December 4, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee, as we have said before, in the darkest of hours, there shall grow hope and light. We have told you before that many things shall be placed within thy pathways by those who work from the other side, and by that we mean those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall go to many lengths to discredit and to harm you. But remember, no man, not even the Anti-Christ, can harm you. He may not put the mark of the Beast upon you. Only you can do this. As long as your heart and your soul and your spirit stays in the hands of God, and your trust, then we are there, we are with you.

            If you give up, and say, “What difference does it make? What difference that one soul is lost unto the Anti-Christ?” − it can make all the difference, because the more that can stand against these marks, so shall the chances of your world becoming as one, a world of peace. In a time when war looms around you, in a time when chaos seems inevitable, if you shall look, you shall see the tiniest of flower that shall blossom, and from it may grow a great garden. But if you pay it no attention, if you say, “So what, there is one flower,” and destroy it, then it cannot grow into the garden. That flower is the spark of hope within you, and faith, the faith to know that your God is with you. He is not just with you in the best of times. He is with you in the worst of times. And “yea, should you walk through the valley,” where all within it could be evil, if you walk through the valley with God, there is nothing to fear, for He is not just beside you, He is within you.

            We know, when these things happen over and over, [and] more and more is brought forth, you are inclined to say, “What good is it all? I can just give up and walk away. I can turn my back upon this and say, ‘I do not need it.’”

            There will be those who say unto you, “You are not Godly.” There will be those who shall say unto you, “You are wrong.” There shall be those who shall say, and use the word, God’s words, to deceive you, to convince you to walk away.

            We shall say unto you these words. When Mary Magdalene was brought before Jesus, and he said unto those who would stone her, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone,” and when they turned and walked away, Jesus did not stone her for two reasons. He found no reason to stone her, no great sin to stone another human being, for he knew God did not want her blood, for that is not God’s way.

So often, when all goes wrong we either stone each other with words, because we are hurt within and confused, shouldn’t we not think, “If you have wronged and learned from it, you need not stone yourself. That is not what God wishes, for when you stone yourself, you harm the temple of God. God has no wish for this.” When you learn from a mistake, put is aside, and go on. Do not blame [continually] yourself.

Or when your brothern has made a mistake, do not continue to blame him for it. If your brother makes mistake and tries to rectify the mistake, is it necessary that they kneel before you and say, “Forgive me?” Nay, this is not necessary. You and they both know a mistake was made. It was by act, and their actions. If your actions against them become bad, then they shall react against you. It is like throwing a pebble into a brook. For every act, there is a reaction. Yet, when another acts in a harsh manner, it is sometimes without, a lack of understanding. When there is not true understanding, there is anger, there is harshness, and cruelty. Stop, think, “This is my brother; this is the person I have loved all this time. Are they so wrong that I cannot forgive them?” And in the process of forgiving them, you allow them to forgive themselves.

            It was said of Jesus, “How many times shall I forgive?” And I know, in a sense, that it sounded like forever. But here are all these who love you, each unto another. Their actions are petty sometimes, and out of place, though they work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and they look and they seem ungodly. But they act only out of frustration, not meanness, not cruelty.

Know these things within yourself, and should you know them, go unto them and say, “Am I not still your friend? Am I not still your brothren? Do I not still love you? You [were] wrong, but you see it. You did not need to stone yourself, nor shall I stone you. Let us put it on the shelf where it belonged, and both of us shall learn from it.”

            For the mistake they made, if you truly learn from theirs, you shall not make it, and you shall become greater for it, not only in the eyes of God, but in your own eyes.

            There are many who do not want to hear these words. There are many who would come and say unto you, “They speak lies unto you.”

What have we to gain to speak lies unto you? What have we to gain − we do not ask for your souls. We do not ask for your worldly things. We come not to take from you. But we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Believe us in what we say this day.

You think when you walk alone that you are alone. You are not, we walk with you. We hear your thoughts. We feel your hurts. We even feel your frustrations. But we say unto you, faith, love, hope − are not these the things that God built your Earth upon? Are not these the things that we gave you an instrument for?

            We know how you feel at this moment, when that of the instrument shall be restricted in the things that he may do for the present. You think, “Why do they not act against these who have offended, or those who have lied? Why did this that we call, the prophet, lie down as though he were a dog and take this punishment?” He did not take this punishment for himself. He knew that it was not the time. He knew that all of you would hurt because of what he was accused of doing. We asked unto you these words. If we guide his hands each day, do you think that a healer can destroy, when all he has done is heal? Have you not seen him when he could not pierce the ears of his own daughter without healing it?”

