November 28, 1980

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and unto this parable.

For as the Lord directed the Seven Spirits to go forth and create the Earth, they came forth and created mountains and lakes and forests, and all things in abundance, and they did bring forth all things of their kind.

And as they created the fowl of the land, and the seasons of the land, they were each discussing this one thing. “What should we bring forth unto man in the time when the earth sleeps that should bring gladness into his heart? For the flowers have bloomed, and the greenery is gone from the earth for the trees to sleep.”


And so it was, and so it is. For across the land this one small bird appears, and whenever man sees it, it brings gladness to his heart.

Yet, as man has developed, and time has passed, there was those who would destroy the cardinals of the Earth.

And we say unto them, nay, that shall never be. For even as the land shall change its form, earthquakes shall occur, and they shall continue in force through the pathway that we have given you. As we have said before, the great Sword now is above you, and beneath you, and all about you. It shall be the splitting away of man and earth. That that was desert shall turn into gardens. And that that was forest shall be laid level by the might of the earth. All these changes shall come, but the cardinal shall stay with you to let you know that even in the time that approaches, the time of the Anti-Christ, that even the Anti-Christ cannot destroy the cardinal and its gift from God of hope unto man. For in each of you, deep inside, is the Spirit of God, and only you may cast that out. If you choose to keep it, then the cardinal shall remain in you forever. And the hope of man and God shall come into fulfillment, and the day shall come forth when war shall be no more, and peace shall reign upon the Earth.

As you approach these days ahead in your preparation for the celebration of the one known as Jesus, the Son of God, the firstborn, then we say unto you, make extra preparations in your heart. Know the cardinal lies within you. Let hope flash within you.

We know that at this time when trials and tribulations have grown heavy, that hope is almost in despair. Yet hope and faith, and the knowing that you are one with God shall bring you through these times.

As you have seen, many loved ones who have passed away at this time, know this -- that God is with you and with them. Know that nothing from either side may interfere with this work. It shall progress and proceed [forth], and coveth the Earth and the planets, and all universes.

The slow part of loving one another begins in the understanding. It shall become hard for you to understand those who wear the mark of the Beast. It is not your place to judge them. It is not your place to defeat them. It is only your place to know that they shall not place the mark upon you. [See The Revelation 7:9-17, 12:7-17, chapter 13, 16:13-16, chapter 17, 19:1-2, 11-20, 20:1-6.]

Let the cardinal come forth, and be your mark, of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [12-419-7…Cortales, New Mexico]. He asks, ‘Could you tell me how long I can expect to continue my partnership with the One Hundred Ranch, Inc.? If the government takes over the present ranch will we continue at another location?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question, and we answer in this manner. The partnership shall continue, as long as you shall desire it. When the government does take over your ranch you shall continue at another location. But there are many things in the making at this time which shall change and alter the pathways unto which you have taken. Part of those pathways you have already taken. You shall find that unisis within yourself, and those around you, shall bring gladness into your heart, and the great depression which has been within you shall be lifted as a shroud. And in its place shall be placed before you the wonders of the earth, and the gladness of God. From it, like a great horn of plenty, shall come forth into your life. Fear not, lest you breed fear. Cast it from your side. Replace it with the first part of the reading, the cardinal, and all things shall come into fulfillment at an abundant way of the Lord, our God.

You have other questions in your mind and we shall answer them at this time. And, “This is a real heart problem? And what happened?”

And we shall answer in this manner. Because you do not allow the weight to be lifted from within you, it is a re-creation of the same problem that brought you here in the beginning. But we say unto you, soul Ray now has answers that he did not have before. The problem shall be dissolved, and you shall be allowed to go forth and fulfill those things that are needed for you to fulfill. There are other blessings ahead in the months to come which you have not yet even dreamed of.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [2-30-2]. “Where, in relationship to Lake Rudolph, locally called Lake Turkana or Lake Victoria, was the research facility of the land of the Eagle?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto thee, at the time of the forming of the great Lake Victoria, there laid beyond this a great mountain of volcanic-type material and from it was brought forth many substances for experimentation. And there was the land of the Eagle, and the great laboratories that brought forth the great changes. You have done your homework well.

You have other questions, answer.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul John [4-125-2] asks, ‘I ask God for a birth of the spirit in greater love. I love God and you.’”

We see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. For the love of God, there is no bounty. There is no container, even the universes, to hold it. We say unto you, let yourself and the love that you desire reach out, and you shall always know it is there. And you shall feel it and touch it and taste it, for it is like the sun and the rain, it comes for all. But for those who should seek, they shall find. And those who should ask shall receive. And those who should listen, they shall hear. And for those who should look, they shall see. All things that you seek now are but a beginning of what shall be.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-419-6…Truth-or-Consequences, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘What natural catastrophe will hit El Paso, Texas?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Earthquake shall hit this area. Tornados shall hit this area. An atomic warfare shall destroy it.

But before this, war shall march across the border unto your doorsteps. It is an ill wind which blows in this direction. Yet those who should believe within their hearts, and shall make preparation, shall survive all of these, and so shall El Paso. For we shall provide the way, and not one shall fall.

Yet, within your heart you are asking one thing with your mouth and thinking another. You are saying unto us, with your mouth, “What catastrophes shall befall?” With your heart you are saying, “What catastrophes shall befall upon me? And where shall I go unto?” The place has been shown unto you, where to go. Ask and you shall receive this.

You are also asking of your marriage. And as we look at it, it is like a turning top. When it runs out of momentum, it will stop. You also ask of us to make this decision for you. We cannot. It is a decision that must come within you and from you. You also asked us, “Shall my mate follow me?” All these things are possible, but sometimes not probable.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [12-429-1…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Will I be a success in my business? And should I quit my friendship with Bob?’”

The success that you seek lies before you. And your friendship has never been.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [13-429-2...Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘What type of career would I be best suited for?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, you shall soon find that forming a co-op shall be necessary for the selling and buying of certain merchandise of the fabric type. This should be a very successful venture, but it shall take more than just yourself for the completion of it.

And now we say unto you, our time grows short, and so we shall answer these questions which are [utmost] in certain minds.

We shall say unto the E_____s [12-429-3 and 12-429-4], speak unto soul Ray tomorrow, for he has further plans for your business that are of a private nature.

We shall say unto the one known as [12-429-5], blessed be those who are humble before God, for they see thy need.

And we shall say unto that known as [12-419-1], who gives all and expects none, that that we have spoke of before, your antiquities and fabrics may be brought together. Speak to your father now. And speak, both of you, unto soul Ray, and it shall become and brought about into fulfillment. And way shall be laid before you for your livelihood, for the Lord has seen and the Lord shall provide.

Now we say unto you, Paul [2-30-3], fear not, for we are with you.

And we shall say unto all those who are here, and who believe, we shall bring unto you, unto the third day of your life from this moment forward, a special gift like the cardinal. Look for them and they shall be there. And know their meaning. And also know, for those who cannot be here, that the gift is for them also, wherever they are. For we shall wipe away the cruel things that have happened and bring happiness now into your hearts. If you believe this, it shall happen. If you do not believe it, it will not. Let the choice be yours.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Your earth is changing. It is changing in the manner into which we told soul Ray it would. Now is the fulfillment of The Psychic Light.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona