April 24, 1981

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

      And we shall say unto you unto these words. For at the time of the crucifixion, and during the time of many crucifixions across the lands of the whole Roman Empire, there were days in some lands that hundreds would be crucified at a time. And there were those of the rich who bought the ground for their gardens that the men’s blood had run into. And they used it, therefore, as a fertilizer for their plants.

And on the day that Jesus of Nazara was crucified, a small girl stood and watched, and could not understand. For she had traveled from a faraway land that she might, see this one and be healed of her affliction, for she had had that that you would know as polio as a very small babe, and her limbs were useless. And to her parents, who were quite wealthy, and the people who, therefore, they were staying with, all watched -- and to her parents, they thought, “Here we have come across into the far land to have our child healed, and now it shall not come about.” The father thought of the great expense that had occurred in their travels. The mother thought only of the child’s legs. The child thought only of the horror that she was seeing before her eyes. Yet she could not take her eyes from the spot as the darkness came upon the land.

And then the time came when they removed Jesus to the tomb. One came with a cart to remove the earth beneath where he was crucified. And to her horror, she watched the earth being brought to the very house she lived in. And she watched it being placed upon the ground. And there in the garden there grew a wild rose, a beautiful wild rose. And they placed this beneath it, placed water there.

The child’s only thought was, “If they do this to the rose it shall destroy it.” The mother, the father, and those they would visit were busy talking among themselves, when the child crawled on its hands and knees and pulled itself to where the wild rose was. And there it placed its hands together, this small frail little girl, and prayed unto the Lord that those who had gathered the blood of Jesus would be forgiven, but most of all that the rose be forgiven for taking nourishment from his blood.

As she began to pray, it began to rain very gently, and the blood seemed to disappear into the ground, and then, the roses came forth in abundance. The little girl knew her prayers had been answered, and she knew from this day forth that the rose would be a sacred plant.

      Her parents called and she turned to pull herself away and she stood upright and walked. Her parents [had] great glory, and all proclaimed the rose bush a healing place.

It was not by accident that the Lady of Guadalupe requested that roses be planted there, in another land, for the suffering and the blood of a people. And it was not by idle thought that we brought and placed into your hands A Rose without Thorns. For you see, the thorns of that that man has placed there, as the crucifixion, [the] brush has carried its thorns unto this day.

      I did not think that deep into your hearts you have known the meaning of that unto which we speak. Therefore, we shall say unto you these words. In the knowledge that you have trespassed upon another in the slightest of manner is cause to ask forgiveness, both from your Lord and from the person you have trespassed upon, for you have committed a grave sin into the Lord, unto the person you have trespassed upon, and unto yourself, for you have carried the sin into the temple of God, that is your body.

The Lord has given you all He has, and He wishes not the blood of the Lamb, but only the love. In your day-to-day tasks, if you could love one another enough to forgive their ignorance, for the man who went out and got the soil beneath the cross did not know. It was just a job for him, a way to make a living. He was making a grave error, yet in the grave error that he made he brought forth a great service. You see, we only see what we wish to see. We only hear what we wish to hear. And we only transfer the thought that we wish to transfer.

      When you leave this reading, each of you will have heard us in a different way. Each of you will take from here an opinion, and [the] opinion of which you shall make judgment of. And you shall judge in your mind, and through your mind’s eye, whether that that we have spoken is true or false, or whether it is just a simple child’s story, and some will say it is not even worth telling. And some will even say they have gathered great knowledge, and carry the gift we have given you and give it to others.

            Glory be the Lord. Glory be His children, forever and ever.

            You have questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a group question. You were talking about setting up a barter system, and we ask how you suggest setting up the trade links or our method of bartering amongst ourselves since we are not in a bartering society. Do you have a suggestion how this could be done?”

      Yes, and we shall answer in this manner. You have the tools at hand, which is a newsletter. Place in that those who wish to sell or to trade that which they have. Let those who are seeking certain thing[s] place in it things that they want. And each shall come unto the other. Place, therefore, a page within your newsletter that this may be used, free to all members. It shall enrichen both them and you.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. In our preparation of the issue on holistic healing, we realized we have asked only about the health of sick persons, when perhaps we should have been asking about well people. For example, why does Soul Ruth [2-30-2] burn out the flu in three-and-one-half hours when it takes others around her three weeks to get over it? And why does Soul Paul [2-30-3] never get intestinal flu? How can our resistance help others?”

      We shall answer your question in this manner. Both of you are manufacturing herbs, with vitamins. These enter through the tissue and into the system, and therefore, you’d feel better protection than the average person has. But in the healing process, there is a saying that “time waits for no one.” But there is also a saying, that few wait for time.

      We shall answer your question in this manner. You mentioned this flu, which is a man-made deferment [detriment?]. First, it contained 12 initial viruses. Now it has mutated into 48 viruses, any and all capable of making the human being immobile.

      There is a second side of this which has not been seen. Your Government released the 12-sided virus in the beginning. Your Russian government issued a 12-sided virus, and the two have combined. Therefore, it is double, the 48 sides at this time.

You have two great powers now seeking to destroy that that they brought forth -- and it is destroying them. It was warned many times that if you pollute the land, you may die in a wasted land. Now we shall say unto you, in these, the summer months, there shall be a cleansing upon the earth, and not in a way that either your Government or the Russian government shall understand. And not to please either government. For the Lord has looked upon the suffering of His people, and says, “THIS IS ENOUGH.” Therefore, it shall be lifted.

      Soul Ray has brought forth in many ways, ways of counteracting these things. Continue the use of that that you call the “Flu Special,” all of you, until the cleansing is complete.

      You have other questions, ask.

          “Yes, Aka, I have one more question on this. In what form will the cleansing come?”

From God.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5-206-2]. He asks, 'Please define what the mark of the Beast is.’ He asks, ‘Is it a physical mark?’” [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

      We should answer your question in this manner. If a man comes forth into your house and takes all you own of a material nature, and his thirst is, therefore, not satisfied, but he rapes your wife and kills all your animals, does he not carry in his heart a mark that can never be erased? That is one form of marking. The other form of marking shall be a very real, material marking. We have explained to you in other reading[s] this mark and why circumcision has been used -- the fore head.

You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [3-63-1…she’s here tonight] and she asks, ‘Where did I put the envelope with the money?’”

      You placed the envelope [and put] the money which you desire in that of a trunk, in the top of the same. This is where you usually keep your papers. But there is someone else in your house who thinks they need the money more than you, and they have used it.

      Now we shall say unto you these words, for soul Ray is very tired, and as you know, the use of his body can bring a great strain upon him. Therefore, due to his present health, we shall say unto you, unto the other questions which you have before you, that they may be answered, for each who wish an answer this night, if you shall open the doorway to your mind, as you sleep we shall enter and place the answer. And we shall place it in a wakening state for those who shall listen and hear and see.

      Now, the Fourth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware, for the Fifth walks also.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A, Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.