            You have fear for his life. You have fear for his health. Then help him. Help him by giving back the love. Help him by loving each other. Help him by loving yourselves enough to forgive yourselves. Remember, fear is a beast. It is like jealousy is a beast. Once it is given [the] fuel of your feelings, it grows and continues to grow, into a bigger and bigger, and greater monster. Hate is the same. You need these not in your lives.

            Are we but one crying in the wilderness? Can you not hear us? Can you not feel us? When we have been with you every day, are we strangers to you?

            Love one another. That is the words we give unto you, that are the same words the Messiah gave to you before. Know this, that your instrument, your prophet, bears a great knowledge that he may not even share with you. But if it is necessary, he shall give up his life for you. We plead unto you, do not make this necessary − for if he does, this world shall lose for all time, not just for now.

            We speak to you with the words of our Father, who dearly loves you.

These who should plan and plot are not through yet. Yet there shall be thought form sent unto them throughout and from out the many souls on both sides. Take a time when we finish this reading that the thought forms shall be sent to them in such a manner that the fire may be laid aside. [Note: See August 2, 1975, parable.]

            But remember, as we have said before, when you pray to God for something, if you want a car, do not just ask for the car, ask for a way to make the payments upon the car, pay the taxes upon the car, and the fuel and the maintenance necessary to run it, and a place to park it. Think your words out carefully. Think your thought transfer out carefully before you send it, and it shall come through clear.

            But love one another. With unity, you have everything. Without it you have nothing.

We know that each of you look around you and see the small sins of the other. But when is a sin so great that you cannot forgive? When does it become? You may stop a person who is about to kill you, with a physical act, but the act, even though a violent one, can be produced with love and compassion.

            We are giving of the words of another, who shall come after the one you call the Prophet now. But it is not time; it is not time that he should leave you. Yes, we took the steps necessary to keep him with you. We did make the repairs. We did waken you, that you might see with you own eyes the anguish and the desperation that lies within him.

Each of you have been brought here for a purpose. Each of you were here before at every time when the coming of the Messiah has been attempted. Had it been the time last time, he would not have been crucified, but it was not the time. But now, before you, in a short span of years is that time. He now lives upon your earth. He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him. He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ.

            We have taught you the power of the mind. Ray has hidden nothing from you except the time that has been given to him of the great catastrophes, and the place where the Messiah is hidden. These things he knows, because the Father has seen fit to place these in his keeping. He also knows that it shall take each of you, each one of you, doing what you call your meager tasks, the things that don’t seem important. You are reaching more people each day through your clinic than you would in any other way. Each person you have touched becomes a thousand. Each person who passes through shall never be the same. Regardless of what happens, there will always be in their mind, “There is a God; there is a different way.”

            You walk with, between all faiths. Some of them would destroy you if they could − and think that they were righteous in doing so, and think that God was on their side. No, God is not on their side. God is with you. We have told you before, there shall be many false prophets who shall come and say, “Look how great I am. Look what I have done.”

            We are only here as the tools of God. We are not here to destroy you, your thoughts, your minds, your bodies. We are not here to own you. We are here to plead with you and give you knowledge. Take it, as [a] flower.

            You may think that the tasks that have been placed before you are not important. But believe us when we say, they are the most important things upon this Earth at this time, or any other earths, in all the worlds and galaxies put together. They are like the man who is to build a dike. He started with one rock. You have many rocks now, for you are many. If you come together, [then] that’s the way to build the bridge, the dike, that that should hold back these things that are happening. [If you] come together in thought, in thought-form, and in love, all shall be laid aside.

            It shall not be easy.

We did not promise you all your wants. When soul Ray made the decision to come back to you, we promised him nothing. We told him he would be ridiculed and persecuted because of it. Yet he came, because he had found two things: himself and God, and his love for His people, God’s children. And so he has chosen to serve. He has wavered many times, but he has continued.

            We have come not here tonight to preach at you, to lecture at you; we have come here tonight to plead with you. Take these thoughts from your mind − the thoughts to run away, the thoughts to hide, the thoughts to hate one another. Take the petty things out of your life, and you shall find the riches that you seek.

            Some of you do not understand Ray’s love for all of you, and the depth of his love, yet the loneliness of the man. For remember, he is a man. He hurts when he buries you. And he cries in the loneliness of his own despair. He has joy when he marries you. He has joy in bringing new life among you. And he has great joy in healing you. Yet he is a man, with all the feelings of a man. His body is weak. Help him. Help us, for when he dies, so shall we, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.    


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright  © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.