October 17, 1980

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Glory be the name of the Lord. And glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee this parable.

            For in a field there were many rocks, and this was one of many fields owned by a farmer. The farmer looked at all the rocks and walked away from the field, and knew not what to do with the land.

            One day there came forth upon the land that that is known as a geologist, a man who knew of all these rocks and their value. And he looked upon the surface of the ground and then went back to the farmer and said, “Let me lease this land.”

            The farmer studied him, and he said, “I will tell you tomorrow.” That night, as he sat with his wife, he said, “Why should someone want to lease land that only has rocks on it?”

And his wife said unto him, “For there must be gold there. Great treasures must be buried there.”

So the next day the man came back and the farmer declined his offer. And for all the next year the farmer dug upon this rocky land. And he had nothing at the end of the year, no crop, nothing at all but a huge pile of rocks.

            The geologist came back and said, “Let me lease this land from you.”

            And the man went back the next day to talk with his wife. And once again they became very excited and said, “There must be great treasure buried there.” And so they dug and dug and dug for another year. At the end of the year they had nothing to show for it.

            The geologist came back [and] made the same offer. And the man said, “I shall not lease you the land, but give me into a percentage of what you shall make from the land.” And so, a bargain was struck.

The farmer went back to his farming.  And because the fields had laid fallow for two years his crops were abundant.

Soon, great equipment was brought forth to the rocky land, and a mighty hole appeared within it. And from it a black substance, that had laid all over the ground, was there.

And the geologist came forth and handed the man money for his part. And the farmer said, “But what part, what part of the ground did you take? Where were the riches?”

            The geologist laughed and said, “On top of the ground, for all the black rocks that you saw were coal.”

            The farmer each year became richer, and so did the geologist. But neither farmer nor geologist ever traded jobs; both stayed with that which they knew.

And so it is within your lives. So often, we try to be something we are not. So often we are too proud to ask our neighbor for his knowledge, or her knowledge, and in doing so we lose the greatest riches around us, and that is the fellowship that comes one into another. And it is [an] abundant thing, great for all to behold.

            Now you have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have some questions regarding the pamphlet that is being prepared, Ra Tai and the Eagle. After Ra Tai and Arcan were exiled from Atlantis, (1) where did Arcan go? What did he do? And how did he die?”

            When they were exiled from Egypt they went into the land of the Eagle, and there they did stay until the time that they would be called back to rebuild Egypt. They died when the great tombs of knowledge were sealed.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, thank you. ‘Could you please interpret the significance of the comet in my meditation,’ [12-428-1] asks.”

            We shall explain to you in this manner. In the year of our last coming, and that would be April the 3rd of 1970, of your time, we came forth with a comet that would show mankind, as is quite often, that they would heed our coming. We came unto earth in five places, and one by one, they melted away until there is one. So we heeded out forth [as a] comet.

And then, when the time was right, we told you of the planet, Yahweh, and the breaking up of the planetary system and the returning of itself in a planet that passed before your Earth. [Editor’s note: The comet, Bennett, became visible to the eye near Christmas 1969, to then become the most spectacular comet of the century around April 3, 1970. Then the comet, Kohoutek, passed the Earth in late 1973 to 1974.]

            A comet is many things to many people, but mostly it is a great light in the sky. It seems to be what you and others want before you will listen.

            We say to you the parable [of] the wisest man upon the earth, who traveled far and wide, and said, “Here, take my knowledge; here it is for free, for all to see, and all I have.” And people accepted none of this. And here was another man, who placed a price upon his knowledge and traveled forth. And all bought his knowledge, and paid dearly for it, and followed him to his highest mountains to hear him speak.

For you, of this Earth, will not heed that which is under your feet. You must climb the highest mountain; you must swim the deepest oceans, for it is the makeup of man. And in doing so, through great hardship, you feel that you shall gain knowledge.

We say to you, look at the flowers at your feet. Look around you. Your Father, God, has provided you all things that you need, and want. He has given into you all things to make this world of yours work to your benefits. And yet it is [the] forbidden fruit that you always seek. So if a comet is needed to extract [attract] your attention to our small bits of wisdom, then let it be so.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Is there anything further you wish included in the pamphlet on Ra Tai and the Eagle?”

            We should say unto you, take forth the parable we have just given, and weigh their truth.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-428-2…Albuquerque]. ‘Is my whole family suffering from witchcraft?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you in this manner. Much as we have said in the parable before this, those who would practice black arts have nothing more to do, and shall gain nothing more [in] knowledge, for they know not where to look. They think they have all the knowledge locked in a little bag before them.

            But we shall also answer your question in this manner. You have asked and you have received. And through the blessings given unto soul Ray unto you, all harm has been taken from your family. So what you say, now does not exist.                           

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [5-206-2 and 2-33-1…Flagstaff], both suffer from severe allergies for about one and one-half years. ‘What causes these, and what is the remedy,’ they ask?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The cause is the conflict within yourselves. The remedy is to extract the conflict.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you. [1-1-1 and 6-281-1] ask, ‘Aka, will you please tell us how to go about developing and preparing the land we have bought? Please give specific guidelines. How can we go about buying the 10 acres we looked at this week? Are we to have this land also?”’

            Repeat this again.        :

            “This is a question from June 9, 1979, approximately. ‘Aka will you please tell us how to go about developing and preparing the land we have bought? Please give specific guidelines. How can we go about buying the 10 acres we looked at this week? Are we to meant have this land also?’”

            From whom asked this question?

            “Probably [6-281-1]; it says ‘[1-1-1] and [6-281-1],’ is the way it’s signed.

            All this has come forth and about.

            Thank you.”

            You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka --”

One moment.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer this question in this manner. When we come unto you into a privacy of yourselves, we do not come to frighten, nor to threaten. We have come to ask. For we enter no doorway that has not been opened to us. We do not come through your minds to obliterate you or to harm you in any way. For we come to you for but one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and no other. We come to you that the Seventh Seal might not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 8 – 18.]

            When you take yourselves, and say these words, “I prepare myself for the coming of the Messiah; I cleanse my body, my soul, my heart, and I accept God in all ways,” then there is no place for pettiness, or deceit, or lies, or all those things that are written in the Ten Commandments. Bring yourself before God in this manner. And bring yourself before yourselves in this manner. And bring yourself before your brethren and sisteren in this manner. In this way you shall be serving God, and yourself, and mankind, the greatest of all things.

            You say, we would allow someone to grasp your souls. Nay. No one may grasp your soul except you yourself, for it is only you that owns it; no one else may steal it. The spirit is the same. For did not the one known as Jesus say that no one may harm you, only yourself.

            Do you not understand? Can you not hear? Have we spoken so often and you heard us not? And saw us not? Then we are the ones who have failed you. We come not in the dead of night to steal from you, or to take from you, but to serve you. But remember, we serve God first.  

            You asked where we have come from. And we have told you before, we come from God. [See John 14:16-22.]

And we were sent and chosen by he [the Messiah] who should come later, because of our own mistakes and our own learning, not only upon your planet, but others. For remember, that we too walked upon your Earth, and other earths at one time, and we too were a stubborn people -- and we are, now in the spiritual sense.

            But we saw other Atlantis[es] rise and fall. We saw your golden civilization pass from many worlds, and then, the earth claimed its own. We have seen all of these things. We have felt them. We have cried for them, and we know them. Therefore, in our coming, it is only that this time it need not happen again.

             Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. We speak, yet you hear us not.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona