April 3, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and in this way. For, in a time the Lord, God, had made the plans that His son should come unto you, and, therefore, He did choose one who would come forth for the preparation of the same. This one’s name, as you would know him, would be called, John the Baptist. “The Baptist” was placed as an after-name upon him because he went before and in front of all others, and did baptize unto the Lord, God. And he told them, “I am here to prepare the way.” Many gathered from far lands to come unto him, to receive the baptism of the spirits of God.

He abided by all the laws of Moses. And he was there for the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. Yet he had come as the sons of man did descend upon the Earth. He had come from another planet in another galaxy, known as Yahweh, named after the Lord, God.

From lifetime unto lifetime he came to prepare the way. And from lifetime unto lifetime he felt failure. And yet, before him, as he baptized the one known as Jesus, and all that had come before this, he felt that this time success. For at long last his journey would end. At long last his quest would be fulfilled, his destiny.

Yet, he had seen all things, even before he was born, as the one known as Mary, the mother, did come unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and John was in the womb of Elizabeth. He knew then that for a short distance was the one he would go before, and great joy filled John.

            And so, the day that came forth of his baptism of Jesus, he felt at that time his total journey was done. He cared not how he would die, as long as he could see that what he had done was a righteous thing before God. And hell feared him, even when he put him in a dungeon. He even feared him when he cut away his head, and left it to the dogs.

It was not long after death that John knew his journey was but to begin again, for after the crucifixion, and even before it, he had wandered into a new land. And the tips of the Eagle began to spread across your North American Continent and South American Continent, for he was there for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

      And he thought, “Here, in this place, where they had accepted Jesus, the Messiah, in such great multitudes, they shall never wander from the ways and his teachings.” And so, when he reached Black Mesa, to spread his wings, again he felt fulfillment, and thought his quest was ended. And at that time, he saw once again that [he had] yet, it was the beginning.

      He went forth once again, from what you would know as Salem, through your famous Spanish Inquest, through the Roman rise and fall, to find himself from body to body, until even he had become to where [that] all that was past he would forget, for his quest had become an unfulfilling thing.

And then he came forth for rebirth. And then came the day, the day that you are about to celebrate, the 3rd day of April, 1970, the day of resurrection, for all that he had been would be resurrected back unto him, and all of his heritage would be restored unto him. That day when we came unto you, and spoke, we said unto you, “We have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

      We have told you a story of a time, of a place. It is much as you read the Akashic records; it is as though the wind has taken time, and yet, it never ends. We told you of the times when we had touched your earth and the heavens above, and the many planets and galaxies. We have even told you when we walked the earth. But most important, we have tried to explain to you that, in the task of the preparation, from the beginning until now, our time has been but for the same purpose. Many have gathered to hear our words -- and hear the words of God.

      Many have believed us, and many have shunned the words. But the Lord, God, has not been displeased. Now, above all other times, His gladness, as a bouquet of roses, as a healing well, has been passed on to you. Into the hearts of each of you, we see your souls, the souls that you have prepared to place before God, as an offering unto Him.

      As we said before, we do not ask for the blood of the Lamb. There are many times when you have thought that we had asked for your blood, yet we had not. The fulfillment of the soul is a cup who runneth over, a horn of plenty, that for what you take from it may be replaced in full.

The baptism of your soul unto God is a beautiful thing between you and God -- and the light of the Lord at your doorstep. For you have not left Him outside, but you have beckoned Him to come in to that quiet place within yourself, where a candle burns, where a cool pool runs clear, for you have said to the Lord, God, “Enter into the temple,” the temple of God, which is yourselves.

      For those of you who have worked but one day, the Lord would bow upon His knees to give you thanks. For some of you who have worked so long, through the 11 years, who have wavered many times, but stayed, the Lord says unto you, “You have our undivided love.” For in each of you, you have given all you have. You have given love unto God, the most important commodity that you possess.

      We say unto you, take this day and make it holy unto yourselves, and never forget. For the Rose shall be placed in each of you, [it] shall be stamped into your souls, for you have picked up the flowers at your feet and have passed them on to others.

      You have gone unto the mountaintops and to the seas. You have crossed the seas and spread the word[s].

      We say unto you, remember this, the Anti-Christ cannot hurt you, cannot harm you, cannot place his mark upon you. For you, through your own turmoil, through the struggles you have gone through, have proven yourselves worthy of the love of God. Many times we have said to you, “This word you use so often, yet did not know the meaning of.” And we told you to stand beneath the cross; the cross is the crucifixion of yourself. “And feel the blood,” the blood was your own blood that ran through your veins. The life was your own life. Now you shall know the true meaning of this word.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

      There are many questions which you wish answered; in your next reading we shall answer more.

Some of you say, “Why have all things been taken? Why have I been uprooted from my land and brought to this place?”

      And we say to you, it was but the test of your soul. If you shall go about your task each day and be as a mirror, reflecting out unto others that great warm fire which burns within you, giving it to others as it has been given to you, then forever will the gift be given, the gift of love. Bring this into your hearts. You shall waver, you shall doubt, yet you shall return back unto yourself.

      The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The course of your history is now about to change. Great things shall come forth in the next year, and great catastrophes.

      Soul Ray now grows very tired, and we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.