September 19, 1980

Globe, Arizona



      Aka is here.

      Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

      Four of the wisest men upon the Earth, from the four corners of the Earth, had decided to come together, that they might learn from one another and take back into their own lands that that they would receive.

      And so they journeyed far across the land, through the mountains and deserts, and through the valleys. And they did come forth upon a mesa. And they brought with them those who would stand in attendance and help each one. As they came together, each one who attended the other at first were jealous, for they felt that their teacher was greater than the other three. But then they decided there must be a greater knowledge on the other side or from the other person. And they reached out to learn from the others.

      And they said among themselves, “We must elect one of the four which [will] be greater, and stand to lead all of us.”

      The four had heard all these things. And none did comment. They stood in their own places, and found their own seats among the fire that gave forth the light and the warmth. And they said unto one another, “First, let us pray unto the Lord that this meeting should come out to fit into His greater pattern. Then let each of us contribute our knowledge, that we may take from one another.” And so, they did do so.

           And one of the wise men said unto the others, “I have brought this message for you, for I believe in your truth, I believe in your knowledge. I have brought this message from my people that was given unto us -- to love one another, to share with those who would allow you to share, to give of the knowledge as a free thing.”

      And another shepherd said, “I hear, and I too have come from my people. And our greatest gift that we may bring unto you is faith, the faith that binds us together in peace and love, the faith that we [will] accept your gifts in such a manner that it shall not insult you, nor insult God.”

      The third said, “I have come forth, and I bring the gift of hope, [in] the hope that I too, and our people, shall accept your faith and love in such a manner that it shall not offend you, and not offend God.”

And the fourth sat for a long time. And the other three said, “Have we offended you?”

            And he said, “No. It is just that your gifts are so great and so beautiful I have taken into myself that I must bring forth thought. And that is a gift I may bring you, the thought that love, hope, and faith may bring eternity to our people, may bring life and health and happiness, that all these things may spread out unto you. Let us link ourselves together. Let the soul substance of each of us join in the center, and let it feed from there unto the four corners of the Earth.”

            And so they brought forth unto the souls, not only of themselves, but the souls of the land they had come from, the souls of the people who were willing, and supported them in their journey. And it was a beautiful blending of light and sound that came forth in the center. And all was in awe of such a beautiful sight.

            And then they said, “Let us sleep and eat, and then, in the morrow we shall talk further.” And so they did sleep and they [ate].

            And then, of the second day the first wise man said, “I bring you knowledge of one who should come. He is coming to bring peace unto the Earth. And he has said unto us to prepare a way. I bring you this gift.”

      And the second said, “I too bring this same gift.”

      And the third said, “I too bring the same gift.”

      And the fourth, once again, was very thoughtful. And they said unto [him], “Have we offended you in any way?”

            And he said, “Nay. But I too have brought this gift. But I must show you that those gifts that you have already given are what we need to prepare the way. Let us do this, that we shall always remember. Let us build a house upon this ground, and let it reach to the east, the north, the south and the west, to the four corners of the Earth. And let us make it into a round building that may touch all the universe. And let it come out and around, and let it be known, that there shall be no more wars, nor hate, nor greed, nor jealousies of any kind, for now there is no room for this.”

            Again their helpers began, each to say how much greater their masters were than the others.

            And the fourth came and said, “Let us trade helpers, that they may learn.” And they did so, and they left. And in three years they returned to the same place. And there before them stood a beautiful building. It was round; it touched the four corners of the earth, and it had four doorways. And each did enter from a separate doorway and form their circle.

            And the first said, “It is strange, brothers, but why do we have four doorways?”

            The second said, “The four doorways is so that we may not go out of our way to enter the building.”

            The third said, “But why do we need four doorways? Can we not all enter all together, in the same way?”

            The fourth thought long and said, “The four doorways shall represent the many mansions of our Father. Each person who enters this building may enter with their own beliefs, their own way of worship, into the house of God. Yet, let us place one doorway, that we may all enter as equals before God.” [See The Revelation 21:9-27.]

            And the discussion began of where the doorway should be. And before them into the center of the light that they had transformed into energy came forth one clad in a brilliant, beautiful robe of white, one whose color was neither black, nor yellow, nor red, nor brown, nor white.

            They looked upon him in amazement and he said, “You have done much to prepare the way for me. I have entered by none of your doorways, for it is the spiritual substance which I have brought here. And being the spiritual substance, God shall see, and know, and hear, and feel, and love, and hope. All of these He shall do, as you do, and as I shall do. I shall not tell you where to build your doorway, but if you shall prepare the way for me, the doorways must be in your heart. And they should not need to be four, but one.”

            And he left.

            And each spoke up rapidly and said, “Oh, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.”

            And the fourth said, “He answered all our questions. We just did not hear him. In each of our lands we have great libraries where his words are written in many languages across the face of the Earth, and we have heard him not. Let us hear him. Let us put the doorway to our hearts in this building. Let us enter through the doorway with our hearts, our souls, our spirits and our immortal bodies. Let [they] become light unto the Lord’s. Let there be greatness and [psalms]. Let joy ring out from our hearts unto all men and all mankind. Let this place be as a mirror -- and from it, many doorways shall be built across the lands. Let us hear his words and know they are true. But to know if one is true, you must first hear and understand, so I bring you unto this day, understanding.”

            They all left.

            And the third year they came back, only this year there was one doorway, entered by the north, and one small exit that a person could leave, [by] the south. And they sat down together. And they cast the energy into the circle. The soul, the love, the hope, the faith of all mankind [grew] into the circle.

            And again, the one appeared into the circle. And he said unto them, “For I am the oldest of you and the youngest. I am the wisest, and the most dumb. I laugh with a light heart and heavy heart, for I am all things that you are. For I come from my Father to tell you these words, for you are His children, who is well pleased.”

      We have told you this parable. It is only a parable, a story of understanding. Love one another as you would wish the Messiah to love you. Love one another as you would wish God to love you.

            Ask not what God will give you. Ask not what God may do for you. Ask deep in your hearts what you shall give and do for God.

            Let there be laughter in your hearts, and songs in your minds. Let the true meaning of what we have said here today come to you. Let it surround you like a lover. Let it mold into your ever-being. Let it be.

      Take not from our words, nor add to. But let each one, as teardrops upon your earth, take that that should fulfill their needs. Bind together. Cast aside these things we have spoken of. Cast them aside and let the beautiful, [who] All-being, enter into you.

      If another comes to you with negative thoughts, you do not need these. If another comes to you with anger, you do not need these. You do not have to pick them up. If another comes to you with greed, you need not pick this up. Pick up and cherish in your heart, in your soul, and allow that to enter into you which [would] make you a whole being.

      We have not left you. We have not forsaken you. We have not ceased to love you.

      There is a time for all things. Let that time begin now, in you, in each of you. Let it reach into your souls, into your spirit. Let it become your immortal bodies, blended with God, and know that He loves you.

      Now is the time of the Cherubim. You have all been through great tests, trials, and tribulations. You have all felt the heavy hand of that that we would call the Anti-Christ, and his movements, the Beast who goes before him to prepare his way. Accept not this mark. [See The Revelation, chapters 12-22.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1980 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona