you have laughed at him.”

            All the others did not know what to say.

And the farmer who had the great faith, he went to the stranger and said, “Heal them, Lord, and forgive them, for I have a faith enough for all of them. And the rain shall not just fall upon my field, it shall fall upon all their fields.”

            And so this stranger and his twelve disciples worked among all the people and brought healing. And as the last person was healed, so the rain began to fall -- and not just on one field, but upon all fields.

            And when the sun did come forth, and fields rose forth upon the earth to bring food to the people, then all the farmers and all the people from around about did come unto this one, and said, “Teach us faith.”

            And the man, the farmer, looked upon them, and said, “I cannot teach you faith. Only you can do this for yourself. The gifts of God come to all, as the rain drops. Some should take that gifts that God has given and have the faith to know that it is true. Others shall not. It is the freedom of choice that God has placed upon all of His children.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-338-2] asks, ‘My mother once made the statement that I have money. I have also been told that I have a trust fund or insurance left to me by one of my relatives. Is this true? If so, how do I go about contacting those in control of it? Does this have any bearing on some of the things that have been happening to me and my family in the last two years?’”

            First, we shall answer unto the last. It has nothing to do with that that has happened to your family in the last few years. That that is happening to your family has been the seed that they have sown.

            As for the money, or the fortune, as you would call it, it should come from those that you would know as your parents. And it should be left in an inheritance.

            We should say unto you that the passing of this one, and the adjustments on the other side are complete. It is now his time to learn.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-338-2] also asks -- she would like to have some help with the allergies that she has, knowing what she is allergic to? She says, ‘Thank you, very much.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer you in this manner. The animals that you love the best are those that you are the most allergic to. So we would suggest that these things in this quantity be placed forth and taken in a daily basis -- that of the local honey of your area, of the pollen of the same, and that of the vinegar made of the prickly pear, be put together in equal parts and taken as a tonic twice a day. This shall bring forth and allow for your allergies to adjust.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. Do you have any words which might be of comfort to [2-30-27]? Thank you.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, that that was in the beginning has been in the past and shall be in the future. All things that are to be prepared and laid before the table must be done in a loving manner. As the fields are left for the widows, so should love be given unto all mankind. Full fulfillment of these things you have asked for have come forth. And the healing of [2-30-3] shall be the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. What is the source of the reoccurrence of herbicide contamination that seems to be affecting us? How should we deal with it?’”

            We shall answer you in this manner, in the pollen -- that that that should come from the root that should come into your plants and come forth at this time of year. We should suggest that that of the Alpearon be used. And we would suggest that that of the sage tea be used, and that of the prickly pear be used. And it should come forth, and tea should be placed, taking 1/4 of the water of the Dripping Springs, to 1/4 of the prickly pear; there fore, the Yerba Santa be placed and the sage be placed in the same to make a tea. And the honey of the local area be used. That, with what you would call, for the male, which you have named the M.E. 10, and for the female, that you call, the Femina 6, or the – yes -- with the new formulas that have come into completeness, with the necessary vitamins placed forth into them, these also should be used.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question submitted by [12-421-1]. And she asks, ‘What was the time of birth?’”

            3:21 p.m.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3-63-1]. And she asks, ‘Dear Aka, will you please tell us if the banks, savings and loan companies, are going to close their doors any time in the next two years. If so, what can we do ahead of time?’”

            We should say unto you unto these words. Your banks, your substantial banks, shall not close their doors. There is no reason for this. Within the month of January, and therefore, shortly thereof, slowly your interest rates will begin to reduced. They have already begun to go down. The banks and other lending institutes realize that these type of interest are far beyond, and so inflationary that even in an inflationary depression, they cannot be allowed. After your election, these things shall be brought forth and laid aside.

            We shall explain to you, your Government is not going to fall. If the banks closed, your Government would fall, and this is not going to happen as long as it stands, “one nation, before God.” And the more people that heed these words, and the more people that come forth in their own way for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah – the freedom of your land, no one may take this from you; it’s a gift of God, and no tyranny shall strip it away. It shall alter and change. We have told you these things.

            Do not speculate with that of the small monetary things you have. But be sure minded. For many, the horse shall become a means of transportation, especially for local transportation, as adjustments that are about to be made shall be made. But this is over a five-year period of time. And, by the end of that time, a new source of energy shall be placed at your hands. There’ll be times when that that you know [of] the banking system may be cut away from the people; this will be due to earth changes and isolation, but this isolation shall not be for long periods of time. Your currency shall be inflated even more, but it shall still be a good currency, for the dollar, as you would know it, shall soon stabilize itself on the world market. Remember, the whole world surrounds your dollar. If your dollar fails, the world fails, even the Russian world.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have one more question that came to mind. A little while back you were saying that pollen, local pollen and honey would be a good thing to take in this area, and then on my question, you were saying that our contamination was coming from pollen. Could you explain how we can use the pollen and not get contamination?”

            The bee purifies the honey.

            “Thank you, Aka. I understand.”

            “I have a question from [12–421-2]. And she asks, ‘Aka, please tell me if it is safe for me to take my children to live in Germany, or where will they be safe?’”

            Germany, in the next two-year period shall become a very unrest area, due to the wars and rumors of wars. The safest place for your children will be in the United States.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-374-3] asks, ‘Would you please tell me,’ something, one moment. Sorry Aka, I do not have the information for this question.”

            We see your need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. If one should walk in the light of God, and give that unto God that belongs to God, and that to his brethren that should belong to his brethren, and that to themselves that should belong to themselves, then the world and that about you shall come into completeness -- and your business venture, it also shall come into completeness.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired, and our time now grows short.

            Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, places and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona