December 11, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Where is Ray?”          

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of Thy children, forever and ever.

            We shall tell unto thee the parable of the farmer who came unto a strange land, and there he found two other farmers, each trying to select the best land to grow crops and wheat of many types. There were three parcels of land left. The first two chose the bottom land, the best land, they thought.

The third farmer took what was left. He worked the land and he moved the rocks. And as he removed the rocks he built walls with them. And in building the walls he built dikes, dikes that would hold the water in and dikes that would release the water. And as each year went by his crops improved.

            The two farmers from the lower lands could not understand this. They had the best lands. Yet at times they were washed out, and other times they had not enough rain, and other times too much. Yet the farmer who farmed upon the hill in a terraced manner, his crops [were] better year by year. So they went unto him, and they said, “When you arrived here there was but the rocky land of the hill for you to farm upon. Yet you did not complain? You went about the task of terracing the land, and now you grow the best crops in all the land. How is this so?”

            The farmer said unto them, “[Where] we do the best we have with what we have. You in the bottom land have stripped your land of all vegetation, and therefore, when it rains the water has nowhere to go. You have not placed the dikes necessary to control the water, nor to contain it during the dry periods.”

             The other two farmers looked upon this one, and said unto him, “But how do you know of all this?”

            And the farmer who farmed the rocky land said back unto them, “For it is with the joy of God I farm. The harvest is always abundant because I shall tithe with that which I have to tithe with. And the Lord, God, knows this, and therefore, He has provided me with this wonderful piece of land, which required much work, but greater yet, [our] faith, the faith to know that God was with me always.”

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. A [13-452-1…Dripping Springs, Arizona] asks, ‘What is the cause of my headaches, and what can be done to correct this problem?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. First we should explain in this manner. The inflammation of the nerve in itself is the direct cause of thy headaches. A great deal of this inflammation is the lack of the blood supply in these. To go without this system [re-staying? retains?] in pain substance. The nerves in the back of the neck have become inflamed to the arthritic state, and yet, the body keeps continuing to cry out, “Warning! Warning, for see, I am not well! Repair me.”

            These to the parts necessary to repair the body is locked up within the birth. They allow the doors to be opened; they allow us to enter, allow us to convey messages. Many shall think that the answer we have just given you is not so. Whatever you give unto the Lord, He shall give you tenfold, be it love, or money, or yourself.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. The Publications Department has a question, ‘Is the 11th Commandment, ‘Give to yourself that which is yours?’”

            Give unto all things that that belongs in them to themselves. In that way, you shall be doing God’s work in all three.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “There is another question from the Publications Department; ‘Is the three-part outline for the “Ten Commandments” pamphlet suitable, or would you like the material arranged in some other manner?’ The material arranged is, ‘Give unto God that which is God’s,’ Commandments 1-4; ‘Give unto your brother that which is his,’ Commandments 5-10; and the 11th Commandment, which they have down here as, ‘Give unto yourself that which is yours.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, this is true.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. A [13-152-2…Tucson] asks, ‘Do I have a gift, and how should I use it?’ She says, ‘God bless you.’”

            (Chuckle.) For God created man and woman, and He sent them forth to multiply and inhabit the Earth.

We say unto thee, unto these words, awaken soul Ray from his slumber now.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted with names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502