August 21, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee this parable.

There were six who decided to journey to a far away land. They made all things ready for their journey. Each packed their individual things. Some had already made up their mind what they would find at the end of the journey. Others had not.

            They began to travel, and on the wayside they stopped. Each brought forth that proportion of the meal that they were to provide, when suddenly they realized that they had all brought the same thing. At first they were too embarrassed to say anything to one another, when suddenly, they all began to laugh. And they said unto each other, “Since we have all brought the same thing for this meal. let us see if we have all brought the same thing with us.”

And they began to unpack their belongings. And lo and behold, each matched the other. When it got to the very end, one brought forth the Koran, another brought forth a Bible of the King James version; another brought forth the old Hebrew Bible; another brought forth the teaching of Islam; another, the teaching of Mohammed; another, the teachings of Buddha; another, the Torah; another, the New Testament. And so it went.

And they said, “Well, this is one thing we did not bring alike. But since we have all brought forth, from all different religions, let us each read from them.” And from each, they read, when suddenly, they realized that even though they spoke different words, their meanings were the same.

And they were surprised. They said, “These things we must study.” They packed their things and continued their journey.

            At the end of their journey they went forth unto a teacher. And the teacher laughed and said, “Did you not all bring forth apples and pears, alike?”

            And all of them said, “Yes.”

            “Did you all bring forth bread of the same kind?”

            And they said, “Yes.”

            And he said unto them, “Did all of these things not come from God?”

            And they said, “Yes.”

            He said unto them, “Then why do you think my Father should hide anything from any of His children? In all of your writings are all the word of God, and all are true. The only part that is not true is when you feel that you can build a mansion only for yourself.

You all journeyed together, and did so in good fellowship. You all came from the same place, and you all ended in the same place. These are the pathways of God. And so it is with your writings, your philosophy, your beliefs; you may speak it in many tongues, or write it in many languages, yet the meaning shall always be the same.”

            And they said to the master, “Then why cannot we all have but one book that we study from?”

            The master said unto them, “Each hand me your books,” and they did so. And he stacked one upon the other. And then he laid them side by side. He turned them over and stood them up, and said unto them, “No matter what position you put them in, or which should come first, for has it not been said unto you that ‘the last shall be first, and the first shall be last?’ This is the way with the teachings. Man, in his own reach for his pathway to God, has chosen, as the books you carry, his own path; yet the ending is all the same.”

            And he walked back and he said unto them, “I give you all, each of you, six rose plants. I shall bid you that you go back to where you came from and sell the rose plants. But do not tell one other that that you receive for them. But as you sell the rose plant, tell each person what you have found here today. And return.”

            They went back upon the journey. Each went forth to sell the plant. Each would reach a different religion than their own, for when they described what they had found, this great new truth, some would listen, some would not. But, for those who would listen, it made no difference from what religion they were from. And when they were told, each, that they were to sell the rose plant and help with the planting, and return, each of the persons they sold to received the plant as they received the words, in joy.

They all returned. And they placed that that they had received for the master. Some was more and some was less.

            And the master placed it all together, and said, “Now tell me, which is your money?”

            They all looked at it, and each said, “Well, I received such-and-such for mine. But I cannot tell which is my money.”

            He said, “So is the pathways to God. Some will pay more, they think, to receive the pathway to God. The truth is, there is no price. The pathway to God is free for all. The climbing is free for all. The sharing is free for all.

“Now I give you this money. Return with it and build a temple with six sides, that it may house each of your religions. But in the center leave a square. And therefore, I shall give you six more rose plants. And make a fountain there, and tell all who come that they shall share in the square.”

            As time passed, they would journey once again to the master. And the master said unto them, “What have you learned?”

            They said, “Some still argue over their religions, but they all do so in the square. And they all enjoy the square.”

            And the master said unto them, “Then the square is that of the water, the soul of God, and you have delivered it unto your people. Is this not fulfillment for you?”

            They became very excited, and they said, “But master, should we not go out and build other squares?”

            The master joyfully laughed with them and said, “When you have received all you can from your own square, when you have put into it all you can, then go out and build another square.”

            They returned back. And they all became, within time, quite old.

And they all sat and talked that they should make another pilgrimage as they sat around the square, when suddenly before them was the master. And he said unto them, “I have come to reap my harvest.”

            And they said unto him, “What do you mean?”

            And he said unto them, “You have [want] to go and build other squares, yet you have remained here?”

            They said, “Yes, master, but we do not have all the knowledge. We still have much to share.”

            The master laughed, and said, “Then you have prepared a place for my head. Send your children out; they shall prepare a place for the rest of me.”

            Now once again you shall think we [have] spoken unto you as in a riddle. But nay, the simplicity of the answer lies within one of you, for this is your square.

You think to build a building, this is good − a place that you may meet, a place that you may bring forth and have and study your readings, a place that you may share many things with one another. This is good. But we say unto you, put no law before the Lord − for when you journey, or when you build, build with love in gratitude unto one another. Give thanks unto one another. Give thanks unto yourselves and unto the Lord, God. And your day of rejoicing shall be all around you.

Worry not where a safe place shall be, for those who should walk in the light of our Father, do you not think that our Father shall see of your needs and provide? And that that you have built within you, do you think anyone can take it from you? No thief can take what is truly within you, for you are one with God.

            Now we say unto you, you have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [7-316-1…Winterhaven, California]. He asks, ‘What herbs, minerals and food should I eat more of?’”

            We see thy need, and we shall say unto you, soul Ray has already answered these questions for you. If you have not heard him correctly, come forth and he shall give you this information.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have another question from him, Aka. He asks, ‘Could you tell us of events that brought about the crucifixion of Jesus in Yuma?’ And for guidance. ‘Thank you,’ he says”

            We say unto you, the events that brought forth the second crucifixion were brought about by those who thought that they saw the way. They thought they owned the way. And they knew not that they had the way before them. And they thought by destroying that that was before them, that God could not reach down and collect His bounty.

            [Editor’s note: Here the reading is interrupted by loud knocking at the front door three different times. Then Aka says to awaken Ray.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona